I wore a Pepe shirt to my mandatory drug and alcohol counseling class and they made me turn it inside out in order to...

I wore a Pepe shirt to my mandatory drug and alcohol counseling class and they made me turn it inside out in order to come in.

Can they really do this? I felt like a Jewish person living in 1942 Germany

Attached: pepe.jpg (565x786, 130K)

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>not just taking the shirt off and making them stare at your superior, perfectly sculpted, Aryan chest of golden flowing hair

show me on this doll where the bad men gassed you

>not just taking the shirt off and making them stare at your superior, perfectly sculpted, Aryan chest of golden flowing hair
I literally did right in front of 2 or 3 of them.

That would really upset me if that happened. They're basically telling you that you're accepted as long as you don't say anything about who you are. Conform or you're not allowed here.

I'm not saying there's anything wrong wit doing that, but it's a theme that I've felt pretty much my whole life.

Attached: IMG_1505.jpg (657x527, 103K)

>but it's a theme that I've felt pretty much my whole life.
You're accepted here, my brother.

Whats so bad about pepe? He never harmed anyone.

Next time have a swastika waiting on the inside.


Oh no. He should be doxxed and his life should be destroyed for wearing that shirt.

>this thread again

if its a public place, they have no right, if its private, they have the right

Attached: IMG_1453.png (271x186, 8K)

Well he said mandatory, so is it a government place? Because that would open up a whole new can of worms

>being this buttblasted over a cartoon frog

i dont know he was vague about where he was

Im unsure if it was a government funded class or if its just a class run by a private organization that the court refers me to.

Its mandatory in a sense that if I dont do it I will have to serve like 30 days jail time or something.

thanks jim

post pics of shirt or shitposting

if not a troll, you arent a school child, so you dont need to be treated like one. your freedom of speech was violated and you cucked out. congrats, you go into the cringe complication

God Speed user
Apparently a shirt can make you famous gz

kek has spoken

>your freedom of speech was violated and you cucked out. congrats
What would you have done? sperg out and be removed from the class? I didnt want to be there I had to for court.

all this because she couldn't win without the thousands of Bernie supports that stayed home.

Attached: 1210368.jpg (495x495, 35K)

>I felt like a Jewish person living in 1942 Germany
Get out of here normie.

Dear newfags, this OP is a shill, probably an antifa, trying to make peole here look degenerate and stupid. He is following a very old, well-established template where he claims to be one of us (and clearly isn't) and then makes up crimes which are then attributed to us through him. This is what journalistic research looks like in 2018. Remember the options field.

Do normal people even know anything about that frog? How did it get spotted so easily as a symbol of Jow Forums culture?

>and then makes up crimes

There hasnt been talk of any crime whatsoever in this thread. What the fuck are you even talking about?

you expect these people to understand anything when they actually believe in "afrocentric mathematics"?


I know how Hillary Clinton heard about it

What did you do? I mean how fucked up you gotta get to be ordered to a class?

>having a Pepe shirt

Gas all alt-kike virgins

I got a DUI impaired to the slightest degree.

Pretty sure every Muhreen there was like "yo sweet shirt bro".
Acosta is just mad hes a cuck beta and all the Muhreens would have hazed him if he was there.

In reality people just smile when they see the shirt or point at me to their friends. I wear it proudly and confidently so some assume im wearing it ironically when im not.

Sounds like you need some "Hide your power level" counseling too.


>Sounds like you need some "Hide your power level" counseling too.

Wearing a pepe t-shirt is me hiding my power level. I am way beyond that.