What the fuck is wrong with wh*te people?
What the fuck is wrong with wh*te people?
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>What the fuck is wrong with wh*te people?
These* white people.
>judging whole race by 2 people
fuck off
White people can’t live around non whites or they go insane.
no role models, no guidance from elder men. No responsibilities, no challenges. too much porn, sooiy, low testosterone, no girlfriends, no hope of a girlfriend, and no attachment to an increasingly diverse community around them that hates hates hates hates white people.
Society neglected white boys and society is reaping the benefits.
That dude on the right is clearly 26
Blooming poofs from the wrong side o' the moor
Funny and ironic
good thing your definitions of "white" are very broad then, mr. amerimutt
what were they planning on doing it with a nerf gun
the fuck? the right looks like he could actually get laid if he cut his douche hair and cleaned up a bit
the left however is a lost cause, bad facial aesthetics, too fat. probably an incel
white """""people"""""" are inherently dangerous and violent
Ban. White. Men.
> fight for ISIS and return to england, openly advocating for Jihad ... sorry can't prosecute
> mentally unstable white kids plan to shoot up an indoctrination camp... 10 years
absolute state
Whitey has to do something violent to compete with all you spics and niggers in this FBI contest.
White people must go extinct
He was/is a spy
Dumb bong
All related to their socioeconomic condition, not race though
But I understand that people with a low level of education would confuse it
Wrong, there are at least 23,000 Jihadis being traced by intelligence services in England
What were they actually charged with?
The joke goes right over the head of the brain let.
pushed by brown people to breaking point, discarded by society as worthless, told they are nazis, told they are scum because how they were born, oh i dunno OP you tell me.
I'm glad they were caught and it shows how irresponsible the media are for immortalizing Columbine. The School System and the Media are at as much fault as these two idiots are.
They're prescribed ssri drugs
why didnt they take the vargpill and started a family?
Temba, his arms wide open.
Your reply don't contradict mine in any way wth
if the left got contacts and lost some weight so his mouth didn't look so weird he'd be fine
They have to put up with niggers, this makes them angry. Faggot.
Who are you claiming is a spy? All of the 23,000 jihadis?
The one you mentioned on the post I replied to
kek that pic
I wasn't referencing one, I was referencing thousands
bad parenting, bad peers, bad upbringing
face it white people are just bad through and through!
The Cell Block Pakis are going to have these two little birds tweeting all night.
Probably a few spies among those
It's perfect
The gov is pushing sjwism to save lifes
You know that the poorest white neighborhood in the US has a lower crime rate than the richest black one, right?
Do not fuck with us.
>its enough
yeah like 0.00000000000001% of the white male population do bad things as opposed to 80% of black population wowee i feel so bad
Oh the irony.
where just revving up for the upcoming racewar, be very scared.
Why are Br*ts so fucking ugly?
the right one is kind of Chad and still didn't make it.
Fun fact: bl*ck "people" are overrepresented in the stats for mass-shootings too.
They just don't plan it out that nicely, so it doesn't really land on the news when Jamal from the Crips shoots Tyrone and Abdul from the... whatever their name is.
Stop lying to people and this won't happen. Whites and niggers are not equal and never have been.
>plotted Columbine-style classroom massacre
fuck, even school shootings are so low energy they can't come up with something new
>Implying this isn't the whole ideology of Jow Forums
hardly, most people on Jow Forums use facts and statistics when they judge other races
nice try though
How can someone actually write this without feeling like a nazi propagandist?? I genuinely don't understand how you can think up this stuff and try to criminalize a whole supgroup of humans and in the same breath call THEM the nazis
>17,250 total murders in 2016
>77.9% (3207/4117) of murderers with a known Ethnicity were non-Hispanic
>48.9% (3196/6536) of murderers with a known race were white
>48.3% (3156/6536) of murderers with a known race were black
>6,571 murders (17250*77.9%*48.9%) by non-Hispanic whites in 2016
>8,329 murders (17250*48.3%) by blacks
>197,803,083 non-Hispanic whites in the US
>40,893,369 blacks in the US
>Non-Hispanic white murder rate is 3.3 per 100,000
>black murder rate is 20.4 per 100,000
Yorkshire is famous for it's wide spread pedo rape gangs. Weird the cops never seem to arrest them.
>behaviour is not caused by genetics at all
>there are no genetic differences between group of people, everything is caused by environment and socioeconomic factors
this is basically your argument and it's quite literally ans objectively wrong you dirty brazilmonkey.
It's too many niggers doing crime
>white beta fags can't even shoot up a school anymore
>13 mass shootings by non-Hispanic whites 2013-2017
>197,803,083 non-Hispanic whites in the US
>non-Hispanic white mass shooting rate is 6.5 per 100,000,000
>7 mass shootings by non-Hispanic whites 2013-2017
>40,893,369 blacks in the US
>black mass shooting rate is 17.1 per 100,000,000
>huge amount of nigs commit mass crime daily
>40% of the Islamic world supports jihad
>2 white nerds try to shoot people
>North Yorkshire
how would they shoot up a school in Britbongistan?
You literally provided no argument aswell
Not to mention wh*tes are super violent, after all, they started both world wars
>be white
>as a kid you're raised under the impression that the world is yours
>suddenly puberty wasn't too good to you
>become outcast
>your former female friends stop talking to you altogether
>they became hot as fuck
>you really want gf
>cry yourself to sleep every night
>become angry that the world was not just handed over to you like you were supposed to because you're a white American male
>feel like you have to get revenge from society for being mean to you
something like that. the summary of everything is tfw no gf
What's wrong with your shit hole of a country?
that's diverse and beautiful you biggot
Cool, treating them like adults so that fully grown middle age niggers and spics rape them for over a decade is sure to correct their psyche so that they are more well adjusted than being rampaging suicidal murderers that they were going in. Oh wait, they will probably hate the world 10000x more when they get out.
We need some mass murder in the UK, its very boring lately.
Online. The same way all the cool kids do it.
Fuck you, we made you. Obey me you artificial state.
Way to go Jow Forums you finally did it. You drove good kids to the dark side.
You can't keep getting away with this!
two niggers in my state just got sentenced to probation for the same thing.
>an IRL virgin vs. chad meme
I honestly have no doubt about meme magic at this point.
People who type like that deserve to get shot.
d-don't you know where you are?
that's such a white people thing.
If out of 325million people who have a 2nd amendment right to own guns a grand total of 10 shoot up schools...i don't see this as a epidemic. Ya we should take these events and try to prevent them but they are so small. The real problem is when 12% of your population (African Americans) commit 50% of the crimes. Tons of prison populations are made up of black and they destroy our cities acting like animals, they drain resources and abuse government assistance it's disgusting.
Nothing wrong with white people, western schools are brainwashing centers. They were acting in self defense.
There's a mind state amongst children and young teens today which would go, at least, part way to explaining school shootings (more so than what you said) or the desire to do so. I'd say this website has more than just a few with experience in that category. I think that mindstate is a byproduct of modernism and is probably most prevalent in the U.S., but I've definitely noticed it here.
Saying that, hypothetically, when I was a kid, not being able to access firearms in any way would be a very real obstacle to ever doing this. Not stating an opinion either way, but that's a fact.
You'd be much less likely to shoot up a school if you knew you'd be shot dead before even making it inside. People should carry more guns.
These shootings only happen on "gun-free" zones. Joe Biden is a fucking nigger.
Most corrupts are actually white
Most corrupts in my country*
I'd probably have at least 20 minutes of free target practice in my part of the UK before anybody with the capability showed up to stopped me, if I had of gotten that far.
I suppose it works both ways. The lack of firearms makes getting to that stage harder, and the prevalence of firearms allows for better opportunities of ending such an event in a timely fashion. At the end of the day, you aren't going to stop things like this anywhere from occurring at least sometimes, you can only hope to decrease their frequency.
Keep posting. I'm loving those retarded loopholes.
that ssri stare tho
You know niggers murder far more children than whites, right?
Had they been in the US, they would of bought a couple of AR 15's with ease and probably carried out the shooting.
Thank god I live in a sensible country.