The most vile of acts known in American, Jewish and Muslim culture, circumcision, has been time and again exposed for the scam and reduction of masculinity it is.
This crazy Jow Forums motherfucker Eric Clopper had a presentation taking place in Harvard University in which he not only disproved the supposed "benefits" of circumcision, but also NAMES THE JEW and their ways of inhumane mutiliation. Skip to 24:57.
He sacrificed his position and reputation to liberate us from circumcision. He pointed out the exact flaws, that mutilated cocks aka those of Americans have FAR lower sexual sensitivity as the most erogenous zones, the ridged band and frenulum, are REMOVED and the glans of their penis DRIES UP. Not only do circumcised men require lube for intercourse or even masturbation to be enjoyable, but even with lube it's much less satisfying to begin with. The LEADING CAUSE of sexual frustration, ladies and gentlemen. Eric Clopper was fired from Harvard University soon after.
If you are a girl reading this, be glad that at least you still have your clitoris next time you talk about "male privilige". Female circumcision is outlawed and demonized, male circumcision is taught in medical schools and ENCOURAGED.
>inb4 not politics In 2013 80% of American men were circumcised. Circumcision is the biggest hypocrisy opposing Feminism. It's one of the biggest Jewish lies noone likes to admit because circumcised men HATE to admit that they lost something without being able to aquire it back.
>Europeans tell me I have no sensitivity on my penis >still can't last longer than 4 seconds Why does this myth still exist?
Blake Myers
>Not only do circumcised men require lube for intercourse
ive had sex hundreds of times and never thought this to be the case at all
in fact the best feeling is first shoving it into a girl without lube, especially when shes so wet you can just thrust all the way in immediately the first time
Isaac Clark
but dont get me wrong, all kikes need to hang along with the doctors who mutilate childrens genitals
Easton Adams
If your dick would magically regenerate right now you would be cumming into your pants nonstop for the next couple of days from the excessive sexual stimulation that you dont even know exists
Christian Myers
Not a myth. Just because your sexual stamina is shit doesn't mean you didn't have nerve endings cut off when you were a baby. If you weren't cut, you'd still probably last 4 seconds since you're a faggot, but your orgasm would be exponentially better
John Martin
>Circumcision does not decrease sensitivity You do realize that ramming your cock into a dry vagina should be painful to you?
David Cook
americans, jews and muslims arent people so they can cut themselves
Jeremiah Hernandez
i dont know why all you fags think you have to feel bad about yourselves and your dicks in order to think that jews who mutilate children deserve to be skinned alive
im perfectly fine with my dick but that doesnt mean schlomo isnt getting curbstomped
Joshua Hall
>dry vagina
since im not a cuck ive never been in this circumstance
you could literally just spit on your hand anyway and use that as lube if you had to, not that i even have
Ian Hughes
>spit >anywhere near your reproductive organs And that's how oral diseases became STDs in the West
James Rivera
>not a cuck
or rapist, i suppose that would be the other circumstance that this would happen in lol
Levi Smith
ill try to remember this the next time i fuck a woman who doesnt want to fuck me, which is probably never because im not a cuck or a kike
Landon Young
>not knowing the difference between cuck and beta You're the reason people think Americans are stupid We don't think you should feel bad about your dick, but you should at least acknowledge you had a pointless procedure done on you thanks to Dr Sheklestein. There's also the issue that a good portion of Americans continue the practice with their sons because they're uneducated on the subject.
Sebastian Jones
>>not knowing the difference between cuck and beta
there is no difference now thanks to feminism
betas used to be acceptable to women, they used to have reasonable standards
>but you should at least acknowledge you had a pointless procedure done on you thanks to Dr Sheklestein.
that doesnt mean i have to believe that im some emasculated cuck with a broken dick like you autistic shitflinging retards always try to insist
have some fucking nuance, stop being so argumentative and divisive with your own fucking people
the idea of a child having their genitals cut with only local anesthetic to have their foreskin sold for $400 a piece to makeup companies is more than enough to cause outrage
no need to shill that we're all some supposed hopeless dicklets who will never "truly" enjoy sex or pleasure a woman
you're being fucking pedantic
Anthony Fisher
da fuck is in his pants? is he blatantly showing off his package to a group of guys in those tight jeans?
>Not only do circumcised men require lube for intercourse or even masturbation to be enjoyable Ok now I know for sure you are a fucking retard. >all those cut porn stars really hate their jobs and can't even perform well even though they make up 90% of all males in pro porn
There is a difference, just because you can't differentiate between the two doesn't mean your incapability to do so can be attributed to feminism. Next you're going to tell me incels are the same thing as well. Stop limiting your vocabulary.
I know "muh reddit spacing" is a meme, but Christ your format is painful to read. I'm not saying you're emasculated, but plenty of cut fags refuse to admit the procedure done on them was pointless and their parents were uneducated for going through with it. You are lying to yourself if you think you aren't missing out on anything from your lack of foreskin too. Doesn't mean you are emasculated, but you aren't experiencing everything sex has to offer.
You imply too much.
Nathaniel Jones
it's literally an eggplant
Colton Murphy
>Where does the actual lecture start? 15mins in and still just making jokes for his BROS in the front row.
Brandon Ortiz
The lubricant thing is stupid, you need to look after your dick with lube if you're not in a vagina circumcised or not.
Christopher Gray
how about you stop trying to make people feel sorry for themselves and instead go fucking kill jews like they deserve if you care so much you demoralizing kike
Ethan Rivera
Exposing hard truths is not pretty nor does it "feel good." Stop acting like such a child and grow the fuck up. Confront the problem and stop cowering away from the facts. And you guys know you can regrow your foreskin on your own? Look up foreskin regeneration via manual tugging. I've already grown some extra slack on my dick and can cover my penis with skin when flaccid. A couple more years and I'll have a foreskin again.
Jackson Perez
Also simply jacking off can help regrow foreskin. So >fap more >tug on your dick
Kevin Wood
I would just like to remind this thread that the focus should be on circumcision itself rather than JUST the presentation advocating its abolishment.
Pretty much this Like it or not, sex is an integral part of our lives, whether you're a chad or an incel. This is because our primal instincts demands copulation to keep our DNA alive in another body (our children). Therfore, reproduction and all that comes with it is our first and foremost goal as organisms.
>how about you stop trying to make people feel sorry for themselves You're on Jow Forums. This is the last place where you should complain about feeling uncomfortable about the truth. Here are some quotes of my go-to website for introducing newbies to the whole circumcision thing.
If you are brave enough to find out what you're really missing out on, then check these links and read them in their entirety. This isn't pseudo-science, this is common knowledge and stuff you can attest yourself.
As for regrowing it... There will simply be parts of the foreskin impossible to regrow. Tugging helps increasing foreskin size to once again protect the glans from keratinization (this process is then called dekeratinization, the glans gets wet again). That being said, simply having that protection and enough foreskin to glide over your glans is still going to improve your sexual sensitivity considerably. 3/10 - circumcized sex 7/10 - "restored" sex 10/10 - intact sex
I would advise to manually regenerate until Foregen becomes mainstream, which I fear will take much longer than they claim. Pic-related, the Ridged Band. Circumcizsed people don't have it.
It's funny how pointing out Jewish culture makes you an anti-semite.
Grayson Lee
It wouldn't have been so bad when they just took the tip and made a spare fan belt but when they started taking more and more and ended up with the weirdo sucking baby dicks, holy shit.
Adam Lopez
If you can be convinced its okay to mutiliate your very own sons, you can be convinced of anything burgercuck.