Why does pol hate George Soros so much?


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Because this fucker incited all that shit in Ukraine, which let Russia score a big win.

You mean on the EU side?

How can you hate a hyena for being a hyena?
you have to learn to deal with it

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because "liberal democracy" is cuck shit

If being named 'Satan' really exists then his ambassador on earth is George Soros. We hate absolute evil, hence we hate Soros.

What do you prefer? and how do you think it will work out for your social stratification?


He funds regime change campaigns disguised as "color revolutions" which happen to benefit the international system which upholds American hegemony.

Why is he evil, he is also against communism, not just national socialists.

because he funds and supports mass migration and open borders for Europe. On the upside he can't have many years left outside of Hades.

Are the Ukrainians not allowed to make up their own mind? i mean Russia did the same, in the end the people should be free to choose. even tho Ukraine shares a long history with Russia, they should not be shackled by their past.

Hades is a god.

Please give me sources, so i can read them.

In his words:

"The current piecemeal response to the refugee crisis, culminating in the agreement reached earlier this year between the EU and Turkey to stem the flow of refugees from the Eastern Mediterranean, suffers from four fundamental flaws. First, it is not truly European; the agreement with Turkey was negotiated and imposed on Europe by German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Second, it is severely underfunded. Third, it has transformed Greece into a de facto holding pen with inadequate facilities.

Most important, the response is not voluntary. The EU is trying to impose quotas that many member states strenuously oppose, forcing refugees to take up residence in countries where they are not welcome and do not want to go, and returning to Turkey others who reached Europe by irregular means."

Not OP but Soros writes brief essays on his organizational priorities:

He was also heavily influenced by his mentor Karl Popper's anti-Marx book, The Open Society and its Enemies. That book is available online for free.

And also another name for hell. Godspeed Soros shill.

Sixth, the EU must offer far greater support to countries that host refugees, and it must be more generous in its approach to Africa. Instead of using development funds to serve its own needs, the EU should offer a genuine grand bargain focused on the needs of recipient countries. This means creating jobs in refugees’ home countries, which would reduce the pressure to migrate to Europe.

from soros leak. he kills white race.

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weasel words my big-brained friend. This does in no way mitigate his support for open borders and mass immigration from the thord world to Europe. Why you are defending this man suggests alot about you.

Because he is a eccentric rich guy, who took is role playing of Saruman way took serious, and not got himself an army of orcs to destroy the lands of man.

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Yeah? He believes it is a problem of Africa not having instiutions and jobs for its people. Is he wrong?

If it's costing Europe 100 billion to host refugees, why not get ahead of the issue and invest in making Africa less of a trash heap?

I think Soros is naive to think that will work in Africa but I don't think he has the evil motives Jow Forums ascribes to him.

Yeah I know, I have not read it tho.I did read the alchemy of finance (I think he is a better wealth fund manager, than political activist) but i will read it after i finish Poppers work.

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Idk, maybe (just maybe) because he's a subversive kike who wants to destroy all white cultures and establish totalitarian control through mass immigration of un-skilled, violent, sub-humans with an IQs below room temperature..

That or everyone is just an anti-Semite for no reason whatsoever lmao

Why does Soros hate us so much?And why does he have so many shills and bots working for his corrupted Globalist ass?

I am not defending him, i just try to value him for what he is, beyond propaganda. how do you want to save the White interest if you don't even know what and who your enemies are? i have no interest in being a useful idiot for anyone(left or right). i do not agree with migration, but i can understand why some people do.

Lol, you know Tolkien was from SA right, he already saw what was coming.

I think you are right.

Maybe pick a place that isn't build by whitey.

Maybe we just have different interests, and neither of us is evil.

I think it is because he does not like totalitarianism, if you mean "Jow Forums" by us.

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He's a kike who spends his billions doing all he can to force communist retardation on to first-world nations in an effort to destabilize them for his personal amusement. The man is probably THE most vile kike in needing of extermination, and one of the only people I'd do hard time for assaulting with my own hands if I were ever given the chance. Literally human garbage with a fat bank account.

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In the late 1980s, he provided dozens of Eastern European students with scholarships to study in the West, with the aim of fostering a generation of liberal democratic leaders. One of those students was Viktor Orban, who studied civil society at Oxford. From his Manhattan trading desk, Soros became a strange sort of expat anticommunist revolutionary.

By then, the Soviet empire had collapsed, and Soros was devoting huge sums of his own money to try to smooth its transition from Communist rule. For example, he donated $100 million to support Russian scientists and keep them from selling their services to countries hostile to the West; he spent $250 million on a program to revise Russian textbooks and train teachers to promote critical thinking.

Because this fucker funds revolutions in countries so while their economy is fucked he can just swoop in and play shadow king by owning the control to their currency.

May that POS rot in hell. Can I has an amen, borthers and sisters?

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Yeah, and he now advocates for open borders, funds far-leftist protests against America worldwide (including here), made most of his fortune destroying the savings of Englishmen, and is a complete piece of shit. It wouldn't matter if he personally rescued a billion starving war orphans in the past, what he has been doing for 20 years or more is enough to grant him the gallows. I hope he dies so painfully that he bleeds from every orifice and that his faggot son has to watch the suffering so long it drives him to suicide afterward. FUCK SOROS FUCK SOROS FUCK SOROS

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He expressed displeasure with Senator Kirsten Gillibrand of New York, another possible candidate, over her role in ousting Al Franken from Congress: “She was using #MeToo to promote herself.”

When I asked Soros to describe himself ideologically, he laughed. “My ideology is nonideological,” he said. “I’m in the club of nonclubs.” When I suggested that “center-left” might characterize his views, he demurred; he said it wasn’t clear where he stood now because the left had moved further left, a development that did not please him. “I’m opposed to the extreme left,” he said. “It should stop trying to keep up with the extremists on the right.”