In an ancap society, who owns the sun? Can I claim the sun then block it out with a huge Dyson sphere?
In an ancap society, who owns the sun? Can I claim the sun then block it out with a huge Dyson sphere?
Under Rothbardian property theory, you acquire property by mixing your labor with the resource. You can't go to the sun and improve the sun with your labor in some way, so nobody would own the sun. And even if you own the sun, Rothbardians don't think owning the sun allows you to use violence to prevent other people from enjoying positive externalities from the sun.
So in other words, Ancaps are a meme ideology.
>You can't go to the sun and improve the sun with your labor in some way
Yes I can. I can build a Dyson sphere around it.
Considering that traditional Dyson spheres are 1 AU in diameter, wouldn't you have to destroy the Earth to create it? Would you make it smaller and move to the Dyson sphere, abandoning Earth with your technological monstrosity? Could you not make it larger and include Earth within it?
>because you're forcing someone to pay for something they must do for a living it's no longer theft
wew, some top tier logic
This seems like the kind of issue that would only come up if you could build a Dyson Sphere. Check back in 15,000 years and your question might be more relevant.
haha you got BTFO by an ancap and were driven insane by their correctness
Thats the key word.
By your logic if I build a nice house in my property and as consecuence the parcel next door increace its value them I become the owner
That's not how Dyson spheres "work"