Why is this a thing now?
Why is this a thing now?
who cares. Just watch from behind the plate glass
Monkey see. Monkey do. /thread
Are nigs getting soi'd too? Are videogames truly this effectively degenerate?
niggers are hilarious desu
pron is. It makes you not want to go out and chase your dreams. Why chase women when you can just jack off to 10/10s.
>Jordans literally on a pedestal
The absolute state of niggers.
It’s just basketball-Americans bringing back a 19th century fad of post-Morten photography. Since they don’t have much to offer in life, gotta make up for it with a cool death.
because niggers are huge weebs/nerds
what is it?
They stuffed some gang banging nigger that was killed and they put his stuffed corpse in multiple poses so in a way hes not dead
in what way is that dude not dead? in an imhotep kind of KANGZ dramatisation? ???
Wait wtf? That nigga dead?
kek. it gets harder by the day to believe that segregation was wrong.
this is obviously a wake you retards.
I think it's a very good way to remember someone as they were in life. A lot of funerals are spent being sad and mourning, and staring at a body in a casket. If this makes it a more positive or 'charming' experience at the funeral, I'm for it. I've been through enough death. I attended a funeral for my father, I attended two celebrations of life for my grandparents. I much preferred the celebrations. This isn't a race thing. Everyone deals with death. Black, white, hispanic, whoever. Everyone has their way of dealing with loss.
>exaggerating this much about porn
you might also be in public and be so distracted that you need to jack off. that's the other scenario. so tell me how well that would work in a social environment when you're actually supposed to talk to women instead.
doesn't look very awake to me desu
never forget this OG
Fucking island niggers
Black magic
Fucking kek.
Shit is hilarious. I find it endearing to be honest.
I imagine that it will start appearing in those fucking Madea movies.
>The Dark Arts
looks woke af to me
Weekend At Madea's
Puerto Rico is a shithole
He boolin out lmao
White people did it first
It's a wake, they posed his corpse like that
Why are they so obsessed with sneakers and stuff I don't get it.
This is human taxidermy... this is what happens when you legalize gay marriage... in comes degenerate decadence...
eh, it's making a comeback.
funerals used to be held in the home, funeral homes and the way that we deal with dead people is more of a recent development.
i'm okay with this, and would prefer something similar to the old-school body-viewing in my living room, as opposed to my wife having to pay tons of money to a funeral home.
Waiting patiently for the edits. Especially the Hitler one.
black magikkk
>implying normal people do this
>implying i knew what the fuck this is
>implying this type of behavior is normal
user you don't get hussaranons point. The long term strategy to "chase women" is to improve yourself. To get educated. Get fit, dress well, get a good job etc. The long term strategy to jack off to porn is to turn on your PC and not have to do anything else.
I've said it before I'll say it again. Israelis and Israeli proxys are new king of bantz
all of this, and more
>19th century fad of post-Morten photography
There were good reasons for it back then though. Having your photo taken was fairly expensive for the average poorfag thus only done for special occasions, and the long exposure times required the subjects to stay still.
Social conditioning, spend your money on 1000 markup shoes, shitty music, and gold teeth. Hmmm wonder who profits
uh this is uhmerica bix nood
Thank you.
How long do you think it'll be till a furfag gets buried in his fursuit, or a ponyfag gets posed clopping to Rainbow Dash at his funeral?
>Why is this a thing now?
They do the same idiotic shit in Africa, which is why ebola happens.
Ayyyyeeeee lmao
So niggers adopt out-of-phase fad from white people, call it their own, make is orders of magnitude more garish and simple/offensive, then chimpout when they (eventually) and confronted with this by civilized people.
So, basically, the sum total of black history. I wouldn't be surprised if they started with human taxidermy in another few years.
and it’s gonna be a good thing
> He sat in his room all day playing vidya and fetishising overpriced shoes because a jew told him to
> Let's recreate this wonderful contribution to society
Just wait till they add animatronics for that one last dance.
Reminder that if you call it a "Wake" you're a fucking kike.
It's a viewing
>because niggers are fucking retarded
why do niggers feel like everyone else is supposed to just conform to their weird bullshit ? They're always the odd one out when it comes to what most people think is right and acceptable
because it was insisted they know how to act like civilized adults, which they can't
so now we're stuck with this
They should just put the guts of one of those singing fish inside of him
Hey! They do that shit in this country.
>It's a viewing
It's a funeral, not a fucking movie theater
fucking lost my shit
it’s just a thang
I want my parents to do this for me. Put me in my desk chair with Jow Forums open
The viewing and the funeral are separate days. The viewing is usually the day before the funeral+burial/service+cremation
I can see it now. Madea fiddles with corpse, corpse falls over, Drag Qwaen Tyler Perry quickly does something to try and repair broken corpse but does it obviously bad, hilarity ensues.
I kinda have some respect for Tyler Perry. Seems to be carving out his own little empire that’s not subject to (((Hollywood))). And the few examples of his work I’be seen doesn’t seem that anti-white to me.
Based zog shill taking time off to bant against nigras
edits when? this new dead nigger meme is hilarious
Tyler Perry is a smart motherfucker, knows how to recognize and exploit his audience to a T
I'd never seen something like this either, it's not my fault you're too dumb to deduce what's happening from context.
>shoes on a pedestal
>sunglasses inside
>family member lovingly pats head
> stuffed
slide thread
trying to cover up the Hillery/china hack...
same reason black people name their kids "laquisha" or "deshawn". They're just showing their ass to the world. Really petulant group of people when it comes down to it.
Yeah, that's what I meant, but got distracted during writing, a did a bit of a mental shortcut, lmao.
Ruskies in my Huskies
this, please more Israeli bantz instead of "muh jooz" baiting
Well, it would have to be a rapping fish
new co. Idea “death message” ( better name coming) have voice and small animatronic devices in face & hands. Take audio from soc media corpse at wake says favorite sayings ..
> I love you moms
> ayo nigga
> dis shit is lit
Etc. who’s in?
I actually feel sorry for this kid. An autistic NEET forced outside and gets shot. Despite being black. He was the ideal black.