They need not cause greed (which no one can do) in order to capitalize on it.
"Their greed makes them easy to control. It makes [(((them)))] powerful." -Martyn, The Hole (2001)
Jews are not the problem, it's peoples desire for others' wealth.
They need not cause greed (which no one can do) in order to capitalize on it.
"Their greed makes them easy to control. It makes [(((them)))] powerful." -Martyn, The Hole (2001)
Jews are not the problem, it's peoples desire for others' wealth.
Yes and also the jews.
Can confirm for I am the Jew.
>Jews are not the problem, it's peoples desire for others' wealth.
I think that's the most jewish thing I've ever heard.
I guess it's just everyone else then
>Guess Jews simply bring out the worst in people
>implying when you're actually inferring
this, stupidity of goyim is the base for income
Not really exclusive to Jews dude. Everyone with the means to do so capitalize on others greed.
If you hate Da Jooooos so bad that's fine but at least find something exclusive to them to bitch about.
>Not really exclusive to Jews dude. Everyone with the means to do so capitalize on others greed.
The point is that Jews do this most.
>it’s not the pimp or whore
>it’s the John
You really think this is all about money?
is that a trap ? she cute
You are aware that this girl in the pic is a tranny?
This is probably one of yours hook nosed tricks shlomo
>You are aware that this girl in the pic is a tranny?
Yeah, what's your problem?
hm probably
shes also dead
I'm not Reiko nor associated with him
Still not sure what Reiko thing was. But I can't disagree that feminity can create a more cooperative world
Not really, it’s just that jews have no issue exploring it or preying on it.
This can be most easily understood at look at the difference between Christians and Jews attitude towards usury. Christians believed all usury was bad, jews believe it was bad, but allowed it towards non Jews. This meant they could fuck over non Jews with usury once western nations started to enforce their contracts
You’ve never been around a group of women before, have you?
>we're innocent, goyim
>we're true humanitarians, goyim
>we've been persecuted unjustly throughout history, goyim
Fuck off. Jews are anti-human demons and this is why they are hated wherever they go.
Why would jews do this? are they also greedy?
Jews are the master race get over it whitie
Hitler lost because he wasn't good enough and so will you
>Jews are not the problem
Sounds like something a jew would say
Noone can cause greed eh? Interesting perspective on God's law you've got there leaf. I'm sure it's only a humble objective observation.