Why do niggers get tons of leeway while autists get shit on for looking in the wrong direction?

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>Why Leeway
Monkey aesthetics.

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muh dik

African Americans are the worst things i've seen but regular Africans are cool

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>have job
>be called racist for holding crimes against PoC
>don't have a job anymore
Most likely profession to do this? School teachers.

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meanwhile teachers can torture autists all day. fuck the left

Its due to the fact that you're probably experiencing the top 1% of Africans who are well above average in Intelligence and are more intelligent than your average white. They all have loads of money, political influence, a relative in a high government position or a combination of the 3. Polite, smart and well behaved but they don't represent the hordes of 80 IQ Africans that are the supermajority in Africa.

this. the blacks in middle class areas are the most wonderful people ive ever met. niggers in the ghetto are animals as far as im concerned

god, black people are just on average uglier and dumber than white people. their hair sucks, they have zero variation in how they look. white people have different eye and hair colors while black people are just black eyed and black curly haired fucks. the only time a black person is remotely attractive is if they look like a white person with black skin or are mulatto. that's it.

be fucking honest, if 100% of the world were white, it would be a better place.

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also notice that successful Africans want nothing to do with niggers cause niggers try to drag each other down and see being successful and smart and not a thug as "being white".

and this is tolerated but autists have to suffer constant rejection. WHY

Smart nonwhites know that more whites = more stability so they want to live in white neighborhoods and communities. The current culture war is about the left trying to give nonwhites more access to white people.

Niggers exhibit a sort of brutish hive mind which allows them to coordinate loosely for the purposes of burning down local grocery stores and murdering cops. This makes them innocent victims in the eyes of the left and boosts them up the progressive stack. Autists rarely burn down anything or murder anyone which puts them at the bottom of the progressive stack and implies they are inherently oppressive to groups such as women.

I constantly think about the fact that it must feel really good to not have foresight about implications of actions.
Today I almost got into a road rage incident with some guy, nothing happened but it could've escalated really quickly. I kept thinking afterwards what if I was just a stupid black or redneck who just decided to du nuffin and beat the living shit outta the dude in front of his family without any conscience whatsoever or any inkling I'd go to prison.
I bet that feels pretty fucking good to just du nuffin real hard without any idea of what possible futures look like.
I rarely ever fought in school because I got caught every single time even if it was self defense (of course me and the kid bullying me got the same punishment - because fuck me, right?) But god damn I wish I had a tiny brain just so I could not feel guilty about wanting to brain someone for looking at me funny. That's gotta feel powerful. To just du nuffin as hard as possible.

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i know it sucks. when i finally did it ended my bullying problems because i put a chad in the hospital

African Australias are similar to regular Africans. They are better than the niggers in america

pic related

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>this. the blacks in middle class areas are the most wonderful people ive ever met. niggers in the ghetto are animals as far as im concerned
All blacks are niggers. You can talk to ANY black one on one, and they'll generally be nice and polite, will talk to you about whatever.
But that same nigger, when in a group with other niggers, will act like he doesn't know you at all. When a nigger is in a group, they form a collective nigger, and when you come near them it is like you walked in on a room full of people who were talking shit about you while you were away.
The collective nigger will either completely ignore you, or each one will compete to assert dominance over you. Your best bet is to just not look any of them in the eye and keep walking. They will have nothing but suspicion and hatred for you, and are ready to attack at any moment.

Africans in America seem "nice" only because they are strangers in a strange land. They know that America is infinitely better than the hell hole they come from, and that they will be sent back if they fuck up.
But the same rules apply, when they're in a group, or if you traveled to their territory in Africa, they'd see you as something to eat.

Now compare this to how a group of whites will fall over themselves to try and make a random single nigger feel at home and invite them into the group etc etc. When whites get together there's no "collective white", this sort of phenomena hasn't occurred since the Nazis.
Because most whites in the West have had race consciousness stamped out of them by 12+ years of Marxist education. It was either replaced with some vague notion of class consciousness or individualism.

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Because liberals treat niggers as children, so they act as children.

Think of it as two divorced parents. You have your fucking mom who tells them that they can do no wrong, and everything will be alright baby. She has an agenda, she wants that child support, she doesn't care about the black future. Then you have the right, who have repeatedly throughout history tried to make blacks just like whites. Get a job. Be responsible. Don't kill and rape.

Well the fucking Democrats have been butt hurt since they lost the Civil War. They're the ones that brought them in to do their work, and now they are super mad that they can't control blacks anymore. So they twist their minds.

Regular Africans are fine because unlike ghetto niggers they have a brain and are crafty

>Regular Africans are fine because unlike ghetto niggers they have a brain and are crafty
Again, that's only because they are outside of their territory and/or alone.
Go visit a sub Saharan people alone with no shiny things to trade and see how cool they are.
Individual "ghetto" niggers will be polite and nice, even though they are stupid, so long as they alone and outside their territory. But again, this is only when you engage them one on one.
If you spot one in a store and they don't know you're looking, they'll be trash, or if you have to provide service to one at work they'll be trash. But just talking one on one with them they'll be nice and polite, but this is only a performance they give.

Because that's how the Good Lord decided it, so get with the program
>*wipes dick in pastey*

I cant stop watching this

Yeah, just wait until they have children and their children will become the worst ghetto niggers as IQ regresses to the mean.

and geography. only the top 5% of africans can get here

So that's why God gave them small heads!

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