Brit/pol/ - brit/pol/ shopping hour edition

Boris Johnson: It is not too late to save Brexit

>How a plot to kill Theresa May in Downing Street was foiled

>National Action: Men jailed for being members of banned neo-Nazi group

>LABOUR CRISIS: MP quits and blasts Jeremy Corbyn as ‘CLEAR RISK to national security’

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>autistic shopping

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Autists should shop online

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>buying food online
that's off the deep end. there's no coming back from that.

God damn, that looks good. It must be the only redeeming quality of living in the U.K.

honestly I could eat that but I'd have to shovel it in or go straight in like a dog


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>redeeming quality
>funding Muzzies who run these child sex brothels

Does wallmart do home deliveries like british supermarkets do?

Why did Dawkins throw a temper tantrum over Brexit?

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he's a pleb

because he's a faggot

is that even a question? he's a fucking bender.

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name of the film?

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Home delivery is not as common as the UK where it seemed to me that Tesco and Sainsbury were always trying to get people to order delivery. Walmart does have pickup service where you can order online, drive to a door on the side and load it up and leave

Oh man, that sounds like a laugh riot.

You've got a whole store full of autists and you cruise in with a boom box playing heavy metal and just watch the shit show as they sperg out and demolish the place.

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Looks good lads

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You can just decline to participate. What are they gonna do, call the police and tell them you spoke during autism hour?

I was in the local Aldi a few months back. Some foreign guy was talking to the manager about implementing a 'man hour' for shopping so that he could do his shopping faster. The manager told him to fuck off.

I spot a future asianmasculinity poster.

>Brexit LIVE: Barnier's crunch meeting with Raab in Brussels as EU plans for NO DEAL

>My best friend slept with my two brothers and moved in with one of them

>Four-week-old baby girl found safe after carjackers drove off with her

> Veterans carry coffin of Royal Marine Commando D-Day hero

>FactCheck: Did Corbyn falsely accuse ministers over the Vote Leave investigation?

>Trump is considering handing over a former ambassador to Russian authorities. That’s NUTS

>Theresa May's policy on Syria is 'prolonging suffering', cross-party group including former ambassadors says

>New Brexit Secretary Dominic Raab vows to 'intensify' talks

>Spain withdraws Clara Ponsati arrest warrant

>Timber scandal: Natural Resources Wales chair quits

>PM begins two-day visit to NI in Belleek, Fermanagh

>Four years for Nazi teen who downloaded terror handbook

>LABOUR CRISIS: MP quits and blasts Jeremy Corbyn as ‘CLEAR RISK to national security’

>Another Blairite bites the dust and good riddance - Crisis? What crisis?

The fact that he was already suspended for sending " inappropriate texts and emails to a former female staff member between 2014 and 2016" had nothing to do with his resignation. Oh no...

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>speaking during autism hour
day of the rake when?

Hellz yeah

ExxxtraSmall - Tiny Teen Dominated by Tall Busty Redhead with Strapon

For a bit of attention. Like that time he came on all honey monster, when he couldn't take his breakfast honey on to a aircraft.

>with Strapon

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How much novi need a novichok chok if a novichok could chok novi?

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Oi, do yew 'ave 'er awwtism loicience?

i think the secret is weeks on a calorie controlled drip fed diet, vlad

Should of put jo cox on the right

It's one hour of the week why the fuck does this annoy or amuse any of you?

>when foreigners have better bants than white manager cucks
state of it

Thanks, mate.

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>read leftyboomer forums (i.e. Mailwatch type shit not edgy commies)
>they're all obsessed with antisemitism, like genuinely personally disgusted Corby didn't toe the line on that international definition of it etc.

If the general public cared a fraction as much about their own kind half our problems would be over, it's mindblowing

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because all that's left here are snowflakes and shitposters?

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and of course the unironic neo-nazi

>politicians flinging shit at each other in twitter
Best timeline

I woke up at 3pm and haven't eaten yet because cba
my life is in ruins wtf happened to me

I think this is a nice thing to do, It's one hour and it makes the autists feel special.
Is there no love in your soul mr Bong?

how long has it been in ruins?

Used to quite fancy a career in politics, but then my dad got convicted as a paedo and it made the news. Would be a bloody nightmare having it all raked up if I ever became a public figure, so might have to think about alternative long-term career plans desu

I'd say 2-3 months
i don't even drink or take drugs anymore I'm just a recluse

yer da's a nonce

>tfw not a britcuck

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>not continuing the family business

If you got into politics you'd have access to all the stolen kids you could ever want, two birds one stone


Yeah I know

I'm only attracted to adult women, so that would be of no use to me whatsoever

whatever you say Junior Saville

what if you were the victim of his kiddy fiddling?

Which scenario would you choose if Britain had to die?

If we're going down I want everything smashed and everyone else dragged down with us

My great granddad was a nonce too (he was the one who nonced my dad during his childhood) so I'm a little bit worried that it really is in the genes, but so far I have not noticed even the slightest bit of noncery in me

Could help with the PR a bit I suppose, but might bring a bit more negative press towards me dad and he's trying very hard to put his life back together. Besides, I wasn't

a bit like me then
theres no easy answer but i will warn you that 2-3 months will turn into 2-3 years very quickly

It looks disgusting though.

Also this:The slobs who fund the invaders with their disgusting diets get what's coming to them when they end up eating chopped-up rape victim.

>That Trump-Putin closed-door meeting in full:
>Putin: Pee-pee tape
>Trump: .......

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desu id love to get into politics or at least involved in parties but too many skeletons in the closet to get away with saying outrageous things.
no nonsing dads at least lol

Didn't the UK just unironically legalize eugenics to screen out autism if it was "in the best interests of the state?"
If I lived in the UK (HA!) and they introduced this on top of the eugenics shit, I'd just think it was a convenient trap to get all the autismos in one place so you can easily catalogue their familial relations.

It no joke sounds like a sting operation to get info on families with autism.

Going speed dating lads.. w-what do i say (inb4 midgets)? Should i wear a "Hi i have Autism" badge?

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No, they’ll find out quickly anyway.


Take your strawman and shove it up your ass faggot.

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What are the red meats? We don't 'muchy boxes' where I live, its just the typical take aways. Wouldn't mind trying that, though I'll be skipping the anemic kebab meat.

No they do this for babies with Down Syndrome. There wouldn't be UK flags on Jow Forums if they did it for autism

But didn't they just legalize the screening without the parent's consent?
The timing of this, on top of that other info, is worrying as all hell.

Jimmy Saville was innocent

Nobody does munchy boxes near me and it makes me cry.

>won't somebody think of the autistic and downie children who won't be born
Fuck off, christcuck.


I literally got a thots no. before, she said she'd never met a nice guy in her life so i said "are you from Mordor". Then she ask why i went on tinder and i said i'm too autistic to approach in rl and blocked my no. The discrimination is real

Top left are chicken wings

Bottom right: the brown stuff is vegetable pakora, the orange stuff is chicken pakora and the red stuff is mushroom pakora.

On the impact of societal interests, autism and actual factual down syndrome are essentially kissing cousins.
I know they aren't the same thing and shouldn't be treated the same, but tell that to a heartless anglo that only exists to destroy cultures.
He won't care.

do you live in iceland

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but tell that to a heartless anglo that only exists to destroy cultures.
He won't care.

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It sounds like good idea at first but two minutes into eating it you realise you've made a huge mistake

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Just one pita though?

Even worse, Suffolk. I've been through the menus of countless kebab shops and none offer it.

>to a heartless anglo that only exists to destroy cultures.
>he wouldn't care

You're confused, the Anglo cares too much. I like Downies desu, they're a good laugh

Omg wtf did i do wrong!!

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You know remember 2017

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I'm inclined to agree.


Nuking London would be a massive improvement for Britain
Prove me wrong.

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>woman who doesn't want to feed you
You did it right, assuming you're weeding out the undesirables. Cross one off the list.

No. Add Birmingham bradford Manchester Liverpool and glasgow. Infact, a war where Russia nukes ours cities is optimal and May is playing the long game by chemically attacking her own citizens

love how much this baloon has riled up yanks

Where's pubes

hot though i'd lick her bum after a poo if she asked