Iraqi non-binary drag queen on a bus was verbally attacked by a dad

shouting ‘I’d fuck you up if my kids were here’ - while other passengers sat there and ‘did nothing'.

Let's all show our support and solidarity with the LGBT folk. Let's condone these actions shall we??

This innocent drag queen was even returning from an anti-Trump protest, and is normally scared of public transport!

Twitter @Glamrou

Attached: sei_22259133-e1532015601305.jpg (960x888, 178K)

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wow really sad, hit me hard right in the feels

The clock strikes closer and closer to midnight, and the full moon above will be blocked from the view of us below by bodies from the tree. Those bodies will look like that.

Shit like this makes me think that Liberals are actually based and are trying to destroy minorities by turning them into degenerates


not iraqi you piece of shit
that thing is a product of your society

enough is enough Jow Forums

all slaaneshi must go

hey, don't blame this degeneracy on UK - we've got enough already.

why do you think he won't return to Iraq? Islam made him a raging faggot queen

Sorry guys, I don't want to go further than this. Thy are insane and I can't watch in horror anymore.