Jow Forums tells me SJWs are just a vocal minority and that majority of people in the West fed up with their bullshit...

Jow Forums tells me SJWs are just a vocal minority and that majority of people in the West fed up with their bullshit. Then why there are 60-70% supporters of same-sex marriage when things come to polls or referendums?

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>Jow Forums tells me SJWs are just a vocal minority
No, that's what liberal redditors tell you. The majority of people are brainwashed with sjw type ideas about race and gender.

Then Jow Forums's cause is lost, right? In this case, why do people still post here waiting for something?

The truth is on our side. Remember that a relatively small group of people was able to convince the majority of these ideas in the first place.

Smart minority controls foolish majority.

Have you convinced anybody?

Because same sex marriage is a non-issue and everyone has a gay sister/cousin/uncle/friend/neighbor/coworker

Im cute

Because most Americans are actually very liberal and rather open-minded no matter what Shlomo tells you. SJWs are just the incredibly annoying and authoritative result of that culture.

Plenty of people both online and irl.


>liberal and rather open-minded

Attached: confused.jpg (1920x1080, 141K)

even most Trump supporters are pro-Gay marriage

jews have been pushing that meme for decades

>Most people are actually liberal despite what Shlomo says
>despite what Shlomo says

>Jow Forums tells me
No they didn’t. You read one comment made by one person and you made a straw man over it. Grow up.

Then why don't I have any?

Attached: 1fe.png (658x662, 59K)

Most Americans believe in civil liberties and workers rights, not this Marxist authoritarianism of SJWs

schlomo wants you to believe that Americans are bigoted, hateful, close-minded, etc., when we really aren't at all, especially when compared to most other peoples and cultures.

Most americans are literal fucking retards and 'civil liberties' is a jewish designed to destroy your nation. Schlomo wants you to be open minded so he can brainwash you with his anti-white rhetoric.

jewish lie I meant

Maybe in your shit hole country it’s like you say but that’s because you guys don’t have as much freedom as we do.

Nigger, there are gay people who hate SJWs too, but they're still gay. Fuck off.

Civil liberties isn't the Jewish lie, it's the foundation of America we need to take back from the Jews who want to pick and choose who gets them.
All LEGAL and NATIVE BORN Americans deserve them, no matter where their dick ends up at night.

Because think about how a poll is conducted. When CNN does a poll they put it up on their website and Twitter page. How many people here visit CNNs website or Twitter page? It's like going to a rodeo and asking how many people support Trump, then coming back and saying that Trump is supported by 90% of Americans because people who go to rodeos support him more than the general population. This is why Hillary had a "99% Chance of Winning" when the liberal media asked their kike lovers what they thought. It's dishonest and used as propaganda.

This is actually very true. In many other countries minority populations are treated much worse than they are here. Even in countries that many associate with blacks, like the DR, if you are lighter skinned you are automatically higher up in society. Plus just look at Asian countries especially China. Women carry umbrellas so that they never have their skin get dark. It’s considered low class. Americans exist in a big bubble. Many have no clue as to the rest of the world.

>All LEGAL and NATIVE BORN Americans
All white Americans you mean. And those who are born abroad can be considered citizens too as long as their parents are citizens. As for 'civil liberties', the rights granted to you at the founding of the country are different than those of today. There needs to be a restriction on certain 'liberties' if you want to return to the original vision.

Who here has actually voted in a poll quoted by leftist media? Think about that. If you're American you're represented by polls you don't participate in.