14 stabbed on german bus
14 stabbed on german bus
no one cares
its just germany
If by Happening you mean AfD gets a few more points, then yes.
The fucking kikes who rule this place now.
Why is fucking kike shithole Jow Forums more upset by a coalburner in Hamburg paying the toll than 14 elderly Germans getting stabbed on a bus by a snackbar?
This whole fucking forum is run by and populated by jews.
everyone wants to see your sub human nigger
country get wiped out. your stupid people invited all the "migrants", your karma is that you
deserve to die
part and parcel
Have you considered this board is actually full of snackbars? Many of whom will happily point to jews as the root of all your problems? Why would jews invite a people who hate them most into their country? Why would jews willingly weaken their own vassals? Without western support Israel will be wiped out. The answer is right out in the open hans, you just refuse to see it.
America, a nation ruled by kikes with one exclusive goal interfere, subvert and destroy european social fabric. You incited turmoil and bloody wars in middle east and north africa and bringing deluges of mushits under jewish command, fuck you.
How do you say part and parcel in German?