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So give establishment outs to disqualify an unfavorable winner?


This and sage this bullshit anons

That's all extremely anti-democratic. Might as well allow only age 35+ white male freeholders to vote.

they used to put archons on trial to see if they did not missused their power after they finished their term in ancient greece. should we bring back that tradition?

>Oy vey

the argument is that your Constitution allows the people to elect any US citizen they want to lead their country. The person doesn't have to be a genius, they don't have to be successful or wealthy, they don't need to have any political expertise. You could literally nominate your mailman or gardener and if enough people voted for him, he'd be the man to run the United States.

That's freedom.

Huh, you really stumped me. No vodka tonight I guess

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bring back summary execution of the king in the event of failed harvests, natural disasters, and military losses.

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>What is the US Constitution?

A11 F13ld5

Leftist spirit-cookers should be given no quarter.

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Bronze age niggers had better democracy than we do, despite living in a despotic, absolute tribal monarchy.

The President already passes a security check, it is called an election. Ostensibly the "people" have decided that he is qualified for the position. Why do you hate (((democracy))) user?

>pass a top security clearance check
no elected official by the people should be limited by dumbass gubermintal rules
>tax returns
fuck the burden of proof, have officemonkeys do their job. if the IRS says he's current, he's good. garishing his presidential salary can be a possibility, too.
>psychological evaluation
m-muh fake doctors
>academic test
no fucking elected official by the people be limited by dumbass gubermintal rules

anyone that would be tasked with administering this test would have vast powers not enumerated in the Constitution.


It's not required by the constitution.

the test is winning the vote of the people via the ellectoral college.

these (((test))) would be corrupted from the second they were instituted

The constitution you faggot

>Security clearance background check
>DNC owns the FBI administering the check
>GOP candidate
>Oh so sorry you're a flight risk because you don't like illegal aliens and niggers enough. Denied

I'd concede to the rest of the points in trade for nationwide voterID laws so we don't have foreign nations meddling in our elections such as Mexico.

Obama and Clinton would have been DQ'd but those meme requirements are unconstitutional. The Constitution shows what qualifications are required.

Lets just abstract that into something called an election.

I'll take that only if voters have to show valid photo ids, cannot have been on welfare for the last 20 years, be able to show that you live in reality, and can pass the us citizenship test foreigners have to take when they get citizenship.

If the Presidential candidates have to pass it, so should the voters. How else can we trust them to make a good decision?

>only gobbermant can admit folks into gobbermant

..the post

How's it feel being a slave to the state?

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>Yes goy, let’s officially enshrine deep state intelligence operatives as new dictatorship

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>No person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States, at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that office who shall not have attained to the age of thirty five years, and been fourteen Years a resident within the United States.
t. United States Constitution

i thought you guys hate democracy anyway

Then so should voters. Niggers BTFO

But the government is just a joke.
They all have their hands down each others pants.

Considering how easy it is for partisan "experts" to declare the President mentally ill, the proposal is ridiculous.

>All Presidents should be forced to pass through Jewish Hoops.

Every Democracy is rigged, its that simple. Weather its the media all owned by the Jews spamming the voters 24/7, social media controlling what voters can say, that in itself rigs the system against you. For the Jews who run it all the ends justify the means, they wont stop at taking over your media to influence you, they will flat out rig the elections and kill to get what they want which is control like they did in Mexico.

A long time ago Democracy was shown to be a rigged system of Jewish tricks when Pontious Pilate allowed a vote where everyone was payed off where all those people were jews to murder Jesus Christ. The metaphor of that is the indictment of democracy as a rigged system of jewish tricks that doesnt give power to people by giving them the right to vote, but takes away their voice under the illusion of choice.

As long as Democracy exists the days without Jewish tricks is zero. The time for arguments is over, its time you take your next red pill user and its a bitter one to swallow the more you try to fight it the more real it becomes.

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That is not really the issue. Arguably the political party that says it is for rule by the masses, even the illegal masses, should not be arguing for policies that puts the power in the hands of unelected doctors and security agencies.

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A top secret security clearance background check is too arbitrary a thing to require. How would such a thing be audited? Same story for psychological evaluation-- which would incidentally violate patient privacy laws. Showing tax returns I don't have a huge problem with.

The same but for voters

If it's top secret background then why tax returns? Taxe returns have almost absolutely nothing to do with if you can keep a secret

>TS Clearance
That would eliminate most, if not all, of the polilticians in the federal government. They would have to fake so many security exams it wouldn't even matter, not to mention the fact that it would allow the FBI final determination of who gets to be president, with no recourse because they would never share the results, unless it was the express purpose of slandering someone, regardless if the statement was true.
>20 years of tax returns
Fuck you, you don't need to know what I do with my money unless you have a reason to believe I've donw something illegal with it. The president is still a citizen, still has rights, and the burden of proof isn't just some sarcastic joke tossed around at DNC parties.
>Psych eval
There is not one single person or group of people on this earth who could be trusted to conduct this without bias, let alone be free from bribary or corruption.
>Pass an academic test
Same problem with the psych eval. It would be corrupted from day one of its implementation.

All candidates should prove they are NOT (not not not donald, but 1 not) colluding with Russia in order to be POTUS. This is crucial.

They also need to prove they are NOT a traitor and have committed treason recently.

All registered voters should be male, above the age of 18, have a valid voter ID, own property, and have lived in this country for at least 5 years.
Is there any reasonable argument against any of this?

Thanks leaf.
Have a rare Hitler

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>these people believe politicians pay for education but wont some how bribe other official documents
These people are truly pathetic.

Yeah the argument of POC rule America now, you has your run. Thanks. From now on only POC aged 18-75 can vote and white men work in the fields picking our avocados.

The only requirements to be US President in the Constitution are...
35 years or older
Born American
Live on US soil at least 14 years

So, the primary argument (and the only one you need) against the OP pic is that none of the junk in it is in the Constitution.


This OP is a nigger

Yes, its called democracy. If you start disqulifing people that isn't democracy anymore and that open a door to other disqualifications such as voting based on gender or voting based on having job or voting based on earning a certain amount of money...

>un-elected government stooge should decide who's eligible to to be elected in our democracy

these idiot love contradicting themselves in the same sentence, dont they?
pic unrelated

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DEmocracy is three pedophiles and a mother voting in the age of consent

Include a birth certificate too.

Then no one would pass.

Well, who the fuck is gonna run?

Literally none of the Presidents since 1900 would have passed this test.

The government is literally anti-america

don't forget the birth certificate

Drop social justice, go back to judging people individually or face another four years.
And i'm not even talking about how bad and racist social justice make you sound.
The collectivism blinds you from the truth and don't allow you to come with an electoral plan that can win.

Yes, it’s unconstitutional.

Well, yeah. They're the establishment now, so the counterculture and uppity proles are problematic and need to be cowed along to maintain progress.

moar rares pls

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>keeps all the niggers, spics, and women out of the presidency

populism is anti-progress you dumb leaf

Then so should voters.

Good leaf

who administers it? would lead to surprising coincidences like presidents who would take action against the NSA were actually found not fit for office but presidents who love them and would give them unlimited shekels are actually fine to run despite any seeming problems

BBC is an acronym known only to victims of blacked spam and compulsive masturbators. This unseemly use gives the meme the appearance of a false flag by Shlomo.

>t.professional scum

Peak meth-posting

Article 2 of the constitution

but then all of politics would die and that means there would be no more Jow Forums.......................Do it.

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the consitution says no

kill all commies

so a 35yo would need to start doing taxes at 15 to qualify

fucking brilliant

Because what if we want to elect somebody president who hasn't done those things, like we did in 2016? It would be a bummer not to be able to do that because they didnt meet some arbitrary requirements.

All leftists should be executed on the spot.

Security protocol is largely in place due to executive orders. Ergo the current president could change the rules to hurt the canidate he does not like.

I mean depends really, background check and psych eval are pretty subjective and thus can be abused.

yea sure thing, as long as i get to hire employees to my company to pass my "top secret security" clearance and ink blot test.

has anyone ever had 2 doctorates? yes? okay then they are experts in communist socialist marxist niggardly shit and civics. Civics alone gets them presidency, other doctorate gets your mother hungry and sucking dicks for a can of beans. i came, but im still thinkin about those beans.

And require voters to be white, male, over thirty, and property owners.

I like how xe skipped over the one thing that is actually required by the Constitution, evidence of being a natural born citizen.

I wonder if obama would of passed?

Obama wouldn't have ever been elected

Good luck amending the Constitution statist scum

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People being responsible for doing these checks would basically have the power to choose who becomes president and who doesn't.

It would exclude all black people.

ban all lawyers and make people represent themselves also.

People who vote should show ID.

i see US freedom rings across the entire world. I cant wait until we invade you motherfuckers and make you official countrymen hehe

thats biased against PoC

Let's rewrite the constitution 120 characters at a time.

I am all for this.

It means no more Democrats ever get to be President.

but the CIA already does this?

They would check everyone.


I like it.

It would have disqualified those shitheads, Obama and Clinton.

Sure, there’s (1) the original, long-form 1961 Hawaiian birth certificate. Then there’s:

2) Marriage license between Obama’s father (Barak Sr.) and mother (Stanley Ann Dunham)— not found, not released
3) Obama’s baptism records — sealed
4) Obama’s adoption records — sealed
5) Records of Obama’s and his mother’s reptriation as US citizens on return from Indonesia — not found, not released
6) Name change (Barry Sotero to Barack Hussein Obama) records — not found, not released
7) Noelani Elementary School (Hawaii)— not released
8) Punahou School financial aid or school records — not released
9) Occidental College financial aid records — not released.(These records were, however, subpoenaed but Obama lawyers succeeded in quashing the subpoena in court. No other Occi records have been released.)
10) Columbia College records — not released
11) Columbia senior thesis — not released
12) Harvard Law School records (not mentioned below, but not released)
13) Obama’s law client list — sealed
14) Obama’s files from career as an Illinois State Senator — sealed
15) Obama’s record with Illinois State Bar Association — sealed
16) Obama’s medical records — not released
17) Obama’s passport records — not released

even if this was the process
King Nigger would still have been given a pass

This would virtually disqualify women, blacks and other various minorities outright, and all but guarantee white POTUS for perpetuity.

Only white men have the foresight, cognition and fortitude to successfully plan on 20+ year scales

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OP is the best faggot

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Hillary wouldnt pass a physical test

lol, no it wouldn't.
The people that run these checks and clearances would have "passed" obama and clinton, and "failed" anyone who wasn't chosen by the elites (Trump, Bernie, etc.).

Just change president with journalist and I agree.

>"Top secret security clearance background check"
That is not how "top secret" classification works.