Why was Trump against this it was a trade deal effectively cutting out China and dismantling their influence...

Why was Trump against this it was a trade deal effectively cutting out China and dismantling their influence. Is he bought out by the Chinese?

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China already owns Canadistan and Straya. It was a trojan horse.

Actually the deal we made with the Chinese was better.

Maybe dismantling it, wait and the make a better deal was the right call.

fucking over your country just to spite china isn't a good idea

It was a solid deal for everyone, but way too good of a deal for China.

Basically everyone gets a piece of the pie, but China would be cutting the pieces.

Because the US wasn't getting an amazing deal out of it. It cut China out of the market, but us and the kiwi's were taking the piss a bit and he called us on it. It's not like we wont have trade agreements with the US - Trump just wanted a better deal.

Ceding economic control off the entire Pacific region in treaty to multinational corporate interests was equally as shitty an idea as ceding it to China.
We need better solutions, not simply polarity shifts.

The TPP would have barely affected China. The US already has trade agreements with most of the countries that were in the TPP, and the ROO provisions in the pact were weaksauce, so China would still have been the country of origin for most everything. Meanwhile, US tech and pharma companies would have enjoyed never-expiring patents and other anti-competitive IP protections.

As of April this year he said he is looking to rejoin. However since then he hasnt made a move.

Currency manipulation dummy...

>embrace jewish exploitation to counter China
Basically TPP was a gateway to establishing a super jurisdiction that exempted corporations from national laws that these companies would have been subjected to if they wished to trade in member states.

The idea was sold as a counter to China, the reality was it was a gateway to crushing any resistance to global exploitation.

Doing any kind of trade agreement that isn't 1 on 1 is fucking insane.

Terms are the issue. Trump negotiators want penalties for currency manipulation, unfair U.S. tariffs, and protections against the theft of intellectual properties. Terms that China will not accept...

No one in their right mind would accept those terms.

Specially with the CIA manipulating currency like there is no tomorrow.

Did you not read the required to take 'economic migrants' in fine print.

He wanted bilateral trade agreements and not these wide ringing ranging group treaties because the US was giving up way too much. Did you watch any of the 2016 campaigning speeches and platforms for fuck sakes newfag? Trump explained everything to this board in 2015-16.

>CIA manipulating currency
When the Federal Reserve printed enough money to break the printers, that was called (((Quantitative Easing))). Who the fuck were they kidding?

The reason the PIIGS are all still fucked is because they can't depreciate their currency to stimulate exports and reboot their economies. Germoney would never allow serious competitors to destabilise the established Fourth Re... I mean European Union economic interests.

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Thank you based fag

He also said that he wasn't interested anymore because they couldn't "fix the deal".

Canadians corp profited more because they lowered corp tax rates .after NAFTA was signed

>Is he bought out by the Chinese?
I don't see Russia in the TPP either...

because the TPP is the next EU

Fuck off you Jap Cunt, let's make BILATERAL trade deals instead, where the USA always has the upper hand.

America is insulated, and we have all the natural resources we need. YOU need us...we don't need you.

Canada and Mexico should be excluded from any trade deals. In fact, we should engage in economic warfare to crush them.

This. Surprised no one ever talked about anything beyond the trade parts of the tpp. It was a truly scary orwellian deal and I'm glad it's gone

>Yeah I know American workers will suffer because of this deal but at least we'll give those chinks a slap on the wrist with it!

better to be in league with McDonalds than Beijing

>where the USA always has the upper hand.
so much for free trade