Why are all cishet white men Republican?

Why are all cishet white men Republican?

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Because the Democrat strategy is openly intersectionalist "undermining white men is our number one priority"-ism

The democrats went from dog-whistling anti-white things to open anti-white rhetoric during the obama administration. Surprisingly, white people don't like that kind of thing.

Dems stand up for marginalized groups including trans women like myself.

Thank you for repeating my point with a veneer of moralization

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no, it can't be this simple, it's because white men are predisposed to harming minorities and that is all that they think about and aim to due in life
t. feminist women studies academic

democrat is the loser party

winners don't want anything to do with losers

>Why are all blurby white men Republican?
i replaced your made up word with my made up word, OP
>in all fields

We won in 2008 and 2012. We could very easily win again in 2018 and 2020. The Trump presidency and GOP control of Congress has been disastrous for our country.

They aren’t made up words.