GOP Rejects Two Resolutions Affirming Support For U.S. Intelligence Community

At this point, how can you deny that Trump/the GOP are fucking traitors serving Russian interests?

>Republicans on Thursday objected to doing the bare minimum in response to President Donald Trump’s confusing stance toward Russian interference in U.S. politics, objecting to two nonbinding resolutions that affirmed the Senate’s support for the U.S. intelligence community.

>At a joint news conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday in Helsinki, Trump refused to condemn Russia’s efforts to manipulate the 2016 presidential election, as detailed by his own intelligence agencies several times. Instead, he cast doubt on those assessments and in his comments gave credence to Putin’s denial of the interference.

Attached: trump-putin-press-conference.jpg (440x293, 22K)

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Well, so this means the Senate GOP is in with the treason at that summit? Colour me surprised

dump trump fags btfo as usual

Two groups that interfered with the election. Group A against you group B for you. Naturally side with group B and everyone starts fucking crying

God bless Trump and Vlad

the only thing gayer than nonbinding resolutions is OP

nice round about way of saying that it was Russia. !7 intel agencies have proved it already so just stop with the bull and fess up.

you elected a conman and a traitor ohhhhh that's gotta sting hillarywillbombus hicks

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I love how the left just loves the CIA now. Fags into fags I guess

i aint clicking that, reading it, or even considering it a valid source

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Boomer watches too much Maddow.

It goes in all fields.

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