I wonder what the world would be like if he had won

I wonder what the world would be like if he had won

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we would literally be spaceniggers but you anglos fucked us over

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A better place. Less corruption, rarely any degeneracy and advanced technology.



the situation that caused my parents to meet is so rare that if any slight event in human history was different I’m 100% sure I never would have been born but it would honestly be okay with me if I was sacrificed so the rest of humanity didn’t have to live in this perverse hellscape

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I wish I was never born and america lost. The world would be a better place/

It's actually hard to fathom, it would be another golden age.

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Most white people here would be slaves or dead. None of you seem to get that being anything but ethnically German would mean that.


He won, why do you think the nation that "beat" him is now fostering his views, also why is africa fucked up? why the whitest countries kept all the jewish gold? ponder on that, also operation High Jump.

it would be an never ending 80ies world. it's a wonderful wonderful life

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lmfao yeah better


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Germany would be larger and more powerful, the holohoax wouldn't be a thing. The USA and Japan would probably come into conflict at some point again. The long-term success of Nazi Germany really depends on the character of the next fuehrer, and how he becomes the fuehrer.

Yeah I’m sure that’s why Hitler spared the Anglos at Dunkirk and ordered historical buildings in France to be exempt from bombings, kike

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Less Jews pulling strings from behind curtains if absolutely NOTHING else.

Clean streets, attractive wives, a sense of pride and accomplishment, no degenerates...a new golden age for man

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Americans are so fucking stupid sometimes. Do you even read any books about what the National Socialists really believed outside of retarded kike movies?

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For the last fucking time Jews aren't Anglo, they aren't even European.

Yeah I think some people still won't stop shilling so this thread is moot guys best move on.

they wouldn't have been able to hold any of the territory they invaded and their currency would still be worthless, but it's funny how much stormfaggots jerk to this shit.

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You're partners. Jews can't do shit without their Anglo enablers.

You realise that if anyone's parents chose to have sex at a different day, or even a different Time on the same day then they would never exist, if Hitler won literally none of us would technically exist

Calling a terminal parasite our "partner" is how this shit keeps happening.

newfag detected

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He would have got rid of all the worthless fucking gypsies and pikies in the UK, at least. But he'd also off a bunch of people I like too.

You could probably get away with naming your kid Adolf and sporting the Chaplin-stache

I'm not defending them. The US would never be an empire on the scale it is today without our Jewish overlords backed by WASPs.

What do you think you are now, you fucking filthy (((Anglo)))?

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>Muh American freedom

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my hamster had to learn german at school, like lit half of eastern europe too. So you go there and you try to speak english, all they know is german and russian. english is alien to them

>The US would never be an empire on the scale it is today without our Jewish overlords backed by WASPs.

That's where you're wrong kiddo.

The parasite went where the blood was be it the US, the USSR, or other.

>"posted from my iPhone"

Why can’t we have this?

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America will pay for its sins.

This was traded for rap and tacos.

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Nothing. Same old human corruption.

A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.

Britain will pay for its sins.

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>jerks it to porn on Jow Forums

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>Muh American freedom
>How dare you own a mobile phone
Mutts like you are genetic abominations.

Just look at China.

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What are those red lights supposed to be? That's a really nice picture user, saved.

Go the fuck back to Mexico if you hate us so much.

What's that? Your shitskin government never formed a functioning country and people get their faces peeled off to this day for disrespecting crime lords?

>doesn't deny phoneposting from a phone created by jews
nice double-standard fag

Something worse would have been created out of an Axis victory. A Fascist state is only as good as their leaders are.

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What would we do without Currywurst

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A house dog is often considered part of the family.

Now try earnestly advocating for Americanism. You've outed yourself as baseless.

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Best case scenario you have a triple cold War with a Greater Germany in between the smaller USSR and a NATO which probably lost its appetite in invading Germany. The United States still is a superpower as well as the USSR but Germany is a Continental power in Europe.

Our genetic lineages would still exist. Someone jizzing two seconds later isn’t neccessarily going to have a massive effect on the outcome of a child. The genes passed by the parents are still the same.

The gravedigger of Europe.

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Churchill took the war as a personal afront, he was ready to kill every single white man woman and child in the UK just to stop Hitler.

Scum sucking alcoholic that he was.

They already are. They will pay further when they’re (((kind))) are forever wiped off the face of this Earth by the shitskins they chose over Germans.

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I don’t care for insects. I’m not a yellow fever degenerate.

This. Israel is our greatest ally.

the world would be like China if Hitler had won user


if you cant explain how the world would be, we would have left already and been exploring the stars possibly with the natsoc mindset.

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Right. I’m Mexican now for reminding a mutt of its place on this Earth.

>hurr durr strawman
quality post, user. really demonstrating your IQ.

Honestly who the fuck cares? I made some slide at you becuase we're both here on the "Argue without a ban" area of the internet.

What the fuck do you hope for your country? Even if you're brown I can't imagine it's brown dick.

No one's trying to claw into third world countries.

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He did win. You just havn't realized it yet. Sorry to fuck up your dream but he was only a pawn in the game that is still being played. Another pawn protecting the same king in this game is Israel. I hope you understand what I'm saying. It's all going quite well and everything is right on target.

>The United States still is a superpower as well as the USSR

The Soviets weren’t a superpower before the war and only barely qualified as one afterwards. How the fuck would a landlocked, sparsely populated, siberian wasteland qualify as a superpower?

Yes, I should’ve lied over something that can easily be proven. The company that designed, or produces, or ships, or sells the computer you are using is owned by a jew dipshit. Most major companies are owned by (((them.))) And also, how dare I not be behind a computer all the time and have a life besides Jow Forums. Stupid jewish me.

The only problem with china is the race of the people. Prove me wrong.

You can’t.

The world wouldn’t be a shitty knockoff if Hitler had won you fucking yellow fever degenerate.

Still fucked up, but not as fucked up

whats the point of being outside nowadays
dont look at anyone, thats agressive

Europe would have unified under german leadership for the first time in history while still control most of the world by colonies
Proud of their people and ancestors would have endure the fall of comunism in russia anexed it economically and then politically
The ultimate superpower would have born , the only stage left , the stars

I’d rather have my existence wiped away for a better timeline.

no absolutely not, china is everything hitler hated. china is like the us 2.0, money money money. No regard for human life


Aren’t you the retard that loves dying for Israel lmao?

Fucking good goy.

That's the difference between whites and non-whites. Whites say "What I can do for my country, and if all I can do is die for it, that's what I'll do."

Non-whites just ask "What can this country do for me?"

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>dont look at anyone, thats agressive
My English professor a couple years back told us that the "male gaze" is real and should be punishable. Someone asked how it could be validated at all and she said that "you can just feel it". I don't need to tell you what the implications of guilty trespass simply for feeling offput by someones look is.

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Answer = Hitler would have built even bigger, uglier, more absolutely, pathetically Freudian buildings to compensate for his hideously deformed, micro-penis. Ultimately, he would have nuked the entire world like "The Mad King" in a fit of syphilitic delirium. In 2018, a few human survivors would be living in caves in Iceland. Yeah!

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the same but with less shitskins and jews , woul be pretty neat , people would be happier on average, blacks probably brought back to africa as africa is less over growded sicne no fucking gibs for nigs,
germany large af, european union more or less not cucks but an extention of the german empire.
russians maybe partially exterminated, but sitll a more functional people than today as the communist had less time to engineer them into degenerates, but most damage already done,
also no or almost no frickin chinese people as the japanese now settle china too. which is a clean tidy powerhouse of asia .
the us still dominates world evonomics but germany dominates almos tpoliticalls, a multipolar world.
would be quite nice desu
no feminism, high marriage rates. low suicide rates.. yeah not paradise but a better place for our kind

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>complaining about jews on a device you know was created by jews

Everyone would hate each other and we would all be cattle.

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95% of all the shit was created by europeans regardless , we dont need or want scum

Nigger, I am fucking white American. I was shitting on the other tard because he’s a Jew who loves (((America and its greatest ally))) and he unironically believes hurr durr Nazi not epic because muh (((American))) freedom. Fuck out of conversations where you have no idea what’s going on.


Such language.

>I am fucking white American.

You're a fucking white male.

>I was shitting on the other tard because he’s a Jew who loves (((America and its greatest ally)))


>and he unironically believes hurr durr Nazi not epic because muh (((American))) freedom. Fuck out of conversations where you have no idea what’s going on.

Is that so?

So what now? What argument would you LIKE me to counter-point? Or do you just come here looking to scream into the air?

>smller USSR
if germany won the soviets would cease existing, lif hitler had the say there would not evne be russians to be soviets,
also all the russian producing facilitys are in the west if moskau fell and could be held by germany , after 2 years at max soviets collapse.
also coldwar would maybe not happen in that way,
as germany holds europe and US only was americas and japans holds asia, the axis would be in charge.
in this cold war, the nato woul be the underdog.
the axis pact would probably strengthen, and a european union like system with more open german supremicy would rise in europe,

>globalist liberal democratic cities are desperately competing with each other to build the biggest phallic shaped skyscrapers
>h-hitler's buildings were freudian penis compensators!!

Kike armchair psychologists everyone.

They'd be fucking the little pale blonde boys like they do now in Argentina!!! 3 Communities ran by pedo socialists. Slave camps. This is a fucking joke. The republic is the only way.

Fuck you user. Fuck you.
I come here to shitpost and now I have these feels I didn't need.

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The best goy™

most funny thing
Holocaust museums all ove rthe world funded by germany would proclaim the glory of extermianting the jewish race. and would be places of pride not guilt.
would be funny as hell

25 hour week and more automation

more time for crafts and artisenry

Fuck your lazy dreams. I'd rather build then shape clay dildos like you. Art is degenerate.