Polish Invasion of Germany -

How do we stop it?

>be me, East German
>apply for an IT job at the office complex of a poultry factory (it pays surprisingly well)
>literally had my first week there
>tons, and I mean TONS of poles all wandering around, talking in their slav tongue and yelling kurwa at each other
>the most surprising thing: they are NOT just doing the shitty jobs that noone wants to do, no
>the ones that can speak German sit all in accounting
>most of them speak German surprisingly well and not in this stereotypical shitty polish accent
>one of my co-workers is actually polish and has an amazing understanding of IT and CS, but speaks with the most strong slavic accent I have ever heard, still a nice guy though
>the polish girls in accounting are actually really young and qt, one of them always smiles at me and I find her accent and small fuck-ups when she speaks German adorable,

But still, should us Germans be worried about the Polish menace? They ARE indeed taking jobs that young Germans could potentially do. And even if they are white (they are mostly blonde and have green or even blue eyes), Jow Forums told me that slavs are still not as white as Germans.

Also, is it shameful to get a polish gf? Because we have so many young poles here (not just at my company) and honestly, German women (especially here in the East) are absolute subhuman trash, ugly as fuck, dumb as a brick. Meanwhile the young polish women who come here are HNNNG-tier and are just so much more pleasant.

Is it shameful for a German to mix with a Slav? Am I a race traitor to the mighty German race if I decide to COLONIZE a young polish qt?

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As a Pole i might be biased but from the account you gave it sounds pretty great and there doesnt seem to be a problem

Why are you worried about Poles in Germany when you have african/arabic migrants raping, killing and stealing all over your country.

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Worry more about the turks and arabs stabbing your grandpa on the bus

Also as a east German your basically a slav anyway

That shit whould never fly in Belgium,
We have Polish doctors and scientists picking fruit and cleaning toilets,
The lucky ones can work basic construction jobs,
The really lucky elite ones are plumbers

This is probably true, and not because of le liberation meme.

There are ancient slavic settlements all over this part of Germany.

It's probably because of the Fachkräftemangel, we have too many jobs, not enough people. So it doesn'T surprise me that, as long as they are legitimately capable of getting the job done, they get the job.

time to get reslav'd
unless you are some fucking ahmed

also East German here
>German women (especially here in the East) are absolute subhuman trash, ugly as fuck, dumb as a brick.
bullshit, i've see ton of hot girls here
>Is it shameful for a German to mix with a Slav? Am I a race traitor to the mighty German race if I decide to COLONIZE a young polish qt?
There's nothing wrong with fucking apolish woman
otherwise a whole lot of polish woman at the border would be unemployed
But if you plan to have kids, alright,.... I guess
just teach them german and not polish so they don't have anything to identify themself as polish, unless you move to poland what I don't think you'd do

>bullshit, i've see ton of hot girls here
Kek, you must live in an alternatve reality.

Also, I would obviously teach my kids Germans and my wife should also be able to speak German, lol.

>Kek, you must live in an alternatve reality.
Nö, ich leb in Sachsen :D

also, but keep sure that they don't speak polish at all, so they can only speak german

>Force your child to not know two languages

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Be nice to them. You may need the help of white people soon.

>help Jow Forums im surrounded with skilled white immigrants who speak my language
>one of them actually smiles at me every day
>FUCKING SMILE. Can you imagine the audacity of this subhuman slavshit?!

Yeah user that sounds AWFUL
You should absolutely NOT fuck a polish girl.EVER. You should marry an alcoholic arab from a peasant family just like my mom did. Based and redpilled.

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If she's a qt sure; but a proper german girl will always be better. Don't want your sons looking polish.

maybe don't do subhuman satanic work (killing animals)

>implying we would want to invade this 3rd world shithole

It is a problem but one that would be a nothing burger the moment we would again reproduce at 2.1. Niggers and Arabs on the other hand ...

i work in a factory, pay is decent 1500 € is entry level, after a year you get bumped to 2k and after that it depends on how many additional qualifications youre willing to get

all the young germs are lazy as fuck and leave a fucking mess everywhere they go, the only people who are lazier and can somehow create more of a mess are rapefugees, but our team leader said no more immigrants after last 2 somalian niggers lmao

tld: young germans are entitled little shits who dont appreciate having easy work that pays well

Du erbärmliches Opfer.

Ronny, bitte

Berlin has the hottest girls in Germany. Why do you think that's a Turk's ideal destination? So many German hotties.

Shut up achmed

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>Full of mutts and degenerate artistic liberals
Mutts gonna mutt I guess

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1939 in reverse, I like it.
Would you do us a solid and clean up our mess as well? You guys have done it before so there must be some kind of manual from 1945...

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