White women are the most beautiful on the planet.
Prove me wrong.
White women are the most beautiful on the planet.
Prove me wrong.
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>from dixie
You wouldn't know.
>Non-white Shitskin/gook starts posting extreme, cherry picked examples to prove me wrong.
Do you want me to post extreme examples of non-white women? Because that's a game you will still lose.
As if you werent cherrypicking cotton picking nigger.
Emma Stone is what Lindsay Lohan would look like today if Cocaine and Nigger dick were never invented.
Beautiful white women are better looking than any other race, but ugly white women are uglier than even nigresses. The white race is weird af, it's really hit or miss. Hapas are like that too, beautiful hapa women are goddesses, but ugly hapa women are monstrosities.
>Implying those beauty pageants arent rigged, politically correct charities to "empower" and "encourage" Shitskin women.
cant but get higher standards
that's my waifu btw
Why do you praise them when they hate us so much?
asian girls are better looking
They smell funny
Emma Stone is ugly. Her eyes are too big. Her lips are too thin. She's pasty white.
goblin chaser detected
White women are ugly nihilistic whores who think of BBC 24-7.
Do not count wins post - 2000
>Russian women are the most beautiful on the planet.
BLONDES are peak Aryan. redheads are white
White women have true diversity of hair and eye colouring.
Next to a good looking white woman, non-whites are trash
you don't have to cherry pick from the huge lineup up monkeyskull niggers who look like they belong in horror movies. fuck affirmative action hired, cultural marxism models. they look like they are. scum.
>red and blonde hair are neanderthal hair
Only true whites are Neanderthals, user.
This has nothing to do with politics
Shakira, Shakira
prehistoric hips don't lie
You misspelled Castizas
Prove me wrong nigger
gooks exist
They got no hips and they could hold only your future small shouldered incel kids inside them
well we know who the faggot is here, u mad cause your dick shriveling from never being used other then by your hand?
Old hags are trash.
this is exaclty why i came here to post,
> white women hair: Red, Brown Blonde, Black,
>Asian/ African / Middle eastern women: Black, Brown
White eye color: Blue, Green, Silver and sometime Brown
Asian/ African / Middle Eastern eye color: Brown, Amber
so why do we need diversity again when globally we are becoming a minority?
we technically have MORE diversity of color.... then what they are constantly trying to import.
whats that you done want a entire planet of black haired brown eyes! Rayseest!
Oof, not that one
its a topics that is politically incorrect to talk about, when living in a multi-ethnic country. RACE is a public affair. pointing out white have more desirable traits over others is a public affair when we are importing massive amounts of non whites. Destroying your genome with undesirable traits is a problem, for everyone.
Yes, exactly what this user said. Thank you. Finally good to see a white leaf. I'm tired of all the Muslim/Indian/Chink leafs on here.
Besides, your women and children- the beauty of your people and the preciousness of their existence is a very politically important topic no matter what the faggot mods think. It's one of the major reasons why men will be motivated to fight for the white race.
Instead of simply making propaganda that motivate white men with hate, we more importantly need propaganda that motivates white men with love.
Yeah, until they turn 26ish. Pic related
>Unironically finding flat faced alien looking squinty eyed gook attractive.
Ask me how I know you're a bitter virgin, spic.
Stop worshipping gook women based on your false perception of them being exotic, cultured or "pure". It only makes you look like a loser with yellow fever.
You're disgusting honestly.
also, white people are literally people of COLOR, since if you combine all colors you will get white, but absence of COLOR is black
Real original, Jew cunt.
White women are actually the most beautiful even post-wall.
Have you seen post-wall arab/nigger/paki women? Would you rather have them?
Only chink bitches don't age. But chink pages have flat ugly faces, squinty eyes and
nah, brown are best
t. chink