Do Europeans really don't see themselves as white?

Do Europeans really don't see themselves as white?

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What do they mean by Greco-Roman culture?

Nope. They are not.
Like calling the thousand plus Asian civilisations as Yellow.

You gonna get hurt real bad if you say that in public.

When everyone is white, one has to identify oneself by regional differences. A nice side-effect of the migrant crisis is that the white Europeans are starting to identify as one, against the black horde.

This is why UK, France, and Germany are able to make claims such as "these Africans are new Germans." It makes no sense if you use your eyes but there is no defense in the current discourse.

The concept of white is used pretty much universal amongst English speakers now but it was originally a North American thing.

No. Ntional identity implicitely indicates ethnic one as well since until recently Europe had few minorities

the value of perfection and democracy.

" On ne veut voir que des partisans des Anglais dans nos colonies, pour avoir le prétexte de les opprimer. Eh bien ! M. Truguet, si vous étiez venu en Égypte nous prêcher la liberté des noirs ou des Arabes, nous vous eussions pendu en haut d'un mât. On a livré tous les blancs à la férocité des noirs, et on ne veut pas même que les victimes soient mécontentes. Eh bien ! si j’avais été à la Martinique, j’aurais été pour les Anglais, parce qu’avant tout il faut sauver sa vie. Je suis pour les blancs, parce que je suis blanc ; je n’en ai pas d’autre raison, et celle-ci est la bonne. Comment a-t-on pu donner la liberté à des Africains, à des hommes qui n’avaient aucune civilisation, qui ne savaient seulement pas ce que c’était que la colonie, ce que c’était la France ? Il est tout simple que ceux qui ont voulu la liberté des Noirs, veuillent encore l’esclavage des blancs. Mais encore, croyez-vous que, si la majorité de la Convention avait su ce qu’elle faisait et connu les colonies, elle eut donné la liberté aux noirs ? Non, sans doute, mais peu d'entre nous étaient en état d'en prévoir les conséquences, et un sentiment d'humanité est toujours puissant sur l'imagination. Mais à présent, tenir encore à ces principes ! "


No it isn't, lol. You've completely misunderstood what they're saying in that post. When the word "white" was used in North America, in 1790 the word is first used in a legal document, it was not a concept in Europe because there weren't "white people", there were English, French, Prussians, etc., and it was a given that those people were 'white'.

>Eh bien ! si j’avais été à la Martinique, j’aurais été pour les Anglais, parce qu’avant tout il faut sauver sa vie. Je suis pour les blancs, parce que je suis blanc ; je n’en ai pas d’autre raison, et celle-ci est la bonne.

Well! if I had been to Martinique, I would have been for the English, because above all, you must save your life. I am for the whites, because I am white; I have no other reason, and this is the right one.

this. That's why African countries are so racist against each other(aside from being savages) they discriminate on regional differences since they're all black as coal.


Shit in the mouth of the shills, unironically.

No. We are perplexed at americans saying that the only white people come from germany/england/netherlands/sweden and any other country is not white.

They no longer are. Europe is a brown socialist shithole nowadays.
Sad! Thank God for Trump, we risked becoming the same

>Il est tout simple que ceux qui ont voulu la liberté des Noirs, veuillent encore l’esclavage des blancs.

How can you miss that?

Do some Google before you make a fool of yourself as Soros Useful Idiot. Zulu look very different from the Yoruba. So fuck you in advance.

italianon in the second reply is an idiot

Interesting. How come Hitler wasn't a white supremacist considering these ideas already existed in Europe long before him?

they didn't because almost all of europe used to be different shades of white with some anomalies like gypsies that were not considered human anyway
now western parts are changing to various shades of brown

Europeans aren't white they're connected to africa

>we risked becoming the same

Pretty much this. Our individual ethnicities generally come first here.

You're an idiot with a mutt view of the world.

the concept of whiteness is a american thing

White people look different from each other based on what region they grew up in. Same concept with Africa. I know what I'm talking about ching chang, no one cares about your opinion.

forgot pic

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Is this why Poles get discriminated against in the UK?

But this is talking about Spaniards only, not whites as a whole.

Yes, and nobody wants their country filled with the low level peasants of another country, which are the type of people that come from Poland.

Yes, and they're easy picking. But you couldn't replace France with Germans and still have France. North America belongs to which ever race can hold it,

Yep. And why east europeans are second class citizens in italy, the same a brazilian could be.
Where I live, even southern italians are kept at a fair social distance.


I will never why Italians have such a strong rivalry between North and South.

Go anywhere south of Rome and find out for yourself.

if you're not earning at least $30,000 per year, you're not white.

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