>Catholics literally believe in magic spells that turn bread and wine into the flesh and blood of Jesus in which they consume
Is there anything more disgusting than mysticism and magic in Christianity? If you are a Catholic prove to me Transubstantiation is real, show me the proof the bread and wine turn into the actual flesh and blood of Christ. I have to say that most Catholics probably don't believe in Transubstantiation, therefore they aren't real Catholics. Seek your fucking forgiveness from the Lord and convert from this treachery and heresy. Catholics are NOT with God and you will burn in Hell for all eternity.
We should have stopped with Zwingli and Muntzer The protestant train has no breaks
Jacob Jackson
So far we have deduced that priests can be pedophiles and still do the eucharist, but I suppose they wouldn't have anyone to do it in the first place if that wasn't the case!
Lincoln Ward
>doesn't know the difference between substance and accidents >doesn't believe Jesus is God >doesn't believe in Eternal Life >doesn't believe in prayer >claims he's not a heretic Do some research
Kevin Stewart
naw they believe it's symbolic... and real at the same time. it's a mystery.
Sebastian Sullivan
>believes in literal magic happening in your belly
Juan Phillips
Catholicism is retarded, news at 11
Thomas Foster
>Hail Mary, Nothing wrong with hailing, that's just old english for calling someone. You hail a ship. that doesn't mean you worship the ship >full of grace, she certainly is full of grace, she was chosen to carry Jesus around for 9 months >the Lord is with thee; again carrying jesus
These are also a quote from Luke 1:28
>blessed art thou amongst women, she was chosen, out of all women in the world to carry Jesus, I'd call that blessed wouldn't you?
>and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Jesus is certainly blessed I'd say
again quoting Luke at 1:48
>Holy Mary, She is holy, she has been blessed by God
>Mother of God, She is the mother of God
>pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Asking Mary to pray for us is no different than asking your own mother to pray for you
>strawman argument because he doesn't have the education or guidance from the Holy Spirit I'll pray a Rosary for you
Kevin Ortiz
Funny because you post consisted of 5 different strawmen.
Kayden James
>Saint Peter wasn't chosen by God >God literally changes his name to rock >says you are rock and upon this rock I build my church >the every time God changes someone's name he puts them in a position of authority >e.g.. Abraham and Israel >God changed Peter's name >he was first among equals >Every time the apostles are listed in the bible Peter is first because Peter is first among equals
Maybe I'm in it to show heresy, or maybe I do it for the (You)s
Nolan Bennett
>So far we have deduced that people can be evil and still walk, checkmate Catholics Literally how you sound.
Jace Ortiz
>walking is pretty much the exact same thing as conjuring up the most important sacrament in all of Catholicism
Pedophiles do not know God, therefore they cannot be priests, therefore they cannot do the Eucharist. Checkmate.
Camden Sanders
>does not know that ordination to the priesthood causes an indelible change on the spul which gives the priest the physical ability to offer the Sacrifice of the Mass and therefore his own personal state of Grace has nothing to do with the physical reality of the Mass. Did you know Judas was allowed to preach the Gospel and forgive sins and cast out demons?
Nicholas Sullivan
no one believes it's symbolic, that's heresy
Adrian Sanchez
Bitch, that shit is symbolic dumb ass. Fucking pay attention you troll.
>Did you know Judas was allowed to preach the Gospel and forgive sins and cast out demons? No I did not, this is just more evidence of this being a heretical farce.
Noah Russell
>>walking is pretty much the exact same thing as conjuring up the most important sacrament in all of Catholicism Which is easier to say "Thy sins are forgiven thee, or "get up and walk"?
Asher Evans
Why can't papists just admit that they worship a goddess instead of going through mental gymnastics?
Gabriel Smith
Both are just as easy to say.
Bentley Williams
>doesn't address a single claim or make a single point
lol troll
Ryan Campbell
>doesn't read the Gospels Jesus sent his disciples out to preach the Gospel, forgive sins, and cast out demons before his death. Judas was a disciple at the time and therefore was given the same mission.
Jacob King
i'm not sure about that user; the spirit came upon the apostles after the resurrection, by which point judas was dead
Caleb Gomez
>Both are just as easy to say. Have you honestly never read the Gospel or what?
Kayden Jones
When Jesus sent them out the first time he told them he was still alive and the Spirit had not come yet.
>denying church doctrine congrats on being a heretic, user
Camden Campbell
no bro, the disciples are just the 12 houses of the zodiac with Jesus being the Sun (son)
William Perez
False dilemma
Kayden Perez
yes but he specifically mentions the forgiveness of sins when the spirit descends at the end of john; see john 20:22-23
Henry Johnson
that's not what the church teaches, it claims it is literal
Luis Robinson
dogma is for dogs
Andrew Campbell
>but I don't wish to continue this conversation anymore with such a tainted and impure soul. "Who is this Jesus that he sits with prostitutes and tax collectors?"
Ryder Garcia
>that crescent at the feat I love that they don't even hide it. Don't get me wrong though I think the pagan parts of Catholicism are the best parts. Without it they are just a bunch of kike garbage. Pagan components and Greek philosophy are what made the religion.
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Society_of_Jesus#Jesuits_rescue_efforts_during_the_Holocaust >The Nazi regime considered the Jesuits one of their most dangerous enemies. According to John Pollard, the Jesuit's "ethos represented the most intransigent opposition to the philosophy of Nazism." A Jesuit college in the city of Innsbruck served as a center for anti-Nazi resistance and was closed down by the Nazis in 1938.[73] Jesuits were a target for Gestapo prosecution and many Jesuit priests were deported to concentration camps
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mit_brennender_Sorge >Written in German, not the usual Latin, it was smuggled into Germany for fear of censorship and was read from the pulpits of all German Catholic churches on one of the Church's busiest Sundays, Palm Sunday >It condemned breaches of the Reichskonkordat agreement signed between the German Reich and the Holy See in 1933 >It criticised essentially those parts of Nazism that contradicted Catholicism, and condemned pantheistic confusion, neopaganism, "the so-called myth of race and blood", and statolatry i.e idolatry of the State >It contained a vigorous defence of the Old Testament out of belief that it prepared the way for the New[4] and, in the opinion of some, contained a veiled attack on Adolf Hitler >Thus the encyclical was primarily concerned to confront the Nazis anti-Catholic propaganda: >to defend the Church in the face of totalitarian dictatorship >Pacelli wrote to Cardinal Faulhaber on April 2, 1937 explaining that the encyclical was theologically and pastorally necessary “to preserve the true faith in Germany.” >The encyclical also defended baptized Jews, considered still Jews by the Nazis because of racial theories that the Church could not accept.
>The (censored) German newspapers made no mention of the encyclical. >The Gestapo visited the offices of every German diocese the next day and seized all the copies they could find.[18] >Every publishing company that had printed it was closed and sealed, >diocesan newspapers were proscribed, >and limits imposed on the paper available for Church purposes.[19][20] >Frank J. Coppa asserts that the encyclical was viewed by the Nazis as "a call to battle against the Reich" and that Hitler was furious and "vowed revenge against the Church".[15] >Thomas Bokenkotter writes that "the Nazis were infuriated, and in retaliation closed and sealed all the presses that had printed it and took numerous vindictive measures against the Church, including staging a long series of immorality trials of the Catholic clergy."[6][21] >According to John Vidmar, Nazi reprisals against the Church in Germany followed thereafter, including "staged prosecutions of monks for homosexuality, with the maximum of publicity".[22] One hundred and seventy Franciscans were arrested in Koblenz and tried for “corrupting youth” in a secret trial, with numerous allegations of priestly debauchery appearing in the Nazi-controlled press, while a film produced for the Hitler Youth showed men dressed as priests dancing in a brothel.[23]
>Bullock wrote that Hitler had some regard for the organisational power of Catholicism, >but utter contempt for its central teachings, >which he said, if taken to their conclusion, "would mean the systematic cultivation of the human failure".[52] >Many Nazis were anti-clerical in both private and public life.[127] >The Nazi party had decidedly pagan elements.[128] >One position is that the Church and fascism could never have a lasting connection because both are a "holistic Weltanschauung" claiming the whole of the person.[126] >Adolf Hitler himself has been described as a "spiritualist" by Laqueur; but by Bullock as a "rationalist" and "materialist" with no appreciation of the spiritual side of humanity;[129] >and a simple "atheist" by Blainey.[130] >His Fascist comrade Benito Mussolini was an atheist. >Both were anticlerical, but understood that it would be rash to begin their Kulturkampfs against Catholicism prematurely. >Such a clash, possibly inevitable in the future, was put off while they dealt with other enemies.[131]
Essence and accidents bro. The host changes to essentially being Christs flesh, but has the appearance of being bread and wine
Hudson Ward
>In the struggle for total control over German minds and bodies, the SS developed an anti-clerical agenda.[9] No chaplains were allowed in its units (although they were allowed in the regular army). Himmler established a special unit in the Sicherheitsdienst(SD) to identify and eliminate Catholic influences. The SS decided the German Catholic Church was a serious threat to its hegemony and while it was too strong to be abolished it had to be stripped of its influence, for example by closing its youth clubs and publications.[10] >Himmler used the Jesuits as the model for the SS, since he found they had the core element absolute obedience and the cult of the organisation.[11] Hitler is also said to have called Himmler "my Ignatius of Loyola".[11] As an order, the SS needed a coherent doctrine that would set it apart. Himmler attempted to construct such an ideology, and to this purpose he deduced a "pseudo-Germanic tradition"[12] from history. In a 1936 memorandum, Himmler set forth a list of approved holidays based on pagan and political precedents meant to wean SS members from their reliance on Christian festivities. However, these attempts were not entirely successful. Historian Höhne observes that the "neo-pagan customs" Himmler introduced into the SS "...remained primarily a paper exercise".[13]
>elements and accidents >forces Christians to accept Aristotle's views on physics. Literally superstitious. It is the blood and body of Christ because Christ declares it to be his blood and body.
Daniel Scott
I guess Catholics really fucking stupid, weird you would call yourself catholic while pointing out how dumb they are but whatever floats your boat.
Jonathan Bailey
yes they do and if you deny it whilst being catholic you are committing heresy.
Jaxson Bailey
>The host changes to essentially being Christs flesh, but has the appearance of being bread and wine so transgenderism
William Cox
(5/5) >b-b-but muh mein kemph
>Self-published sources (online and paper)
>Anyone can create a personal web page or publish their own book, and also claim to be an expert in a certain field. For that reason self-published media—whether books, newsletters, personal websites, open wikis, blogs, personal pages on social networking sites, Internet forum postings, or tweets—are largely not acceptable. This includes any website whose content is largely user-generated, including the Internet Movie Database (IMDB), CBDB.com, content farms, collaboratively created websites such as wikis, and so forth, with the exception of material on such sites that is labeled as originating from credentialed members of the sites' editorial staff, rather than users. >"Blogs" in this context refers to personal and group blogs. Some news outlets host interactive columns they call blogs, and these may be acceptable as sources so long as the writers are professional journalists or are professionals in the field on which they write and the blog is subject to the news outlet's full editorial control. Posts left by readers may never be used as sources; see WP:NEWSBLOG. >Self-published material may sometimes be acceptable when its author is an established expert whose work in the relevant field has been published by reliable third-party publications. Self-published information should never be used as a source about a living person, even if the author is a well-known professional researcher or writer; see WP:BLP#Reliable sources. >Self-published and questionable sources as sources on themselves
>it claims it is literal It doesn't happen in your stomach, it ahppens on the altar. It is substantially changed but the accidents often remain that of bread and wine. Sometimes even the accidents change and it becomes flesh and blood, but this is very rare and always a big deal.
Charles Carter
Peter was not meant to be the first Pope if that is where you are going with this. Peter is the rock that the church was built on and had the keys to heaven, but you take that too literally. Peter preached at the Pentacost and started the chain reaction that would lead to the creation of the church.
Evan Wright
It's called Transubstantiation you fucking idiot, the substances changes but the accidents stay the same. Oh but I guess I shouldn't expect a Protestant retard to understand any of this considering the fact that you have no theology. All of the Church Fathers disagree with your heresy. Repent or burn in hell heretic.
How do you figure? Most of the people who wrote the bibles fucked kids.
Isaiah Watson
>Look who's talking, the retard that posted this (You)
I give you the definition of transubstantiation
>(especially in the Roman Catholic Church) the conversion of the substance of the Eucharistic elements into the body and blood of Christ at consecration, only the appearances of bread and wine still remaining.
Isaac Gonzalez
>all this transgender shilling fak off
Jayden Garcia
>implying the train should have ever left the station
Henry Gutierrez
>I believe in some deity who killed the enemies of Jews over 2 thousand years ago and made himself into his own son to save humanity but Communion is black magic The absolute state of religionfags
Samuel Garcia
no its literal, symbolic is protestant
they were sent out after what event user?? ... come on this inst a trick question
here you are misinformed the substance or essence is different hence transubstantiation
this is how you end up anathema by your own action
The greek word used for first, protos, carries an implication of being chief, not just first in a list of equals.
Tyler Ramirez
Orthodox deny the ability of thr human to use reason to understand the world around them. I agree that reason is limited, but that doesnt mean it is useless. Honestly, it seems like orthodox hate reason just so they can be different.
Jaxson Miller
old testament >fuck you fuck you all, you bastard sons of bitch motherfuckers, go drown and fuck yourselves new testament >I love you all, we should love each other, pass that weed and forgive each other bros roman catholic >roman guy saw cross symbol visions, won battle >shiet this is it bruhs >oops endless crusades and wars protestants >fuck duh church we be independent n shiet >oops people are turning from church and forming cults mormons >muh plates in the earth >god told me israelites teleported to north america >this is truth guys >uh freemasons, nah
does any of this shit even matter anymore? >inb4 year 4000 when prophet aay XI mk 3 claims 9/11 was the rapture of the new age and new revelations of the andromeda galaxy
Transubstantiation is essentially the transgenderism of the Christian world.
>it's Jesus' flesh and blood because I say so, no ifs ands or buts To which you consume your God like cannibals. Disgusting really.
Ayden Phillips
this is incredibly autistic
Robert Rodriguez
not an argument
>You) Brother will you pray for me?
Does me asking mean I worship you?
>All Mary veneration is is a leftover of fertility cult goddess worship that tries to reconcile the lack of a feminine archetype in Christianity [Citation needed]
>God established an office so it could immediately go out lol He was head of the church And like when they replaced Judas when he died, they replaced Peter with Linus, and it has continued on to this day.
Hail Mar- Actually you know what, I think I'll just talk to the big guy himself. why would you post this
William King
>this is incredibly autistic Yet I don't believe bread can turn into flesh or boys can become girls.
Nathan Campbell
>implying the crusaders did anything wrong
Matthew Stewart
>No you Catholic scum, I've never asked someone to pray for me lol
Colton Nguyen
Oh, theft and murder aren't wrong? Interesting.
Jace Jones
>die >humans decide you're a saint >have to listen to all their gay ass prayers and basically be a wagie in heaven i would be pissed desu
Hunter Young
>I think I'll just talk to the big guy himself. No one says you can't, but it's not always the best idea.
>false equivalency fallacy
Brayden Jenkins
>hey Broseph will you pray for me? >hey son you should get Broseph to pray for you, he's really good at it >hey grandson, make sure to get Broseph's help to pray >1000 years >wtf dude Broseph's a cool guy what's wrong with asking him to pray for me this is what catholics ACTUALLY believe
Ethan Gutierrez
>murder war isnt murder you idiot >theft reclaiming christian lands from infidels is theft
Jace Turner
Asking you, a person, to pray for me is different than me erecting altars and painting icons of you.
Hunter Ross
People ask their friends to pray for them all the time. Imagine being so arrogant and egotistical to think that you don't need others prayers, least of all the Mother of Christ.
Jason Bennett
>it's not always the best idea to just talk to God yeah, ok
Alexander Jenkins
Broseph is in heaven and has more clout with God than you do
Jonathan Thomas
I too can imagine Jesus giving a big thumbs up to the Fourth Crusade. Dude probably sat in his recliner and watched it with some brews.
Is it always a good idea to sit down to have a chat with the King? No. Sometimes it is a good idea to have his closest friends give you an introduction first.
Daniel Parker
Alters are for God
Icons are to remind you of the holiness of saints, you dont worship them.