*kills your president*

*kills your president*
*gives niggers rights*
*ruins your society*

Attached: 220px-37_Lyndon_Johnson_3x4.jpg (220x292, 18K)

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The great society, as it stands

Worked out for him.

It is almost sick that a program designed exclusively to put as many people on welfare as possible was heralded as the program that would end poverty.

Attached: 4chanusers.jpg (250x188, 5K)

Actually you know what, I'm gonna get crucified for this but I agree with the voting rights bill he helped pass

This is true but I think the purpose was just. It's that ((some)) people are just lazy and immoral. The way of the world

>robbing people to buy votes is moral
I don’t blame you you’ve had +12 years of government propaganda telling you otherwise
Pic related

Attached: 8849284A-3257-4337-AC8C-0586852B3817.jpg (257x196, 29K)

Yeah this quote i agree with but voting for gibs and big govt is different than wanting to help the struggling in ones society or community

War on poverty just created more poverty.

For example, get rid of welfare and let churches or other civic entities help, except the demand is often greater than what they have for resources

Nice quote, I got one too.
Turns out it was the prevailing theory of the time about Democracies.

Attached: DemocracyBernie.jpg (933x393, 235K)

Then you should go out and help them
Again the worst America got was when government went full autismo and tried to take everything over (look into what Hoover and fdr did promising no drop in price or raise in wages to the heads of industry)
You’re getting a gun robbing your neighbors so you can proclaim yourself a saint
To be a non profit you have to give up +90 of the money you take it but less than 30% of social program funding goes to the people trying to help

You ever look into the Roman welfare state user?

Attached: 0CF754CF-D2E5-4E14-8355-F4E18FC16422.gif (320x220, 35K)

It always does because a rais in the income leads to inflation, etc. there is no way to eliminate monetary povertry completely.

Dallas Democrats ‘63: three votes for Johnson is all we need

Attached: 0F1EDC79-C467-4BDF-917F-54C532B8B6AB.jpg (1282x1600, 226K)

Also are we forgetting how this man fucked up vietnam and only Nixon could stop it?

But, muh dik

Literal nigger tier

greatest presidents of all-time:


What's Obama doing on that list?

Obama is the greatest president of all-time imo.

He created ISIS. I hope Trump keeps his promise and kills your family.

Attached: DDR79LmUQAEbJQR.jpg (500x319, 70K)

fake news

Interesting why?

Nigger detected


I found the kike, go gas yourself.

also find it funny you say Washington and Lincoln, since neither one was democrat or republican: Lincoln was Union and Washington was a fundamentalist.

How are democrats this stupid? Oh that's right they let money decide for them.

Remember John F Kennedy really didn't want to go with Johnson. They had a very troublesome relationship before they joined up.

But Kennedy knew he needed to win Texas to win the election. Hence he chose to offer Johnson to become VP.

He was indeed a calamity.

>LGBTQ+ rights (I’m trans)
>expanded climate protections, Paris Climate Agreement
>rescued U.S. economy from 2nd Great Depression
>Iran Nuclear Deal
>net neutrality
>nobel peace prize winner
>1st African-American President

It was just nice to know I had an ally in the White House. I was always very proud of him and I still am.

I'm trans

is this bait, or are you dating being mentally ill is normal and expecting people not to dismiss you?

Your death couldn't be any slower, scumbag. Enjoy all the dead middle eastern babies, faggot.

fire up the oven boys!

>I'm trans
Post or pre-op?
I've been on hormone therapy for years and am considering getting bottom surgery soon. Would love advice on what to expect how to cope etc.

Oh, hi Lyndon

Attached: Uncle Ho.jpg (220x299, 17K)

*gives niggers rights*
*ruins your society*

nothing personal kid

Attached: 3968806907_81e6b1eed9_z.jpg (500x375, 93K)

>ruins your demographics

Fuck you, with a capital ‘F’.
You’re probably a NIGGER

It’s obviously bait, literally nobody cares about LGBTBBQ “rights”
Also DACA is basically a federal program condoning law-breaking- (“even if you come in illegally we still won’t punish you!”)

or better yet kys you homo faggot.

Trump is taking on the fed, drop this slide thread

Please pay attention to this, they are gonna try to JFK him

now I know why Christians believe in hell

thinking about this fucking burning in hell for all eternity gives me great pleasure

He got Trump elected