Reminder you need to be

Reminder you need to be
Jow Forums
6 fig jobs
High 6 figs in assets

Just to have pic related look your way.

Why does society think this is fair?

Attached: 52E7D1B5-2902-445E-A845-0B50513FF246.jpg (640x646, 69K)

nah. Women are dumb and easy to seduce. People just spend too much time online in threads like this believing they failed without ever trying.

. . . Why would anyone who is fit, handsome, and makes that kind of cheddar WANT something like that to begin with?

>Women are dumb and easy to seduce.
Try balding.

true people on here are pussies

Fpbp, this is just Jow Forums when it come to women. Same pua advice stolen from YouTube videos and the exact same chad larps from virgins who watch too much porn.

Fucking sluts is easy.

Finding a good wife is the challenge.

Shave it and grow a beard wtf fag

shave your head and look 20% more bad ass or cling to it and look 20% more desperate.

The bigger issue here is how everything traditional in the west has been sabotaged, and then women who are aging think they are oppressed because they have trouble finding a man when they are 25+ and have been degenerate since puberty.
Forget the standards women have, nobody should care about that.