
Post all of your gun related data & infographics (better if sourced).

Attached: 4a0488d3f06b323bb872d1df2c97ef17.jpg (600x880, 74K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Super fun Russian gun.

Attached: no niggers no crime.jpg (800x761, 104K)

this is the only one that matters, dicklet

Attached: 1529826098552.jpg (658x499, 51K)

Attached: gun control always fails.png (721x486, 24K)

try again s0yb0y

Attached: compensating explained.png (1863x668, 129K)

Just bumping.

This one is amusing.

Attached: tac_sac.png (1552x1513, 1.13M)

This graph really makes you think.

Attached: 1529203208843.jpg (960x694, 67K)

a Frenchie calling other peoples dicks small, is that what makes you feel better while tyrone fucks your wife