Why can nobody on the left or the right grasp that infinite population growth on a finite planet is not possible or desirable?
>Yeah but we can still fit this many billion humans on the planet (unsustainably)!!
I suppose, but WHY?
Why can nobody on the left or the right grasp that infinite population growth on a finite planet is not possible or desirable?
>Yeah but we can still fit this many billion humans on the planet (unsustainably)!!
I suppose, but WHY?
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Which is why you gas the kikes. Let war come naturally from racial tensions instead of being a controlled population with assisted suicide on side.
Leave the West white, and eventually they'll settle the stars. Make a 100 million niggers by feeding them, they'll just taint the populations that neighbor them and starve when they stop being fed.
Call me when population growth becomes infinite.
>developed countries with large ecological footprints have slowed population growth, sometimes even in the negative
>undeveloped countries can't even understand malthusian population limits and continue to grow unchecked
>(((someone))) is encouraging the latter to reproduce even more in their own countries, and then colonize developed countries with their brood
As with everything, it's the kikes fault
Except population booms result in tech innovation, allowing more population. At one point the earth was thought to sustain less than a billion, then we invented refrigeration
So you're just content with ever fucking square inch of the planet being concrete, pollution and humans. Basically a global China. And we know fucking morons like you are always against pollution controls, so it will be EXACTLY like China. Congrats on being a fucktarded boomer.
You're missing the fucking point.
WHY is that desirable? Call me crazy, but I don't want the entire fucking planet to be a giant slum.
It's absolutely fucking amazing. Nobody ever questions this madness, yet nobody can ever answer the question: why should there be more humans?
Hence the importance of space exploration and terraformation technology. Then again, without Africans, Chinese and Indians we wouldn't be overpopulated.
I'm just waiting for the point when whites decide to say "Fuck it" and recolonize Africa.
>Hence the importance of space exploration and terraformation technology
No, that's just mindless delusion. It's like pretending you're just going to move into a mansion instead of cleaning your room.
>Then again, without Africans, Chinese and Indians we wouldn't be overpopulated.
The first world is overpopulated IN the first world. Your argument is trash.
>Malthusian crises
>how do they work?
Go live in China.
>Except population booms result in tech innovation, allowing more population.
So tech is a desperate attempt to not starve. Got it.
so you admit that endless growth (the core belief of capitalism) is bullshit.
Yeah. And it should be self-evident.
I notice still that nobody has been able to answer the question. WHY should there be more humans? Why is 7 billion+ not enough?
Shut the fuck up you hippie cuckoid. Nobody cares about your faggot environmental issues that have been disproven for decades. If you are too poor to afford to live in a nice area, then eat lead, faggot.
Why don't we start a war against overpopulation then? Just start killing each other en masse
Hur dur my planet is a life boat meme. Heretic.
>Why don't we start a war against overpopulation then?
Well, because at least .01% of the population would have grasp that it's an issue first.
Answer the question.
absolute state of boomers
Well most people, in america anyway, are religious retards. For instance christianity (the same religious that Alex Jones practises) teaches that every time you have sex should produce another human being. If you want to save the world we need to overcome dumb religions and teach that human beings are nothing special.
And by all means, let's fuckin' bring em all here.
If its not in the good book I DON'T CARE!
You don't have to be a hippie or an environmentalist to hate overpopulation. Most places are more comfy with less people.
You're not answering the question.
Atheists are the same though. You're right about the christian retards though.
I agree with you but if I say it, people write stuff like "Well, then why don't you start with yourself?" "It's bullshit there's enough food. It's just we don't distribute it equally" even though I'd just like to see that people have reasonable family size and reproduction behaviour
I like to be in the nature way more than in cities
I also enjoy wide regions without human influence where nature can thrive without limitation.
>then we invented
You didn't invent shit.
>I like to be in the nature way more than in cities
A million times this. It's like most humans are perfectly content to erase all of nature as long as they can add more humans to the planet and NOBODY CAN EXPLAIN WHY WE SHOULD DO THIS.
actually I just figured it all out...
the machine of capitalism needs new people to turn into money. Its harder to turn an 80 year old into a cash pile than it is to turn an 18 year old into it.
We need a 1 child policy for all non-white nations
The upper limit for earths population is estimated to be 10 billion, and we're expected to hit that by 2100 if the population doesn't start decreasing. That being said, there's a lot of time between now and 2100 to think about feeding more than 10 billion people. There's also the fact that developed countries at that point don't necessarily have to care about starving countries, and I think at some point after 2050, you'll see a retraction on the whole global crime stopped motto of the EU and NA. I think the poor countries will starve out of necessity, the rich countries will settle the land and the cycle will repeat.
There's ALSO the possibility that the solar minimum DOES coincide with endless winter/famine, and all countries will starve, purging a good portion of the world population, but that's just a theory since there weren't very many studies during the last mini ice age/ solar minimum cycle.
Technological deflation will rue the day.
There is no "human plauge" or human overpopulation crisis.
The same cannot be said for Afro-Ghouls
Now you got it. Unfortunately, even supposed leftists often believe this, which makes absolutely no sense.
You're not special.
According to this, earth population is not expanding and will decline.
>infinite population growth on a finite planet
But there won't be infinite population growth. This world will end at some point in time
>You're not special.
Whites are, actually; we self-regulate our population pretty well.
Because of all the poor niglets they keep feeding and the fee-fees those poor niglets give in the TV commercials begging for just $12 a month.
Well, according to the actual numbers, it is.
Thank god.
Then why are there too fucking many of you?
You nigger retard. Believing the UN's numbers? Fucking stupidass. We'll have 10 billion by 2030. 20 billion by 2060 and 30 billion by 2090. Muslims, Gooks, Hindus, and Niggers never stop breeding. You just don't fucking understand. Typical sheltered white liberal!
>Then why are there too fucking many of you?
There aren't. The white population of earth is acceptable for the planet's total habitable land.
Yeah, there are. It's not just a matter of whether or not you've entirely coated the surface of the fucking Earth yet, you fucking low-IQ bad seed.
reminder that pure white women of breeding age make up 1.6% of the global population.
of that 1.6%, only 60% will breed in their lifetimes, 90% of those will breed with white men, leaving 0.86% of the global population TODAY likely to have white children
I didn't say there should be more people
Ah, yes. 10 billion by 2050 is the new prediction, I had outdated info. My bad. Still, I think you'll see starvation efforts for maybe 5 years tops before its found to be ineffective, and you'll probably see poor countries left to feed themselves.
>thank god
In this case, literally
That's precisely what you're saying. Now explain why you think there should be.
this is why we to start terra forming and colonizing other planets
also, who knows what disasters wait us in the future that will end in mass depopulation
all developed countries have lower than replacement fertility. you're targeting the wrong people. we already know and have fixed it but now we have a new problem..
right that's why we need sperm donation eugenics to make everyone geniuses so our population growth will be stable and we can solve the challenges of the future.
such racism, how dare you
Take the third alternative pill user. Whitey's population is stalling or decreasing, everyone else's is exploding (east asian is slowing down though)
nice simile.
Why can't you grasp that all 7 billion of us can fit into Texas?
I grasp it, but we are nowhere near capacity. That being said I'm a strong supporter of any space exploration projects as eventually we will have to leave this planet, and even if we never have to we should. Exploration is what drives mankind, we MUST know what's over the horizon. The horizon is a lot further away than it used to be, but the concept remains the same. In my opinion.
If you consider humans as spherical cows in a frictionless vacuum, sure. It's easy to say we can do anything if you don't consider any of the complex infrastructure (roadways, electricity, water, waste) changes necessary or any of the usual natural disasters that sweep through the area on the usual.
If a bare minimum level of existence in some ideal world is a "can" then you have a point.
Why do we need to approach capacity for this to become an issue? That sounds irresponsible. Waiting until the deadline to start a project is inane.
The current world population is over 7.6 billion. In 2018. 2050 will see more than 10 billion. Better wake the fuck up. Muslims, Hindus, Africans, Chinese don't use contraception and don't believe in it....
we go to space and build a dyson swarm you fucking unimaginative twat. Literally keep building until there is no matter/energy left in the universe
>I notice still that nobody has been able to answer the question. WHY should there be more humans? Why is 7 billion+ not enough?
Hey you wanna kill off your own bloodline be my guest have 0 kids. The breeders are playing the long game and you guys just dont realize it.
Which is why you build O'neill cylinders out of material harvested on the moon and place them at the Lagrange points in Orbit around the Earth. Easily attainable right now
And yet brown people have 8 kids and have to become climate migrants to first world countries because their populations are too low and need shit colored brown people with 8 kids to move in and fuck the country up making it third world.
Fucking over population meme....did you know every single person on Earth could stand shoulder to shoulder and fit into Los Angeles....let that sink every single human on earth
Nice meme. Most of that food doesn't even make it there.
Last time I checked, the left was pro-abortion.
well with everything being covered in concrete, I'm sure your 'nice area will have the finest niggeroids and battleship grey hue.
Websters Dictionary?
Yes but why should the most sustainable, most responsible, nearly extinct race be the ones to pump the brakes again. Nature is a master balancer, the countries that overcrowd, will underharvest and fight with one another. US/canada/europe/australia/russia we've got plenty of room, and our populations are declining
Clear negro
Yes, too many people. If your skin is any tint of brown, spread your good message to your friends and family.
wtf is that fucking photo from? Brazil?
Anybody have the webm of the wolves in Yellowstone? The trophic cascade?
The humans are basically the deer in that webm.