Why don't we all just move somewhere?

Seriously Jow Forums, what's stopping us from starting the white ethnostate? Let's just pick a place in the USA that is already primarily white, and everyone who has the means to move can move. I'm a NEET, but my parents are going to help me locate. I say we pick some place in the pacific northwest, or midwest. What do you think?

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>What do you think?
I think you should murder your parents and commit suicide.

We wouldn't even have any meet ups, let's just get a ton of like minded white people to move some place that is already white. IT'S TIME FOR WHITE PEOPLE TO MAKE MOVES

>Let's just pick a place in the USA
Waco 2.0 incoming.

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>I'm a NEET

That's why.

No one wants to move to or be a part of a dysfunctional society.

That said, this is leftist bait, trying to get some material for your VICE article you disgusting reptile? away and fuck off

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The glowing niggers showed up early

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We've been disenfranchised of all hope of gain. We can't afford property; most of us are just getting by. All went downhill after Jekyl Island.

Its called utah

Vice was really good in 2011

I really wish they stuck with documentaries and didnt switch to click bait

Dude, to make a society, even within the united states, you need YEARS of experience with governance, not to mention sustainability and how nobody is going to want to visit or put money in your project if it's connected to racism (and yes, whites only is considered racism despite the jews doing it too with israel)