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Why is this unemployed nigger still running his nigger mouth?

No nigger, I meant every word of it. The issue is deeper tham money its a matter of death and dishonor. No glory in being a babylonian cock sucker, rather be a block buster like trump. Womp. Womp.,

AIDS skrillex BTFO

Wmp wmp yes yes

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He always plays the moderate surrounded by screaming Marxists.

sorry for doubting you based barrack

Because Dems are voting out the old white democrate men for no experience socialist (far left) minorities.

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Too fucking late now Obola he should have said this when it was starting to get out of control.

You seem like an angry individual

Trying to stay relevant and/or doing damage control?

The Democrat party to become a minority party by 2020 and will finally Libertarian become the second big party? More to come at the next anime episode

Too little too late. You don't get to walk this back after trying to frame literal criminal trayvon as an innocent victim of white racism, among a thousand other attacks on whites. Toothpaste isn't going back in the tube.

The latter is usually the case, but he and his political side helped fuel this fire. So he can't reseal the monsters he let loose.

I think he got pretty burned out from politics and public life for a while after Trump's inauguration. Now that he's had a break this seems like damage control more than anything.

exactly, silence them for NOT being white and male

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Maybe it's because Keith Ellison is gonna run in 2020?

>they are waking up, gotta kill them slowly.

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Wasn't he the very one telling people to remove old white men back in 2010? This is his party he started, it's obvious damage control when he sees nothing but college grad idiots in feathers and nose rings running because they happen to be a shade of brown and no other merit.

I know. They are the reason a lot of whites ended up voting for Trump, right?
They deserve it.

Seeing Trump undo all the shit he did must've been quite a blow too.

People do want Bipartisanship, most centrist normal people do. But the DNC's supporters and actions were going too far. This lead to push those same centrists to the right out of disgust because they didn't like what they were seeing.

>trying to reign in the monster he himself created
Sorry friend, it’s too late

His white side is slowly taking over.
Obama is now 50% alt-right.

Obama was a Neocon not some hyper-leftist, he's wasn't the worst president, but only succeded in putting a bandaid on a gaping shotgun wound that is the US economy, he placated the shitskins long enough so that they wouldnt riot and call for blood in the streets. For that, i commend him, he wasnt the worst president, but far from the best. I say that as a die hard Trump supporter, Obummer wasnt half bad he was in kangzspeak "aiite"

i have to apologize because he said i shouldn't be dismissed for being white or male? the fuck?

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>don't attack soros, he's not just a white male, he's one of the good guys cuz he's jewish.

can't wait for the obama's black nationalist neo-malcolm x arc

> Trump wins
> Liberals respond by literally sending cosplayers to D.C.

something about not interrupting your opponents when they make mistakes, etc.

Why are 3rd world "states" even allowed to exist?

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because they pay him millions of dollars to literally just fucking talk. Quality gig desu.

Obama knows the Democrats are in a death spiral. They won't listen to him.


you seem like a British Cuck

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Too little too late nigger. He should have said that when Trayvon was shot instead of inciting riots by saying "That could have been my son!"

You glow

>don't just silence them
>ostracize them and make them unemployed.

>let's create racial warfare to ensure my parties victory!
>oh shit it's torn the country apart but more importantly it's starting to weaken my party because the younger new faction are taking it waaay too far, d-dial it back okie dokie?
Eat shit.

This. He has just enough white in him he’s probably been redpilled at how insane the left is. He probably knows, deep inside, that the White man always wins, and all this will only lead to destruction for the brownies.

That would have been a funny SNL skit, if they had the balls: his white side arguing with his black side, Dr. Jekyll and mr. Nigg style.

Hell, he probably knows, deep inside, that the only reason he has been able to do what he’s been able to do is because he is half white and was raised white. The guy isn’t stupid, and I do think he fundementally “gets it”. Blacks who only know other blacks are naive. They don’t understand the depth of violence and hatred white people are capable of. Obama does understand this.

Or he's just pandering in between breathless bragging about his virtue. Seriously, this nigg said five words off the cuff and there 20 threads about it.

The stupid and arrogant jews tried to push us off the cliff way too early, they needed a few more decades of immigration, now all of their efforts over the past century will be undone and they will be expelled from white countries one final time.

It's fucking sad to say but I seriously think Obama is a regular ass Democrat compared to the party now. I'm fucking terrified who's going to attempt to run in case they actually win. I'd probably take an eternity of Obamas over Elizabeth Whorren or Fuck Schumer.

King Nigger is too late.

So what if they're both

>he had to say it or else the democratic party reputation goes down the shitter
too late

Obama 'both sides"ed at a police funeral for those killed by a BLM activist.

He should be stripped of all his meat and force fed into his wife.

I wonder where all the niggers live?

Difference between Obama and Trump. Obama will say something nice to your face, and talk shit behind your back (this speech). Trump will talk shit to your face and say the same thing behind your back.

Of course. Now that people are getting fed up with the lefts crap he stops with the racebaiting bullshit to get more voters for the dems againe. Few years too late king nigger.

Good nigger.

I like how he couldnt even pretend to sincerely believe that for even a day

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He's not white. His mother was a kike. He's (((white)))


>13 million views
>27k likes vs 106k dislikes

Jesus its like people know he fucked up or something

as always.
they lay their plans, have a bit of success, and then the jewish narcissism and hubris kicks in, and they say "nah we dont need to follow the plan, dial everything up to 11, its already working"

Imagine if jews weren't such horrible pieces of shit. They could have conquered the world many times over by now


>Nelson Mandela Annual Lecture
lmao the left worships a literal, no doubts about it terrorist


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you seem like a nigger

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