This excites the Jew

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Other urls found in this thread:

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was hitler /ourguy/?

Attached: 881646.png (700x700, 42K)

The American soldier and the Jihadi soldier are no different.
Both are
>slaves to ZOG
>radically violent, obedient, subservient

Attached: USspecialforces-RADICAL.jpg (299x168, 12K)

Barbaric acts create barbarians.

Attached: verbatim_putin.jpg (471x285, 48K)

Masturbation, sex, and pleasure are SINS goyim. Remain depressed, unsatisfied, emasculated.

Attached: 4365543.png (826x469, 242K)

>The child will forever associate sexual pleasure with PAIN

Attached: 34534.png (820x442, 271K)

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Look at the childs face on the bottom right. Does he not have the infamous "thousand yard stare" those with war trauma also exhibit? This child will grow up depressed and sexually frustrated for life unless he regrows a new foreskin.

The good news is you can regrow your own foreskin at home.

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Wake the fuck up goyim

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Having fun yet?

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((They)) know satan is as real as GOD.

satan tempted Jesus Christ with power on earth

Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them;And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me.Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.
(Matthew 4:8-10)

What do you think satan tempted jooos with?

They took satan's bait.

May the Lord's wrath fall on them

Get right and fight for whats right

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Shut. the. fuck. UP.

Kill yourself you stupid fucking promoter of barbaric, evil, dark Abrahamic faiths.


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>meth addicted autisto leveling white culture

You are just another low IQ boomer brainlet fanatically promoting and spamming your own horseshit in other people's threads. You are doing nothing productive and are helping NO ONE. Fuck off.

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No wonder Germany is such a shithole now. You have faggots like yourself shitting the place up. Pathetic. You're probably not even ethnically German.

>kenyan thicclet just raided the fridge
You don't even speak our language you raging subhuman.

>what is a proxy
I speak better English than your dumb ass, filthy migrant. I'm American.

I appreciate the bumps btw.

Then you are 56% black, no?
Or did you believe your grandpa fucking your anus behind that barn while teaching you about your heritage homo faber?
You guys know shit about german culture, about culture in general, about us and you are cancerous submongrels who should unironically be sterilized.

Attached: 234234.png (709x361, 148K)

Northwestern DNA baby. You jealous of us mutts? We have the best of European genes. I'm a mix of Anglo, Swedish, with a bit of Danish. Nigger free blood. I don't give a shit about German culture, especially modern German culture. And the American culture is European culture Mr. Divide and Conquer.

What does this even mean


Also pasta
What is your opinion on MEMES??? Are they a cheap comedy trick??
Or are they the beginning of our evolution into telepathy and MindSpeak???
>memes are a medium for us to channel energy and ideas

We are telepathically speaking to each other...

>memes need to be preserved
We need the meme archive OFFLINE... we need carvings, sculptures, statues and art memes made and stored inside caves for future generations..
>we must escape the digital serfdom
Create real life meme replicas and STORE THEM UNDERGROUND!!
>a meme time capsule
Also how will future generations view memes???
As hieroglyphs??? As simple art and nothing more...
We need to preserve them

4chins only News source

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Circumcision is an act based on barbarism, it is violent and careless. Violence only begets more violence. The act of circumcision rewires a child's brain to be less empathetic and be more prone to violence. My point is that circumcision creates warriors: circumcision is both prevalent and common in the Middle East, a very violent area of the world.

Circumcision is also very prevalent in African countries.

Notice the trend? Circumcision increases the rate of violence in populations and also breeds subservience to authority.

>american somali thinks eating cheese from a tube has anything to do with culture
mutt, please

Attached: 2stoopid.jpg (786x462, 75K)

pic related is my cousin

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>inb4 Africans are violent only because of circumcision
White peoples in general are obviously less violent overall.

at this time it's bait

I wake up early. It's 6:30 am here dude what are you talking about.

>baiting this hard
you just posted a mexican somali manlet telling me it's your white cousin user

You're so fucking easy to troll.
>the absolute state of germans

Attached: 170px-Liam_Neeson_TIFF_2008.jpg (170x223, 9K)

> (You)
>Circumcision is an act based on barbarism, it is violent and careless. Violence only begets more violence. The act of circumcision rewires a child's brain to be less empathetic and be more prone to violence. My point is that circumcision creates warriors: circumcision is both prevalent and common in the Middle East, a very violent area of the world.
>Circumcision is also very prevalent in African countries.
>Notice the trend? Circumcision increases the rate of violence in populations and also breeds subservience to authority.

I mean the Putin quote. It doesnt really make sense. Sorry you had to type all that.

>I-I just pretended
What are you talking about bubba?

It means exactly what it says it means. Circumcision creates radicals.

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kike spotted

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pic related is you

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Men are no longer COCKY.

the word COCKY means to be self-assured, masculine, aggressive.

Maybe this is because men have lost their COCK.

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good thread OP.