I want to genuinely understand paganism, it's appeal and what it even has to offer of relevance to the modern man

I want to genuinely understand paganism, it's appeal and what it even has to offer of relevance to the modern man.

Yes, I know, it (or at least the various forms) are the original faith of the white man, if not to all of humanity in some shape or form. It naturally developped from simple, put arguably pure animist beliefs. Christianity, meanwhile, has so many layers of philsophical and political bullshit/manipulation that it's hard to take serious (also, because it came from (((the))), obviously).

So by all account I should be on board with paganism, right? Except what the hell am I even supposed to make out of it? The Pagan Gods are not transcendatal, timeless spiritual beings which claim to have created the universe. They're just...dudes, I guess? How and why should I offer praise to a being like Odin or whatever you call the reconstructed Sky Father? What lessons or way or meaning to life does it teach? From what I understand once you get past the basic tribal stuff (protect your blood, fight to defend, respect and honor your lineage) there's just not really anything meaningful. Vallhalla, I guess? Fuck, I'm even more screwed because in theory I should be worshipping the Gaulish Gods and we know even less of them than the rest.

And even if all this was true/worth it, we know nothing of the rites and proper conduct because those are dead civilizations.

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you post a picture of thors hammer and write paganism

fuck off, you are clueless

A religion is only valuable in that it offers an unbroken chain of cultural values passed from one generation to the next.

Paganism is valuable because unlike modern perverted Christianity, Paganism continues to elevate race and folk.

OP is a kike.

It's all for fun, user. Modern Celtic revival is so have a spiritual community without the toxicity of Christianity/Islam/etc. It's just folks who don't think religion should be taken so seriously that you go to war about it, and the holidays are fun.

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The real redpill is that fighting and struggle and moving forward is the only purpose and all of the moralism placed above that in other religions is just fluff to make people feel better.

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Yes, I am. I'm looking for answer.

Oh really? Neat. Now where's all my jewgold? Fuck you, amerimutt I'm probably more white than yo, fucking nigger

smoke semen everyday
you now understand paganism

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>Fuck you, amerimutt I'm probably more white than yo, fucking nigger
See. You are a Jew. Fucking worthless kike making pennies shilling on Jow Forums. Can't wait for what Trump does next, I guarantee you won't like it.

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If I was a jew I'd be swimming in gold not pondering about the meaning of the divine on some frogposting board.

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Dude you couldn't even contain yourself from calling me a mutt. LIterally a JIDF buzzword. You're low IQ. That's why your job is to shill on Jow Forums. You're too dumb to do anything else.

Wicca sounds like just the spice for you then fucking kek

The gods are real. Yahweh is real too but he's a jotun who lies to people to steal their souls.
Yahweh wants you to think there's meaning in bondage to him but there isn't. If you want to seek out the creator go ahead, you probably won't find him though. The other world is real and you go there and come back thousands of times, although "you" isn't really a thing how modern shitlibs think of it. You have a mind, which is temporary. You have an animal body, which is temporary. You have an eternal soul which you don't control but it influences your mind.

Seek out the truth m8. All right wing christcucks are anime avatar scrawny incels.

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There is no theology. Yes you can believe whatever you want.

I believe Gods exist, who dont care about living beeings

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Will you fuck off? Universalism is the biggest gay. Only the Indo European gods are real. Non whites don't have souls.

You realize mankind was made by advanced human beings right? Our progenitors.

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Modern Pagans are just LARPers. What they fail to understand isn't that Christian traditions are "really Pagan", but that all traditions of this depth are pre-Pagan. They go all the way back to the root, and will remain after Christianity has gone the way of Druidism or Odinism.

Rather than spend time trying to revive a language that is dead, save the actual words that are said, and you'll have a far easier time of it.

Whether you celebrate Halloween as "All Hallow's Eve" or Samhain, doesn't matter because they're both just manifestations of how a people conceive the world and how it was conveyed at that time.

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>Universalism is the biggest gay
There is only truth. UNIVERSAL TRUTH. It transcends all manmade ideas such as religions.

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stay away from muh culture

This is p dumb OP. We only know about half of what the religions of Pre-Christian Non-Roman Europe entailed partially because the Church burned it all, and also partially because the locals neglected to write down their shit. What we do know points to stock-standard "natural phenomena [x] occurs due to deity [y] feeling emotion [z]"-style shit you find almost everywhere people conglomerate at a relatively low tech level. That's not to say those people are dumb, or that the knowledge of these archaic religions is irrelevant and shouldn't be recorded for posterity's sake and to understand history - but a genuine "dive" into it to discover some kind of personal truth is misguided because 1) you're entirely divorced from the cultural context that those beliefs derived from, and 2) those beliefs were pretty retarded in general.

Assuming you're looking for Norse shit, they used to commit human sacrifices and drink semen for rituals because it's not gay if Odin says so. That's about the level of what you're going to find philosophy-wise.

>quoting Ovid rather than Hesiod about Prometheus
Brainlet tier

You say, as you post the kabbalah:

Basically Jews have completely different DNA from real human beings and that gives us the ability to create. Jews can't create that's why they all work doing stupid shit like lying on TV>

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i swear to god every pagan i talk to has this same fucking 'arguement'

>because the Church burned it all,
In our case it was Pagan Romans who did it to the Druids, not Christians.

What a load of horse shit.
Human sacrifices are true, extremely rare though and only practiced by some very early tribes.
You are dumb as shit.

Kaballah is universal knowledge. It comes from Egypt first of all and there are parallels found in the east. You need to stop using labels as a form of argument and start making some real points.

The gods took walking monkeys and made them into the white man

Except for the Jews who are still Hominids. They aren't Gods btw, they're humans. They INTENTIONALLY made us think they were more than human on purpose. They didn't want us to realize what we were. Not until we were advanced enough to understand the process and means by which they created us. That time is now. Trump is going ot be the disclosure President.


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Aesir = Asuras = Ahuras/Amesha Spenta = Annunaki = Titanes

>26 posts by this ID

you absolute kike, stop posting and let others discuss

Because Christianity is a Jewish religion and a Jewish trick designed to subvert whitey and turn the goyim into cattle. Chr*stcucks make the argument that Christian Europeans still created great empires and armies while they were Christian but in actual fact Europeans created great Empires after the fall of the Roman Empire DESPITE Christianity.

The great European colonisers and explorers were motivated not by the Bible but by the Odyssey, Iliad, Aeneid, Xenophon, Alexander the Great etc. Traces of pagan Hellenistic culture remained in the west, Jews were not able to remove those traces, so Europeans retained their strength. Need to return to ancient Hellenistic ways of pride, power and aesthetics. Christianity is soft, weak and empathetic.

another kike

your time will come to be impaled

Look if your white then Cernunnos is your teacher/father just go hunting and listen well and you will understand just fine.

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That being said I'm not a Pagan larper but Christianity needs a revision. Orthodox Christianity is and always has been a tool of the Russian state, and Catholicism is now a liberal hippy joke of a religion. Even with Protestantism, I went to my niece's baptism in rural England and the hippy priest had a powerpoint presentation and a Christian rock band. Gross.

Europeans need something new and vital.

watch Survive The Jive

I believe this. I believe there are many gods and the Jews have tricked many gentiles into serving the Jewish tribal god.




>it's white
>it's not jewish

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notice all the butthurt nigger loving christcuck rats who are pissed at this thread? yeah, that answers the question.

The Abrahamic religions are based on slave morality
The pagan religions are base on master morality

The essence of master morality is nobility. Other qualities that are often valued in master morality are open-mindedness, courage, truthfulness, trust, and an accurate sense of one's self-worth.

The essence of slave morality is utility, the good is what is most useful for the whole community, not just the strong and things like kindness, Empathy, and sympathy,they fused "rich", "godless", "evil", "violent", "sensual" into one, and were the first to coin the word "world" as a term of infamy and employ of the word for "poor" as a synonym for "holy" and "friend".

You don't want to get this battle started, Jose.

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>not transcendental

A modern meme. Romans considered most "foreign" gods to just be their gods by another name.

>it's appeal

It is appealing to ethnonationalists in the same way Wicca is appealing to fat feminists. An easy way for lazy people to express devotion to their cause without actually doing anything. Varg is probably the only pagan I've ever heard of who then deliberately went and spawned an entire clan of pagans with his loins, but Varg is a fucking autist who thinks his aspergers gives him superpowers (I suspect many other pagans are like this).

Neopagan trash obviously had daddy issues, probably does drugs in the woods

>hehe who cares if hundreds of millions of christians are right-wingers and arguably the only real nationalists, us pagans are the REAL right wingers and if you disagree you're a kike!

That (lack of) pagan birthrate tho!

And the slave morality is how we derive modern liberal morality. A slave morality that replaced God with an insidious vision of a global utopia led by the Jews.

>of millions
>of right wing

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"If a gentile slaps the cheek of a Jew, he has slapped the face of G-d." Sanhedrin 58b

What does Christianity tell you about getting slapped on the cheek?

Greek mythology is the result of their religions. Through their art and philosophy you can see how their values continue to influence us. That's all paganism.

no, white man is god. we made the lesser races out of boredom, it was a mistake

>hehe it's for people who just want to have fun and be chill

Where the fuck do you faggots come from, seriously?

>I want all the benefits of a solid nation, but I also want to larp as a fucking druid

I hate you autistic children so much

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Agreed. This is the core of the argument here. Christians can offer many pragmatic arguments, but I fail to see how they can counter the philosophical issues present in Christianity and how modern western morality has essentially made the pursuit of global liberalism its God.

>states like Utah and North Dakota are populated by white right-wingers
>they are also know for their religion
>they are also known for having lots of kids

Meanwhile places full of atheists like Vermont are contracting in population- and they're literal socialists. It's almost like traditionalist religious morals passed down for thousands of years trump dumb faggots on the internet who want to larp as viking warriors.

It tells me you willfully misread texts because you're asshurt your Evangelical fundie parents made you go to church every week.

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>pragmatic arguments

aka literally the only thing that matters

>hurr u might be right about how christians are the only thing saving the white race- but who cares about race! muh philosophy!

You are almost certainly a kike shill

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Proud of your European ancestry? Think Christianity is a Semitic sand nigger religion? Be a neo-pagan.

nice ad hominem. Way to address the issue

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Address the argument then.



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>What we do know points to stock-standard "natural phenomena [x] occurs due to deity [y] feeling emotion [z]
What does the old testament have to do with anything?

Do not ever speak a lie or break your word.
Die with a weapon in your hand that you have the will to use and you either get to drink and fight for all of eternity, or spend it with a women who died a virgin.

>employ of the word for "poor" as a synonym for "holy" and "friend".
It says in Sirach, part of the Catholic and Orthodox Bibles
>Do not give to the wicked who are poor
It's in Sirach 11 and 12 if you feel like seeing it for yourself you can scroll near to the bottom of this screencap and see it. Also a slave mentality is part of religous traditions that discourage people from asserting control over their situation and or ascending the social ladder. If you read the story of Joseph (from Genesis) or the story of King David, those situations are not forbidden but are fine depending on teh situation. This is contrasted with the Stoics who taught that it was wrong to try to change one's circumstances in life if it disrupts the civil status quo, and preferable not at all, also they taught "do not seek to be Caesar"

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Read the Stoics and Plato. That will give you a sense of the Hellenistic world in which Christianity grew up and took immense influence. The Bible is Jewish supremacist Old Testament combined with the Greek philosophy crossed with Judaism New Testament.
A pagan was supposed to engage with philosophy to round out his understanding and worldview, period. Christians will tell you paganism is empty and lacks centuries of thinkers engaging with it, and they are wrong. One of the main book genres in the library of Alexandria, for example, was commentary on Homer. There is philosophizing in surviving pagan religious texts/myth, but it's fair to say that you are not getting the whole picture by a LONG shot if you don't read philosophy.

I will also recommend Secret of the She-bear by Marie Cachet for a very interesting and plausible reading of pagan myth (available in French and English). Regardless of your agreement or lack thereof, it will open your eyes to the possibilities of understanding ancient religion.

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This should sum it up for you nicely OP

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it excludes non-whites.

No. If you are a stood and it is in your power to change the state (whether an actual government or something else) for the better, however much you rock the boat, that is a perfectly acceptable thing to do and is indeed in line with the logos.

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>if you are a stoic

Nobody is actually pagan these days except for women and very special men. People PRETEND to be pagan, as if they actually believe their gods will fall from the sky and save them during wars, but they don't actually believe that. It's also stupid how every fucking pagan is a Norse pagan by default.

just because pagans usually don't shovel their believes on other's throats and prefer to keep for themselves don't mean we don't believe in this things with our own interpretations.