Was Dave Chapelle the greatest comedian of all time?

He was my first exposure to race issues years ago. To this day, I don't think I've ever laughed so hard in my life since then. Did they take him off the air because he was making blacks look bad?

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chapelle was cloned
they take a holographic picture of the persons brain and are then able to upload a person’s memories into the brains of these organic robotoid clones who are programmed just lIke a computer. The technology the elite possess now has been given to them from the fallen angels and it is hundreds of years more advanced than they show the public.

1970s-- Rand Corporation predicts that "para-humans" will be genetically created to do menial tasks in the future. In a totally different affair, Lord Rothschild, who is a physiologist who has studied genetics, warned that self-centered fanatics might set up cloning shops privately. Lord Rothschild suggested to genetic scientists that a clone controlling organization with world wide jurisdiction to license cloning be set up to protect the world from evil men who might want to clone people for evil purposes. He called his suggestion ’Commission for Genetical Control."

Attached: clonedave.jpg (300x168, 8K)

no, you dumb motherfucker

Attached: PatriceOneal.png (1500x1108, 1.89M)

He went off the air because he couldn't handle the stress of being on a show and walked away.

Fun fact: Chapelle grew up in an upper-class white neighborhood.

His current performance is pretty shit from what i have watched.

yeah because its not the real dave, he was cloned, see

I like Dave, but no, he's not even top 10.

No. That title belongs to Leo Gallagher.

He was pretty funny, better than Carlin

The real Dave is dead, they probably killed him around the time he went to Africa

That isn't why he went off the air. (((comedy central))) didn't pay him what they agreed to in his contract, instead trying to get him to do two more seasons and he would be compensated in that contract. He said fuck no, just fire me so I can go work for a network, they wouldn't and tied him up in (((legal proceedings))) to keep him from doing work for someone else. So he fucked off to africa for a summer then came back once the (((legal proceedings))) were finished.

Sucks too, because he was in the prime of his career and got literally and figuratively jewed out of millions by people he helped make rich.


Patrice Oneal was a fucking legend. Rest In Peace my man.

I don’t mean to be an rthedonald cunt talking about based blacks but Patrice unironically was. He saw the absurdity in the black community, and honestly dispensed a lot of red pills in his time to a certain extent.

Beyond that he was just a hilarious dude all around. If you can’t suspend your racial animus to appreciate someone like him then I think there’s something wrong with you desu. It doesnt mean you have to like niggers, but Patrice was a clear example of a black man who was not a nigger imo

100% this

Btw when I say “you” I don’t mean the guy I’m responding to. It’s the “royal you” as my boomer coworker often says

You see the great thing about skeet, is white people dont know what it means!

The one where he does the Bill Cosby bit is pretty good, but the others are meh.

Redit spacing


Also I have virtually never used Reddit (I was a Diggfag before it turned to shit/I came to Jow Forums more), but doesn’t that refer to like two carriage returns between lines? Is that even what I did?

>dave chappelle is not dead
what did they mean by this?

lose the flag shill

He is a nigger, he can say everything he wants.

Patrice was the realist motherfucker out there. He could’ve played by the Hollywood kike rules and became as big a star as Kevin heart, but no. He preferred to stay true to himself and his fans. RIP.