Nothing will happen unless you get violent >change my mind
>Millions of fighting age males imported to Europe >Breeding like rabbits, with each other, our women and their own cousins >Stockpiles of weapons found in mosques throughout Europe
>USA flooded with shitskins who are now getting wealthier thanks to diversity hiring in the workplace >Hundreds of thousands of Hispanics crossing border illegally. Importing drugs, gang violence and now children
>Pedo rings in Hollywood and in the DNC completely untouchable >Pedo rings in UK government completely untouchable >Pakistani Rape gangs operating with impunity for decades with help of local councils and police in UK >Millions of rapes and murders of women of all ages across Europe being blacked out by local media
>Everywhere enablers of the globalist cause slander and assault you wherever you go >You will NEVER convince them to change their ideology
Your only resort is violence, but you won’t, we won’t, we’ll sit here day after day hoping for “HAPPENINGS” that go nowhere, Q LARPS that distract us and shill threads you feel smart for replying to
I agree that violence will be the answer but I'm also wary of people who push for it, even more so of those who do it sneakily here on Jow Forums. Bunch of plants.
Christian Bell
Prophetic posts like that scare the piss out of me.
Violence begets violence, antifa and all of the leftists drunk on killing Trump and beating up his "nazi" support are proof as much of this.
Building alliances, educating people about the realities of the world, change hearts and minds one step at a time is a slow process, absolutely, but it's better than the alternative.
Jordan Cooper
Yes, but the right won't start it; they never do. Antifa and the left already have. Brownshirt resistance will follow. The proud boys, as much as Jow Forums makes fun of them (and they are fairly mockable) are an early manifestation of this. As things get worse, as antifa gets more violent, so too will the right become more serious about resisting their aggression, and ultimately it will come to understand that to resist the aggression of the left, the left must be squashed.
Aaron Reyes
Its getting near...
Xavier Morgan
I don't disagree with you but we need Trump to work his magic for a bit longer there is still the mass arrests for those indictments coming in
How? Mueller is literally pardoning the worst offenders as we speak. The rats are uniting.
Lucas Miller
Look at the Baltimore riots. Ferguson. Or anything else recently. Hell there was one in Chicago and it barely made the news. My point? How long till the rioters (whites are in there too as antifa), try that shit in middle America where 3/4 of the population is armed? They will try it, drunk off of riots in places where the police stood down. The result will be a shooting gallery.
Elijah Sanchez
>but you won’t, we won’t
Are you sure about that user? I have seen big changes the last couple of years.
I remember 10 years ago when people didn't even have the balls to tell people that they were nationalists.
The whole world has been reading Siege except for rightwing people I satrt to think.
Caleb Lee
Our population has been bred and indoctrinated to be good passive little worker drones.
Violence may be the answer but it's not going to happen on a scale that matters.
Tyler Morales
daily reminder that you can put this on a pistol, legally, but if you grip the pistol with it you're a felon
Jeremiah Martinez
Just turned 18. Didn't you bro? Have no timeline to double check for accomplishments, so you can't really see where this is going?
John Green
Once the violence starts count me in but until then I have a family to provide for
Kayden Evans
What the fuck are you even talking about?
Isn't it time for your daily dose of getting BLACKED?
Cooper Russell
>Your only resort is violence, but you won’t, we won’t, we’ll sit here day after day hoping for “HAPPENINGS” that go nowhere, Q LARPS that distract us and shill threads you feel smart for replying to It will never happen, there are too few of us and too many of them. The ones in-between don't care and have been taught to hate themselves.
Jeremiah Turner
Why be afraid when this is the ideal outcome and your digits confirm it?
's cool.
Julian Clark
It is clear that the leading and most vociferous progressives and antifa in the West are not women or minorities, but white millennial males. They are the most organized and militant. They are majority of antifa as well as leftwing journalists and content creators.
Therefore, sexual assault as a tactic against antifa and progressives should not be disparaged. It would not be difficult to find a single progressive and overpower him with several others. They would be too ashamed to report it. Many of them are white males so no one would care about them. If not sexual assault, then they should be disfigured with acid or their genitals mutilated.
Those of you who say, "Assaulting the progressive is wrong," consider the following:
>the same progressive would have no hesitation to do the same to you just because you are a white male
>Many have actively supported the activities of refugee rapists and Muslim sexual grooming gangs (look at the articles in which those who knew of the gangs, all progressives, and were actively complicit in silencing the victims, mocking them and are still doing so to this day
>they will deny all of this
It is a moral necessity to kill, mutilate or castrate the progressive.
Relax kiddo. You don't have to overreact because everyone who have been doing this for a while can see that you have a huge lack of knowledge about how things was and how far we have come.
10 years ago people didnt even have the balls to talk about nationalism.
Ryder Wilson
Anyone advocating violence now is probably a Fed or an imbecile. Anyone who has lived through such times has no desire to go through it again. It’s all fun to larp but any victory worth having should be deliberately planned and leave nothing to chance. Once a civilization like the US is in chaos, there is no guarantee we ever get it back again. Admittedly the destruction of the West is happening in slow motion before us. But there is still time to preserve what we have built to some degree. Let’s see if Trump can stay in office long enough to shut down all immigration from non-white countries. That should be the goal. And it’s perfectly legal. We’ve got 6 years to get this going. Now if the establishment uses illegal means to remove him, then we’re looking at a constitutional crisis and rebellion might be appropriate. But we’re not there yet. In the meantime, wash your penis bucko and clean your room. Get you house in order. Get a good job, buy a home, marry well and have some kids. Maybe buy some land in a Northern State. Donate money to worthy causes and maybe run for office in a way that is not explicitly alt-right but appeals to the working class and traditional Americans.
Ayden Sullivan
>the west will go quietly into the night, brother; it is written the rise and the fall
Wyatt Foster
But the communists are now "liberals". How do we convince the regular joes that liberals are bad? Since everything they've already fucked up for everyone isn't enough of a wakeup call.
Hunter Jenkins
yes but the problem is our side will get sniffed out and sent to jail or get life ruined for any little thing so noone does any serious actions. Unlike (((antifa))) which is state protected at least in greece
Hudson Edwards
> the destruction of the West is happening in slow motion before us. >slow motion >slow Really? It seems to be happening remarkably quickly. I'm only 30 years old and when I was 15 I remember feeling so lucky to be a white European and how fantastic and secure everything seemed. 15 years later and everything feels completely fucked. How long before the normies begin to worry? Maybe I'm just panicky but this genuinely doesn't feel slow. The Romans got to see their empire fall over 2 centuries. We'll see the West fall over one lifetime. It's terrifying.
Juan Allen
I totally agree. I'm 27 and the Finland of my youth was a different place. I don't get how the normies don't seem to see any of it.
Jayden King
My guess is that there will be an inflection point. We are living through it. The nationalist movements are an indication of it. Eventually shitlib whites will no longer be able to draw voters to their parties. It seems to be happening here in the US too. White men are all moving to vote Republican. The Democrats will eventually only be the party of cat ladies and brown people. The US I grew up in was also very different. I’m in California. In the early 80’s about 90% of my classmates were huwhite. If I went back to that school now I bet it would be 50% Chinese.
Caleb Hernandez
My point being that violence is unlikely to have the desired outcome at the moment. But huwhites should be standing up for themselves. That should be step number one. Get free of the leftism and poz that tells white men to be ashamed of themselves.
Charles Cox
And you made a thread rather than do something
then imagine Sweden
The danger when I grew up were the alleged roaming packs of greasers that could accost you. Today that'd be like being in a scene from Grease