Why is every fuckng song on the radio a nigger singing?

Why are people listening to this shit? They have these guttural, raspy voices that make me physically cringe. You know what I’m talking about? They have like this beastiality “buzz” to their voice like those talking cats on youtube. They must have under-developed animal larynxes made for hooting and barking in the jungle. The women literally sound like screeching chimpanzees at the zoo when thy hit the higher notes. The rasp seriously makes me what to punch the speaker. They fucking mumble too, and you can’t understand a word they are saying. It sounds like they are chewing a mouthful of shit while trying to sing. The words I do understand are just hedonistic gutter-mouth babbling about muh dick, smoking weed, something about “God’s plan” and assaulting women. This is HORRIBLE, I wouldn’t play this with children in the room.

Do people really enjoy this?

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people are easily influenced by peers, crowds and "experts" telling them what to like and not like.

The music industry is run by subversive (((people))) that want to push their pet nigs on everyone. We get the same thing here in the film and television industry. The UK is 3% black, but about half of main characters in British TV shows are black, and usually the black men are in relationships with white women, even though the only women I see here with niggers are Polish. My solution is to not watch niggervision. I suggest you do the same with nigger music.

(((Who))) do you think owns 95% of the music industry, including the studios and promoters?

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>listening to the radio transmitting jew

>turn on pop radio station
>listen to niggers sing about muh dicks and pussy whoop whoop

Stop listening to nigger radio maybe? Almost nothing I listen to has a nigger lead. Choose better music retard.

"top music" is preselected by jeeish producers and marketed as popular so that sheep buy it up thinking it's genuinely loved by the majority. it's marketing tricks 101 the self fulfilling prophecy.

I can't stand the shit especially the braindead faggot radio hosts who sing the praises of these songs acting like coked out schoolgirls about to suck their first dick.

We have 2 options on UK radio

>mahnigga wa shigga we bixnood dem mufughas wi dem treefiddy madigga nigga ye ye hol up dem dollas on me mufugha

>Hello, my name is Minerva Shittlestein, I despise white men and here are my 500 reasons why you should as well...

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> Why is every fuckng song on the radio a nigger singing
1. They worked the roots of (((your music)))
2. They're obviously better at it.
And talking Charles Mingus/Buena Vista Social Club levels here. Not whatever murrican pop culture (or lack of) produces