Are you, have you ever been, or will you ever be an... incel?

Objection, your honor, this is a leading question and my client is pleading the 5th.


I learned what an incel was this year, as did many people. If you’re unfamiliar, it stands for “involuntary celibate;” a man that wants to have sex, but can’t because no woman will sleep with him.

Here’s the problem with that description: I was in incel before being an incel was a thing. I was a teenager, which is when pretty much everyone is an incel.

Looking back on that period of my life, I easily recognize that my lack of female companionship was all my fault.

I was a moody, anti-social teenager with a chip on my shoulder, wore black Metallica shirts and torn jeans, and I had a mullet.

A mullet.

That’s never a good idea, especially not when trying to attract the fairer sex.

Then I got to college, and something changed: me.

I (eventually) got rid of the mullet, dialed back (for the most part) the anger, dressed better, and, and this is the big one, actually started talking to women.

It turns out, I was an “incel” by choice. My decisions were voluntary, not thrust upon me by the outside world.

That’s a huge distinction, and some people never make it.

Many people don’t see how their actions affect how the world at large perceives them, which means they never grow or develop as human beings. Which, in turn, is the difference in humanity in general: some people lash out and blame others for their lot in life, some people look inward and make changes.

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this incel thing is being blown way out of proportion

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What is this plebbit spaces copypasta lmao. This whole incel psyop is fucking weird, the feminist establishment has completely decided to...persecute virgin men because they may contain unfavourable views of our satanic witch overlords.

Let's see:
I have a wife and several kids, so I'm gonna go ahead and say no to that.

Women are stupid. Throw rocks at them.

whats funny is this incel movement started and men are making posts titled like this "here's how I changed". women get fat? "here's why youre beautiful"

Sick of this CIA "incel" meme honestly.
If you are having trouble with not attracting females, try looking after yourself, lift weights, brush your teeth, get a haircut, eat proper food & develop hobbies outside of video games and jacking off

reminder that "incel" is a jewish trick to convince people to "change" into shitfaced feminists and cucks and vote Hillary
>only people who are labled "incel" are right-wingers

I used to be an incel until I started getting regularly jerked off at this comfy little chinese massage parlor.

sorry bro, but womynz don't give a shit about any of those things lmao
seriously nobody fucks anyone based on hobbies or what you eat. stop pretending like those things matter

How has this virgin shaming crap not backfired on the left yet. A lot of people are virgins either for religious reasons or shyness. I tried to speed run once and the girl turned out to be an alarmist feminist. You can guess how that turned out.

>Wife and kids
>Posting on Jow Forums at 1030 in the morning
You lying NEET.



Why are they so obsessed with men complaing on an internet forum about stupid shit?

You're right to some extent, but you do need to have a hobby or two that puts you in contact with women to be able to actually meet them.

now youre just a walletcel

No I've never had a problem getting the ladies.

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Incels blown the fuck out. Let's kill all those incel faggots for being such fucking moronic losers.

No girl wants a guy who likes anime, because it's fucking gay

I;m a BBC nigger that BLACK white women almost every day and some angry roastie called me an incel because I told her I wasn't interested in her old used up cunt. The wold holds no power anymore.

On the 8th November 2016 they realized disgruntled white male joking together on Peruvian beer-bottle caps trading forums could throw quite a wrench in the cogs of their progressive utopia.

Women only care about physical aspects that you cannot change about yourself, such as height, eye color and the amount of hair you've got.
Height is the biggest hurdle. If you aren't tall enough, most women won't even give you the time of the day. You can try to talk to them all you want, it won't change that fact.

Incels are losers? Whoop di fucking do, tell me something new.

I mean I've still never gotten laid or had a girlfriend but I don't really care about it anymore so I think that makes me no longer an incel.

Insurance pays for most of it. ~$50/month is a small price to pay to help combat the incel problem.

>Penis Inspection Day will become reality within your lifetime

>Women only care about physical aspects
I guess you go for the 2/10 fat, short and black girls right user?
We all care about physical aspects of a potential mate, dont be a hypocrite

>Why are they so obsessed with men complaing on an internet forum about stupid shit?
Because the internet is supposed to be the Star Trek future. It's not supposed to consist of smelly, unfuckable nerds beating off to weird porn. This reaction to the incel situation is just the Gen X liberal version of Boomer "future shock" when 2015 came and we didn't have flying cars like in Back to the Future II. It got worse with the "Beta Uprising", but it doesn't have legs. Most Xers believe in a cynical, Gibsonian Neuromancer future instead, which incels are a part-and-parcel of.

Except that women don't have hobbies. Seriously, most hobbies and clubs are 90% male. Most (((modern women))) care about Netflix, drinking and cats. The younger ones party and do drugs and fuck guys in bars.
Your pick as to which one you want, I suggest trying to find girls online. The offline ones tend to be the most degenerate drug addicts.

>I was a teenager, which is when pretty much everyone is an incel.
Factually incorrect. But whatever helps you sleep in your parents’ basement is fine I suppose.

I learned what an incel was this year.
I also learn I became a volcel after my ex.

Don't care? Faggot

>I used to be ugly, then I made personal changes
Plastic surgery is the only cure

I too have aquired pussy by affecting a persona with women. Tell the author good luck on maintaining his "changes" long term as it slowly kills him inside.

your INSURANCE lets you charge massage visits?


Just be yourself bro!

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Why bother do it for disgusting, worthless whores when you can do it for yourself?

Yeah, yeah. "Just don't be yourself" thanks that'll really improve lives, I'm sure.

Incels, just like bisexuals, do not exist. They're just people who are consumed with self loathing over their image, and are most likely to change everything about themselves to feel relevant.

Not only are they self loathing, they don't have an identity at all, thus the zero confidence. You didn't even speak about confidence, just appearance. I agree with what you said about introspection, but the most important factor that brings you out of your self loathing 'incel'-hood is to improve yourself in a way that appeals to you. When you dress for others, act for others, live for others, you're an approval seeker. Women hate that shit.

Very few men, if any, have height or eye color criterias. They might have a preference, but it's not a deal breaker.
The difference is that whenever I walk on the streets, I think 8 women out of 10 would be good enough physically to be a potential mate. While women think only 1 man out of 10 is good enough.

I would much rather have a robot girl.

Nobody is a fucking incel because anyone can get laid if their standards are low enough.

Single mothers would fuck even the ugliest of neckbeards if they promised to take care of their kid, or if you just pay a prostitute.

The only person to ever exist that would be an incel is the elephant man, and even then I'm sure someone would fuck him.

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>women think only 1 man out of 10 is good enough
There is a gender gap in preferred partners, for sure. It's hard to judge if a woman would be interested, since not only do they take your physicality into account, but also your employment & income, among other things. Obviously, there are a lot of women out there who aren't in the '1 in 10' crowd, but I think you get the point.

Incel is a stupid meme thrown around at anyone that doesn't bow to women. Women are the niggers of genders
>be womyn
>punch guy
>get hit back
>dindu nuffin
>every man within 100 meters chimps out and comes to your aid

No, it's not and OP is an idiot

Look at japan and 1/7 americans are virgin at 30.
It is the inability to attract a female, as OP stated, but the reason is a lack of motivation due to cultural and juristical injustice.

Many of us experienced the irresponsibility of our parents, even lack of interest and divorces ending up in men seeing their children every second weekend while having to pay their full cost for the children and ex wives.

Even the majority of normal families had both parents work and give the full responsibility away to the government

We KNOW how screwed up everything is. As a result the birthrates drastically decreased and our governments started screwing us up even more

'Incel' is the product of a massively broken society, just like the 45% depression rates in the west

volcel here
Until I meet a NAWALT, not interested at all.
The only way to win a rigged game, is to not play.

>dialed back (for the most part) the anger
this was written by a woman, wasn't it?

"incel" is popular among journalists because the majority of journalists are female. Females value themselves by how others perceive them. Incel gives single women an excuse for their failure to accomplish their only purpose.

I used to be poor.
I lived in a small crappy apartment and ate cheap food everyday.
But it turns out I was poor by choice.
I eventually started cutting costs, investing, and, and this is the big one, looking for good jobs.
My decision to be poor was voluntary, not thrust upon me by the outside world.
Some people blame others for their lot in life, some people look inward and make changes.

Now it's redpilled.

>lack of interest and divorces ending up in men seeing their children every second weekend while having to pay their full cost
Especially this. There are so many issues with the system as it exists today, it's unbelievable. Let me tell you a brief story about my cousin from his perspective as he told me it:

>Be 16
>Mom tells him that mom and dad were fighting a week before he was due
>Mom calls police on dad, he's put in jail for 2 weeks
>Misses the birth of his child
>Mom writes his name on the birth certificate for him
>Mom gets drunk one night, tells my cousin she doesn't know who his father is, but knows it's not his dad
>Paternity fraud
>His dad refused to pay child support for 18 years, instead just buying food, clothes, and necessities directly, since mom didn't
>Dad racks up $75,000 child support debt by the time cousin turns 18
>Loses contractor license, can't work, becomes homeless
>Mom was on housing and foodstamps the entire time
>Cousin confronts dad and asks what happened the night they were fighting
>Dad says she hit him then called the cops on him
>Dad says he knew who the father was
>She wouldn't let him get a paternity test
>He was too ashamed to tell his son

This is what the system allows women to do to men. Men with the best intentions. How my cousin got out of that situation and found a woman that he trusts is beyond me, but do not assume for 1 second that this is atypical behavior.

wear cowboy boots it will give you an extra inch at least. with creativity there are ways to reduce the problem

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Renounce fornication.

this. im a christian so i wouldnt have sex even if i could

Nothing wrong with a mullet

yup. incels are made, not born. look up franco, mussolini - short w/'ugly' faces; franco had a comedically feminine voice; yet they are the most alpha males of the 20th century (even hitler was short).

now look at tall handsome 'men' like obama, trudeau, pedro sanchez - all betas.

notice anything? y'aint lost

>just be yourself bro!
every time someone has told me this they would be shocked by what i tell them
they always expect that i will say that i want a cool car, girlfriend or some office job only to find out that i dont care about any of that
now i just wait for people to tell me that line because their reactions bring me amusement

>its only male
both male and female virginity rates are up.

>dressed better
>get haircut

This has already been disproven hundreds of times.

this. the less you desire women the better youll feel and your self esteem will be higher.

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>tfw vol-cel
I JUST checked out of society in middle school, fuck normies and thots. I prefer solitude.

>tfw volcel

Stalin was also a manlet at 5’6

but that's illegal

Not a christian, but follow most christian principles. I don't think I will get married, considering the baggage that comes with it, maybe, but probably not. But I think the christian value of celibacy is something that's lost on the world today. It gives you the best chance at having a stable, two-parent household, free from fatherless degeneracy that plagues the West today.

I'm glad I learned this early on, because I had ample opportunity to become a teen dad, thankfully I had my head straight and wised up before doing anything. Literally going through my head was: "Is momentary gratification worth potentially bringing a child into this world that I'm wholly unprepared to take care of?" That goes without saying that abortion has never been a consideration for me. I'm sure plenty of guys are fine with boning chicks and making them kill their child, but I personally get sick at the thought. And then there's always the chance that she doesn't abort, and you're stuck providing for a kid you never intended to have. Degeneracy.

Basically, don't stick it unless you're ready to provide for it.

I used to be an incel back in the day and now Im a wizard.

Women use sex as a form of currency, which is why I've been single for 8 years.

dating is just legal prostitution

Personal stories are great to affect the conditioned average joe, but I think statistics are very very obvious

The rate of depression, divorces, single mothers (unknown father), cheating, fathers raising child of other dudes without knowledge, feminization, wages etc.

Every western country got different problems, but all of those are all WAY too common to simply ignore them or to even call them coincidences

>as did many people
>if you're unfamiliar
>here’s the problem with that description
>looking back on that period of my life
>trying to attract the fairer sex
>dialed back (for the most part) the anger
>thrust upon me by the outside world
OP is a woman. Guessing college educated with degree in communication or journalism, white hetero, 24-38, is married or has an attractive but beta boy friend, dad was always soft on her growing up, only reads books written in the past 30 years, playing psyop detective on Jow Forums is exciting, secretly wants to be dominated by an alpha male.
How close am I OP?
Also follow up question, is this place what you expected?

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Just go to a bar and walk up to a group of women, then say "looking good tonight, ladies" then walk away. Now you've sparked their interest and the rest happens naturally as the evening progresses.

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There are no such thing as incels because rape and prostitution exist, it's just another leftist media-created boogeyman like gamergate.

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Of course, statistics speak for themselves. But statistics don't tell you about what happens before, during or after. Stories like my cousin's show you exactly where things went wrong, and can frame a path for others to avoid falling into the same situation. Statistics can be overwhelming, especially since womyn tend to think with their feelings.

>If you are having trouble with not attracting females
I think the problem most on Jow Forums face isn't so much trouble with attracting females, it's trouble attracting or even finding females who aren't fucking irreparably tainted or broken in some way that precludes them from being anything more than a quick easy fuck. Incelhood is more a Jow Forums problem.

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The issue is the pill and sexual revolution, not lack of faith.

Men were always in favor of liberty, women of security. This system has been clearly rigged in favor of the 'weak' sex.

I just wish more 'unhappy' ones were fighting for self-improvement and justice instead of allowing marxist brats and irresponsible leeches to corrupt everything

it's because women would rather be one of 25 girls fucking the hot guy than date a mediocre one
it is that simple

i am an incel
>girls think i'm weird/creep
>social phobia
>raised by a single mother
>socially inept so no friends

it's tough out there, pol. but there is always Pick-Up. but all the PUA meet ups are filled with incels, and it's mostly Indians, Asians, and some white guys too.

> typed a sociopathic normalfaggot that hooks up with sluts weekly and has a few rapes in his past

I'm an incel. MGTOW all the way. It's the only path to follow in this degenerate world.

I don't get laid very often but it is more out of personal choice. I prefer sex to be intimate with someone I care about. If I have no such woman in my life, I don't pursue sex.

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MGTOW is Feminism for men. kys.

those men were BROADCASTED, where physical stature doesn't mean as much. you can tweak an ugly face with flattering camera angles

>hooks up with sluts weekly and has a few rapes in his past
Not even close, there's a whole shit load of space between bitter incel shutin and chad rapingthundercock.

Brushing your teeth is a must. Also learning from previous rejections

>some people lash out and blame others for their lot in life, some people look inward and make changes.
I do both. Fuck off with your pseudoscience, Shareblue.

Absolutely and appreciated your posts

I always use personal stories on debates with lefties/normies to make the position clear, too, but building in some 'interesting facts' that makes people research the subject even more is an advantage of our position

'Jamal fled africa to have a better life in germany' - 'can you imagine how bad the situation is for those poor people that cannot afford to flee their country and even lose their valuable skilled workers to europe? I just read a story about..'

EVERYBODY was an incel in some point in their life though some stop being incel at 16, others at 20+ and others are incel forever.

Forever incels are what is called truecels

>I was an “incel” by choice
>incel = involuntarily celibate
>by choice
What the fuck?

Nuetered men bare responsibility for both the state of the justice system and their utter unwillingness to seek vigilante justice in the face of a corrupt system.
If the stove never burns you, you'll keep touching the stove. That's all that's happenned with women. The stove is a pussy.

some people have no concept of what an incel actually means...

I enjoy smoking weed and jerking off WAY too much to go back to chasing girls
When I was in retarded shape in college I got laid a good bit, and you are right about intimacy

I just want to thank Jow Forums for redpilling me on the eternal roastie before I received my inheritance. I don't doubt I would have lost half of it in court by now. Thanks bros.

Yup, there is no path to action or self improvement without a holistic approach, especially when regarding a complex issue like this. It's sad that the situation has been enabled by so many, for so long, but it's never too late to embark on a journey of introspection. The only obstacle is making people want to change.

If I want to have sex every day of the week, but am limited to only 3 days a week, am I am incel on those days I don’t have sex despite wanting to?

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I wish that kind of stuff was legal desu, I wouldn't mind a nice handy every other week or so.

Yeah, for most of human history that's what happened. The strongest men getting multiple women, the weakest getting none.
It's not necessarily what is the best for (certain types of) civilization, but it's what is natural and unless there are social pressures to counter it, it's what society tends to revert to.

Reminder this "incel" stuff is because of the sexual revolution and casual sex is now a popular thing and not just something losers do now

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there is 0 evidence this is the case and good reason to believe it isn't.
I am willing to bet you are a woman, because you don't realize two or more betas will take down one alpha 95+% of the time they come into conflict. The only places harems have ever worked are places where young men are sent away to go fight wars, because otherwise, they sit around and get pissed off, then decide to kill the chads.
This is the same problem with the modern outrage machine. Take the Charlottesville people. When they got outed and their lives ruined, the left seems to think that will just make them "go away."
There is NOTHING natural about polygamy, only conceited women think that.

So he was just a failed normie all along

I would feel bad for you if I didn't know you were a shill, but just in case:
1. What is the largest national MGTOW political organization? Feminists have NOW, MGTOW has fucking nothing, no equivalency.
2. What laws have MGTOW advocated for and gotten passed? Feminists are responsible for abortion, alimony, and the police state, MGTOW?
Feminism is a political movement that encroaches on our daily lives, to equate it with MGTOW is fucking retarded when MRA is a thing that exists and has actual parallels to feminism.