He got a taste of his own medicine

He got a taste of his own medicine

Attached: portuguese_bull.webm (480x270, 1.42M)

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That is just fucking wrong.

No need to do that to Trump.

He will regret this

He did it to others

Insecure at most

Another dictator trying to show off

But you were okay with it when trump did this exact thing to others

Which one of the two puppets do you mean?

Like that really short guy who annoys everyone and wants to fight every 10 min so everyone knows who "the real boss" is

It's just like showing off your business card or other Patrick Bateman bullshit.

The more important one to note would be their second handshake, should they have needed to. Seeing if Trump pulls in hard first would cleart things up.

Portugese over compensate for everything

webm of Trump giving anybody whiplash ?

Since when?

If anyone is asking, that's actually a typical Portuguese hand shake. It's a strong pull.

You mean trump?
But trump does this all the time and you cheer for it when he does

>a three word version of "no u"
I'm sure the only thing on you sharp enough to match your wit is your forehead

Ye but wot about dat danald drump guy amarite

>it's okay if our guy does it but it's bad if someone else does it to him
Fuck off nrwfag

Portugese are the bullies

Who is that little boy?

Isn't your puny drug and prostitute infested countries' motto, "Mijn lul functioneert niet. Breng meer Afrikanen mee"?

Trump isn't a petty girl. He underestimated the manlet, everyone makes mistakes, and quickly learned that he was dealing with a go-getter. They'll get along great.

Pathetic coming from senior 56%

Attached: shapeshifting_ivanka.jpg (590x350, 45K)

I bet he actually loved it, this is how you make good first impression and earn respect.

56% what is that is that your bodyfat percentage I don't care what your bodyfat percentage is

And a picture of the first daughter for no reason very nice does eveyone in Holland post like a retarded person

Can anyone explain the pull-handshake? I don't get it. I'd not be nice to anyone if they disrespected me like that.

You can have a strong & firm handshake that lands jobs without having to be an asshole.

Attached: boomer sip.jpg (1029x1000, 275K)

Kike disguised as white

>Americans calling clog wogs fat

Which timeline have I Mandela-effected into today ffs?

Buddy I don't care if you'e a kike living in Holland go suck off a refugee or ten

Actually I do care I am masturbating furiously to our posts please keep going

Says the flat faced, slat eyed Dutchy

dude this isn't 2005 the UK is seriously close to being a land of fatties a la USA or Mexico.

Don't you read wikipedia?

>woah! there little buddy

Honestly is one thing if like a world power does it but another if some little shithole like portugal tries to pull something like that. What do they hope to accomplish?

That's Justin Trudeau

Ivanka is literally a Kike.
>slat eyed Dutchy
t. Mutt

Heres a secret: everybody on Earth would rather be an American or a kike than a clog wearing dutchlady like you. I'm going to sleep. Go blow some refugees.

Trump never did it that violently.
For real look at the two side by side.

Trump never did THIS to anybody. How incredibly rude.

Jewvanka LOL

>Ivanka is literally a Kike.
Like her mother, yep

>Portuguese are faggots

Portuguese Americans were the only whites who voted for Hillary over Trump (Jews arn't white)
Even /OurShitskins/ Cubans voted better.

Its pretty normal actually. Like its a handshake pushing you towards a hug but you never hug. its odd, but normal

This is all academic.
Everyone knows only Germans and Lando Calrisian lookin niggers can handshake correctly.
Trump is German but Portuguese are only discount sandniggers

Attached: ProperHandShake.gif (360x203, 1.85M)

awesome coming from a brittbarge

I guarantee you Trump respected him more and had a laugh

Instead of focusing the handshake like some retarded liberal child, what is the meeting all about? Trade deals? Ronaldo's jerseys?

>biting the hand that feeds

>inb4 msnbc
Jow Forums was in love with him when he was doing this shit. Muh PM even had a counter move which worked against it.


The only thing that hand feeds is that obese trump

keep biting it ans see where it gets ya

Literally the most retarded shit I've ever seen. PLEASE just come back, Salazar.

Attached: angry wojak.jpg (225x225, 10K)

>He got a taste of his own medicine
He literally laughed in response. Stay triggered.

Attached: 1451085996718.png (669x1195, 833K)

Source on that stat, m8
im portuguese, my parents voted trump, my cousins voted trump
Where do you get these stats from

THE CADUGUESE PULL vs the virgin mutt handshake.


Oh such buttmadnesd from the mutts

Best Ally

That's a normal, confident handshake here. Trump can take it because he's not a faggot like most other rulers he meets, like Trudeau.
I bet Trump's first thought was "this guy is alright"

It was some standard state visit. They barely talked. As you can imagine, there isn't much in Portugal that interests Trump, except Portuguese themselves, as we export high quality engineers. We're the kind of immigrants Trump wants to legally come and share technical knowledge. Engineering lies at the core of first world country technology.

These people don’t understand the art of the handshake

It's not a handshake for trying to get a job, it's for asserting dominance when meeting with a competitor. Doing it to a potential boss would be stupid because it shows you're a threat to him and you consider yourself stronger than him, doing it to a rival at that same work place is smart for the same reason.

You damn well know he was trolling.

how fucking infantile and rude


da fuq

This is it. Drumpf to be impeached

What is this 'spic doing? Somebody call the deportation squad.

The Marine should have taken that cryptoafrican shithead out.


Attached: 1486842617758.webm (480x480, 614K)

Why does he look Asian?

Are south african niggers all retarded looking?

Attached: how_bad_i.jpg (1600x1182, 1.03M)