HELP: Porn Addict

I am just so god damned horny.
I can NoFap for 100+ days.
But when I break I degenerate into the most ravenous porn pervert like never before.
I just completed 50 days of perfect NoFap.
I fasted, my mind was so clean and still, the flatlining was long and peaceful for me. I felt my soul lifting and purifying. I was in a good place.
Then the flatline passed and I slowly felt my sex drive return. I knew I had to go out and project this energy onto women. But I didn't.
The next weekend the urge returned stronger.
But I was too tired to go out.
My sex drive was overpowering.
I had a wet dream.
I started to find other outlets.
I found penis enlargement exercises; it gave me an excuse to touch my cock. Then I jerked off.
And now I'm devour tones of anal porn.
Just galleries of young hot thots getting their asses ripped open by dick.
I am disgusted with myself.
I hate myself.
My soul is filthy.
What did I do wrong?
I was doing so well.

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Don't feel discouraged when you give in to temptation. You made great progress just begin again. 50 and 100 days is a lot of nofap nobody really needs to go longer than that. The issue is the pornography make a rule to only masturbate to pictures and then eventually only to your imagination.

take it to r9k

also, stop White Genocide.

>not even telling us your age to determine your T-levels

why are aussieposters so shit?

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I'm 31.

You need to find something more interesting to do with your time.

You are a tool of Satan, the devil. If you only watched porn, you could be forgiven.

I can't even go 3 days OP so good for you on that. My sex drive is just too powerful, also fuck my gf like once a day on top of all the porn i watch

I don't get what ur saying.
Watching porn is ok but jerking off isn't?
They're one and the same.