Roastie must be stopped but western men are standing by while their women ruin the society men have built.
Roastie must be stopped but western men are standing by while their women ruin the society men have built
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Anyone got any tips on how to convince my gf to fart in my mouth?
threaten her with physical violence if she refuses
mgtow are cucks. Bad filename
Kek. Couldn't even take the thing away from him. Pathetic.
>t. dutchboi
wew lad
Yes I'm Dutch. Meaning white and tall. Got a problem you mutt manlet?
back story?
obviously not you fucking faggot
would a modified hook sweep (hook back of knee + pressure on opposite hip) work as a counter whilst remaining seated in case of OP scenario?
haven't got anyone to test it until tomorrow
That guy is no mgtow, He's just a man who is not pussywhipped. Mgtow are faggets scared of dealing with women so they isolate themselves in a bubble with zero interaction with women.
Beta cucks
meaning you're a cuck from the cuckiest of countries
I think a 9mm to the pussy would be more appropriate.
dutch people are huge cucks lol
This comes across as a leafpost for some reason. Great suggestion, anyway.
Says the united states of BLACKED
what the fuck is wrong with american women?
I wouldve legit punched that bitch. No 2 ways about it. Equal rights and lefts, cunts
>he thinks all american women are retarded after seeing cherrypicked webms
i completely forgot about the pussy -.-
might as well GRAB
MGTOW is being used to target white birth rates, same as s o y, same as #EvolveTheDefinition, same as "STUDY SUGGESTS EUROPEANS COULD BE INFERTILE BY 2060 SO LADIES BETTER START FUCKING NIGGERS QUICK HURRYHURRY," same as radical feminism, same as "I LOVE BEING A CHILDLESS PROFESSIONAL WITH ALL THIS MONEY, HERE'S WHY THAT'S A GOOD THING," etc. The only people you ever see this shit targeted at or participating in it are white. MGTOW is fucking stupid. If you can't bend a woman to heel and put her in check to keep her loyal, you're fucking up. If you have a problem with no-fault divorce rape, DO SOMETHING TO CHANGE IT. Don't sit online and bitch about it.
Women are awful. Guess I'd better just let my genes die off to be replaced by nogs, kikes, spics, poos and chinks.
I allow her the first strike.
I forgive her the second strike.
As she winds up for the third strike I strike.
Just punish and shame the thots and find a decent one for yourself to marry
Big up him for not smacking her
Dat is niet gek mafkees, met die varkens die wij hebben hier. Niks vrouwelijks aan. Ik zou me ook isoleren
Rot toch op malloot, verlaat je mama's huis eens
He just sat there and took it. He could have at least stood up and guarded himself but just sat there and let that hoe punch him and break a glass on his face. I hope he at least got this bitch arrested.
Wait until his mom finds out then there will be hell to pay.
A civilian is a wild dog.
If it gets uppity, smack it only it stops moving.
>Fucking men! I'm gonna teach this MAN a lesson or two!
>*Gets slightly hit and fakes a soccer fall*
>Waahhhhh did you see what he did I need a man help me!!!
top kek
Amazing how a blonde haired white women can act so much like a fucking nigger huh. Really gets the noggin joggin, buddy should have laid her out then pissed on her
What a faggot lmao, anyone with an ounce of self respect would have thrown that bitch on the ground
Context or video with sound?
Wow! There are so many young white women realizing the truth of race realism!
She probably hasn't seen kitchen in years.
It's a woman. Nature provided them with well padded arses for a reason.
Put her over the knee and wallop that backside till she calls you daddy.
Actually Albanian's are the weakest creatures
What is race realism? That niggers are monkeys who all look the same to women and Jews have to pay millions so crack whores fuck them? Now go climb on your tree little chimpy.
He made the right decision saving that beer.
>Says the nippon
asians aren't better by the way
says the weeaboo gook lover.
There's literally a non-Asian in the background. That's called western country where whores from all over the planet go to.
What are you supposed to do in this situation?
Flee and you are a pussy.
Fight back and you are the bad guy
Just eat the hits and you look like a moron
This is why I always drink liquids I find at shoe stores
I don't even drink but I'd buy that guy a beer for putting that cunt in her place.
You suppose to fight if you don't know the woman. If you know the woman then it's your own fault for being with such dumb women.
Put your arms up and block the widest hooks a human body can imagine and stand up. If he just stood up and showed fighting competence she would have stopped long before fucking GLASSING him. Holy shit hope she spends a LONG time in jail.
She won't ofcourse but what a nutbag.
English or stfu
Suplex her through the fucking table. It's the only way to gain respect.
You knock the bitches lights out and walk away like a man is supposed to do
That is so hot. Fuck off Colgate.
this bitch falls down from a little push
I would have just pulled my 9mm
>white knight already rushing over
>be at shoe store
>need a new pair for work
>hear a helicopter coming in to land from the seat just down the isle
>see roastie with legs spread and constantly looking at me
>see some sort of liquid fly in the air around her
>very musky odor
>see her standing with legs slightly arched
>some asian bitch nutted to me out in public
American women are complete trash
They're either fat disgusting slobs or extremely vein narcissists or both
Honestly suduing by bear hugging her arms to her sides from behind is the best option.
Of course the cucks come out when the woman is swatted away
youtube link please
You're supposed to block or dodge and laugh like a madman. Last part is important
What did he hit her with?
Half the US fags here would happily marry this amazing WHITE woman and have lots of proud WHITE children to carry on the WHITE race in 44% land. She would definitely be loyal to you while you shitpost post on Taiwanese pottery boards and bitch about muslims in Romania and own leftists epic style in youtube comments.
where can i see more of te adventures of this young lady?
you got the source video/link?
I would have leveled that cunt with the most brutal left hook. Probably would have gotten jumped afterwards though..
>29 years old
>using Tinder
>muh faith and family (but single at 29?)
>not much into the party scene "anymore"
>nose piercing
Shit I take it back, she's 420 friendly, based af. She can put the kids to bed and we can light a sticky one while watching Netflix
inflated ego and sense of self abilities compounded with the expectation for a chivalristic society that they killed themselves.
the man in that fordt webm is a legend, i would have shot that bitch
the patriachy
>men are standing by
because they're raised by single women who did exaclty same thing as the sluts, it's a self-perpetuating problem.
I believe you are confusing incels with mgtow
Western men can't fight the state that is protecting wahmyn. Unless we all band together to take it down. The sad truth is that most of us depend on the state so are too scared to imagine the the alternative of it suddenly not being there.
holy shit lmaooooo
That's the typical
If all fun and games until the fiery spirit of an Aryan women makes who rethink whether or not you want white pussy and are those men putting a noose on that tree over there....
Based MGTOW fellas
The absolute legend.
Fucking disgusting.
China is a history of taking White peoples products and watering them down.
Asians are just watered down White people, morally, spiritual and physically.
The white guy just pretends to do something and his eyes aren't even looking at the attacker.
Nigga you missed the part she's got a kid on the way retard. 420 and preggo, still ain't supposed to smoke when your breastfeeding either.
right in the granny puss
Hahaha the way he flees afterwards is gold
lmao swing like a man and you will get dropped like one. She didn't have to form a fist, once a fist is formed then all bets are off.
A styrofoam box full of leftover food.