My cat keeps meowing, circling my feet and attacking them

My cat keeps meowing, circling my feet and attacking them.

Is he angry about something political?

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Hes mad that gays are getting married. I went through this with my cat too.

jew mind control
tape some tin foil to his head to block the radio waves

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See shills, this is how you shitpost and slide a board.

He is in fucking heat you retard.

Get him neutered or let him fuck the neighborhood stray.

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Be an alpha or feed them you lazy shit.

He's neutered so it must be political in nature.

he wants Poland

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He's probably hungry, wants to play or needs to shit.

Watch your cat, dude. Have a stern talk with it.
About 5 years ago my cat started behaving the same way. It was after it discovered Jow Forums while seeing me browse it. It was too much for the poor thing, so it broke down after a series of redpills. Started doing catnip, stopped going to its work as a qualified windowsill guard, became a hermit. This lasted for a whole 4 years before we finally started getting it meowkological help.

Don't mess with this stuff.

Maybe he's suggesting that you get a vasectomy too

>Is he angry about something political?
It could be that your cat is a jew.
Have you asked him?

Cat owners need to kys honestly.

>Owning a cat


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Could be either hungry or the jews.
Just like with babies you're never sure if it's hunger or the jews.

> let him fuck the neighborhood stray.
> being a cuck

I'm the alpha male of my property. All female organisms on my land are impregnated by me and only me, if you disagree you're clearly a cuck.

Did you try stepping on it or kicking it into the wall? That usually works for me.

Sieg heil motherfucker

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I am a certified cat psychologist, it's this. If you love him you'll get yourself fixed so you can be celibate together

fucking cat knows you aren't doing enough to stop the jew kikes

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It's well known that many cats and dogs will attack shitskins just for fun.
How long ago did you migrate to Austria, OP?

Make sure there aren't any spiders in your house that need the dick.

he knows youre a privileged white male with privileged white male feet. He's sick of your BULLSHIT

>Make sure there aren't any spiders in your house that need the dick.

Those spiders get what they need while he sleeps

henlo cat frens

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He just wants a sips user.

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