Why are parents of autistic children so insufferable? Why do they all think the world revolves around their sperg?

Why are parents of autistic children so insufferable? Why do they all think the world revolves around their sperg?

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All parents of children with disabilities are like that.

Probably because they are defective themselves.

It's genetic you know.

Because they're retards themselves.


All people with children are like that.

If they treated their kids like kids instead of regards they'd actually be normal children. The problem is that we've normalized autism and acted like there's nothing wrong with being autistic. We need to go back to a time where autism was looked down upon instead of being held on a pedestal.

>Child is autistic
>World only exists for the child
Haha, that's kind of the point user

I lived in that time and you can fuck yourself. I have Asperger's, was born in the 80s and am staunchly for the neurodiversity movement.

Because the system tries to screw your kid over if you don't fight it.

Ask your mom OP

Normies are devoid of critical thinking and individuality a pot of the time. They go out of the way to harm Aspies. Is this not defective?

They all secretly wish their kids weren’t retarded But won’t ever admit it so they channel their rage to anyone who triggers this thought

This. They hate themselves and stress out about their retarded children constantly. There's a lot of pent up anger in these people.

I'm a software engineer. The kids who picked on me are now Starbucks baristas.

>I’m retarded
>I want people to like retards because I’m retarded
Yeah no fuck off retard

You normies think everyone who is socially awkward is mentally retarded. It's why I have no empathy when you're in debt or working minimum wage jobs because of your meme degrees.

Ass burger

If I have a high IQ and have a computer science degree how am I retarded? The only good thing is because of my diagnosis I can easily fuck people over and get away with it. I play ignorant because people believe it.

im convinced lots of jews have at least 1 autistic kid for this sole purpose

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Have fun with your minimum wage job. I'll make my order extra complicated ha ha

It's because there autistic themselves

Serious question. Do you think some of these parents make their kids out to be retarded just for attention?

I swear this lady I know forced her kid into all these retarded programs and classes but he doesn't seem that bad. Yet she's always online talking about his retsrdedness up one side of Facebook and down the other. She's fucking him up think. All for her idiotic needs.

I had social and behavioral problems but not academic problems. That could be possible for him.

>be autistic
>parents hate me for it
>siblings outright bully me for it
Not all of us were so lucky

Because autism is a disorder in which the autistic child is literally the center of their own world. The extremely low, non-verbal ones require constant attention and monitoring. The higher functioning ones, while able to accomplish rudimentary tasks and menial jobs, still need to be monitored so that they don't get their asses kicked by some Tyrone for stepping on his new Jordans. It's a pain in the ass and I cannot imagine how much of a struggle being a potato parent must be.

>t. literal tard wrangler

dunno mate

But Chris Chan said it wasn't genetic.

Think about it for a second. For most people, their child is their most precious thing. Most people will leave zero significant impact on the world whatsoever so having a child is the only way they can make a mark on the world and their child being their offspring, is seen as an extension of themselves.
Now imagine finding out the mark you left on the world is a literal retard and even if they do reproduce and have non-retarded children, your family line will be plagued by that retard's existence. The mark they left was ultimately worse on the world and because a child is seen as an extension of the parent, everyone now sees a retard when they thinks of them.

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Remember as a kid walking into a park and letting the gate shut behind on a bitch and her mutant son by accident, she acted like a complete bitch like I purposely let the door go on her retard kid even when I clearly didn't. What other sane adult would blame that on an 11 year old? Think they feel that the world owes them it's sympathy and attention.

Do you enjoy pissing off normies? I'd choose money any day over the typical normie. Selfishness is good for us because the rest of the world hates us.


chris chan says a lot of things.

Normie gets pissed he isn't the center of the universe.

Cause they secretly want to kill themselves or their retarded children so this is how they release their stress without going apeshit. Or they're virtue signally hippie faggots.

No, I don’t want to punish society for my crappy family, even tho I hate society itself. These days I’ve been able to surround myself with people who a genuinely tolerant of my aspergers and are patient with any quirks I may have (awkwardness, tendency to get overstimulated). The Employers at my workplace too are very understanding people, I don’t want to blow it.

me? I wasn't pissed it was funny

>being this retarded

The parents are retarded themselves for keeping a pet tard alive. It's cruelty

I don't have theory of mind. The people who hate me are so foreign to me I see them as vicious wild animals. I was spoiled as a kid I admit it but I feel good when I see a former bully of mine struggling. It's sort of a karmic justice. My experiences are the center of my beliefs.

Father of autistic (not the fucking Jow Forums variety) kid here.
I genuinely hate 99% of parents of autistic children.
My son is well-behaved, respectful, not annoying, and quiet. Because I never let his autism be an excuse for poor behavior. I held him accountable for proper manners and behavior just as I did my other son.
Ever since the Today Show or whatever the fuck that program was came out in support and praise of parents of autists everything went sideways. Suddenly having an autistic child became somehow cool and exciting. Women (including my ex-wife) ate that shit up and couldn't get enough of the adulation that was suddenly heaped upon them. They lost their fucking minds. Coupled with social media coming onto the scene it was an unstoppable phenomena.

It genuinely is.
It's a form of denial, denial that they're kid will ever be normal.
My grandmother is raising my autistic cousin. The kid is so retarded he's practically primal but she insists he's getting better. The kid doesnt even associate pain correctly. At what point do you just let something like that end? My grandmother has no life because this kid controls it.

You're my hero mate.

That's why we need eugenic programs

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I unironically started believing in eugenics when my cousin got to the point of no return

Cuz their world revolves around their sperg.
Also, you have to put a varnish or good upon everything you do for said sperg to justify to yourself why you did it instead of euthanizing them. You have to lie to yourself and say you’ve learned about patience and compassion and other emotional bullshit more than the average person because of how they have to deal with their sperg. They’re ducking saints for putting up with those sperg s, and you should appreciate that, maybe even fund some of it with your tax dollars.

How is autism so tolerated when almost all young people who are tolerant towards trans people and anyone else hate us?

I know the parents of a full on autistic child, they were not the best parents before he entered the scene and after they were forced to grow up quite a bit. They are a hand full and the child stresses them out a ton, so they pass him off to the grand parents and split often.

It's just a kid with a handicap, trying to deal with that and life is tough shit.

At least you know they are the real parents, they got those genes from somewhere.

Just kidding, most autists are brought up to be autistic instead of it being a genetic malfunction.
Hang them anyways, both parents and children, just to be sure

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We need eugenics

Why should I be euthanized just because normalfags are annoyed at me?

Because we're not normies you're just autistic

And I'm glad I don't have theory of mind. I see you as vicious wild animals I have to defend myself against.

Well, that's your fault you autistic faggot

Autism =/= retardation

Educate yourself moron

It's your fault for persecuting me if I decide to get revenge.

Ok retard

Autism is the failure of the parents.

>High IQ

Autism's existence is the failure of society.

>high IQ
>cant even type like a functional member of society

Fuck society and fuck you.

Kinda. Parents get up to 5 tax breaks
Schools get extra $$ for every 'autistic' spaz
Gov't gets to waste money studying something that doesn't really exist
cottage industries catering to sensory bullshit are making tons of $$ off of failed parents.

How did my parents fail but not the parents of the kids who bullied me?

Wtf I love cannibalism now

Just because your parents failed doesn't mean others didn't. Bullying didn't cause your autism faggot.

>buttmad aspie triggered by being called a retart

Your parents failed, look how their kid turned out

ITT: Disabled children who don't realize they are talking about themselves

because they damaged their kids by giving them vaccines, and get defensive when approached by truth

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I'm a software engineer now and enjoy spending and telling the kids who bullied me off. Lots of them graduated with meme degrees, are in tens of thousands of of debt and work minimum wage jobs. I don't have a shred of empathy for them.

I for the longest time though I was retarded until I got tested and was told that I just needed to socialize more. So I did, and I no longer act like a sped.

I have a sperg kid. He is fucking annoying because he's slow but not potato slow but can't for the life of him handle his emotions. I do admit I wish for better. I don't hide it but I won't admit it.

>One day at the grocery store he spergs out
>Cashier was mordified
>Looked at her and shrugged and said "sorry, he has autism"
>She was still concerned but more understanding

Luckily I got 3 other non sperg kids which is why I can deal with his shit. I feel bad for the ones who get more than one potato kids. They must have done something to piss off God.

Fuck you, retard. Saying we should treat retards like normal people is no different than normalizing and ignoring any other illness.

>Butthurt normalfag triggered that Aspies can have higher IQ scores than him.

I sperged a lot as a kid and ended up the smartest person I know

You're probably a lot dumber than you think. Also being a manipulative sperg isn't a high IQ thing, it's a sociopath/narcissistic thing.

How am I a retard if my IQ is high. I'd show comments like this to your parents. I'd lecture them on how they raised monsters and watch your mother cry after I give her a verbal lashing.

If we had let natural selection happen without interference (eg. Life support) we wouldn't have all these faggots with disabilities and wasting tax money saving them

You're a shining example in this sea of literal and metaphorical retards. All mental handicaps function this way. if you hold someone responsible for their actions regardless, they will learn. Even the kids who aren't able to talk or walk can still learn through pavlovian reinforcement. You can't turn off the lizard brain, especially if that's all you got.

>How am I a retard if my IQ is high.

Putting a question mark would make that high IQ more believable.

Because their world does

>My son is well-behaved, respectful, not annoying, and quiet

Sounds like you got the good kind who is introverted and not the kind that hits himself because he can't express himself.

>correcting grammer on Jow Forums
>thinking this makes him smarter then some1 whom is smarter then him in front of strangers

If other people hate me or look down on me it's nothing but justice and self defense.

This one is going in both my tard and my cringe compilations

You've incited his tard rage

Its my greatest fear to have a sperg child. What can you do once you find out? Can you get rid of them? or are you forced to keep them?

My sister in law is literally this. Her kid (who my brother in law married into) was homeschooled, and was only homeschooled because she had "autism", and she has autosm because the 5th doctor she went to said yes. She literally couldn't read at all at age 9 until my brother in law helped her out, and now shes becoming obese because my sister is law is a fucking monster.

I like how the more you talk the bigger of a hole you dig for yourself. Your inability to be a normal human even while typing is astonishing. The inability to hide how completely assmad you are. You have the sperg lisp dont you?

According to you I should just allow you to insult me and treat me as stupid and subhuman just to gain your respect. I don't think so.

Wow it's like you read a definition somewhere and fit it perfectly, amazing.

ur not autistic just gay

Where do you all base your bullshit opinion that Asperger's is mental retardation? Are you all too dumb to do your research when you have a whole internet?

Bullying is a social instinct to weed out mutations/weirdos.

t. guy who makes fun of autists but hates people as well

autism is code for gay

The same reason why most people in today's world are insufferable, because they'd rather act like defective genes and ideologies are normal rather than admit that they are not. It's a struggle to make oneself relevant in a natural world that would nullify that person and make them useless, incapable of contributing anything of real value to society or the human race.

You normies listen to trap rap, have a hivemind, and are scared of difference yet you are the superior ones? Bully me in the workplace. I'll get you fired.

>Sounds like you got the good kind who is introverted and not the kind that hits himself because he can't express himself.
He does sometimes hit himself because he can't express himself. I didn't claim to have miraculously cured him of his symptoms.
I'm saying he does not do anything to the point of being any more annoying than any typically developed person his age. He understands that there is socially unacceptable behavior and the negative consequences of not behaving.
Just as with any normal kid, he is not perfect. He does fail.

I'm here on this planet for myself not society.