All the other latinos feel contempt for Mexicans, I always listen to South-America latinos or Cubans talking about how dumb, ugly, manlet and dicklet the Mexicans are.
Why are Mexicans the most pathetic "race" among Latinos?
Are you calling these two beautiful empowered females ugly?
>deep self-hatred
>sociology of failure driven by envy of anyone who succeeds
>shitton of indio genetics
Mexican woman are really ugly compared to Brazilian, Colombian and Venezuelan
But Colombians, Bolivians and Peruans also had a shitton of indio genes and are far from being inferior as Mexicans
Because they have an abundance of natural resources, access to two oceans, border the richest country in the world to trade with and are still a third world shithole with rampant violence?
Really makes you think
Bolivians are the worst
It is not like there enough of them to care anyways
Puerto Ricans are literally greasy garbage.
That's why I listed the other reasons fucknut
Take that back, 56%er mutt.
>Porquerieno pretending he's not American
top kek
Can't take back a truth. Sorry grease spic.
Fact is that mexicana are the most powerfull race in the world.
We got the blood of Azteca in our vains, ecentually we will invade and sacrifice all of central america to the great Huitzilopochtli.
We will reach the power of demi gods so that we can invade and sacrifice every stinking gringo in USA and Canada.
Then we will be trully a race and nation of gods that will be able to conquer the world. Spain will be turned into a sea of blood.
Mark my words
You are a race created by white people.
We decided to make you like we make a new breed of dog.
Your actual god should be white people as they are your creators.
Gringo lies, you will be among the first Americans sacrified after Trump on top of the gigantic pyramid we will build on the ashes of Washington D.C
t. scots-irish anglomutt pretending to be a part of the founding stock of the new world and not some poor paddy who came on a boat in the early 1900's
Why'd you guys become so uppity all of a sudden?
Vete pal coño su madre, portorro anormal
pero user ya estoy alla
Kek irish racism is the most hilarious out of them all
I don't know, but it's accurate. These people are literal savage goblins.
>All those americans chicanos and mutts shitting here
Aztecs sacrificed all their best men and left the dregs to become the Mexicans
You mean the mighty Aztecs that 600 Europeans mostly wiped out in a mere 10 years?
Keep preaching Pablo.
Mexico always had a massive population of subhuman natives, diluting their little white colonial admixture... With 120 million subhumans, no other country comes close to them.
Except for Brazilian niggers who used to be 100 millions 40 years ago and now are 200 million... but that's niggers for you.
Idiot, the spainiards won because they got the aztecs native neighboir states on their side
I for one welcome our aztec overlords
Mexicans are part SS African. They'd be niggers under Jim Crow.
See this thread here.
>I always listen to South-America latinos or Cubans talking about how dumb, ugly, manlet and dicklet the Mexicans are.
Because they are, they're obnoxious scum along with central americans, and it would be a gift from God if they all dropped dead.
t. Cuban descent
Lol. Puerto Ricans are quadroons. You're even more admixed with nigger blood than Mexicans are. At least the black admixture in Mexicans doesn't visually show, like it does in Puerto Ricans.
man they have some fat, retarded, hairy women
they make our modern average roastie look like a 10/10
Yup! Quite intelligent of the Spainards to use the simple concept of divide and conquer. I agree. And then they made them destroy each other after whilst thinning their ranks from disease. The misery of the natives when they realised they'd ducked their entire civilization must've been extreme. I'm sure it was too kek to see it going down. If I ever get a time machine I'll bring a couple years worth of popcorn and get some slaves to carry me around as I survey the devastation.
Most spics in general not only Mexicans are part SSA.
Mexicans are just the ones that deny it the most because they mixed it in so much it was diluted.
Look up any Mexican DNA test video on YouTube every single one will have 5-15% SSA
la cucaracha la cucaracha
ya no puedo caminar...
dude all we'd have to do to diffuse your little "rebellion" would be to offer some of your comrades a nice job building my patio for $5/hr.
You Puerto Ricans need to all commit suicide. You make Mexicans seem good in comparison.
better question: what's the big deal about frida khalo?
I've never seen a Mexican test that's 15% SSA or even close to that. Usually Mexican SSA is in the 2-5% range.
If Mexicans were 15% black it would visually show. They'd look like North Africans, Yemenis, Puerto Ricans, Brazilians.
I'll laugh my ass of when we demolish all your heritage infront of your crying eyes before we start the great sacrifice of North America.
Why would they? We will have the whole world as our slaves building shit for us.
Puerto Ricans are only slightly more tolerable than Mexicans
Historically the "best" time for mexico was the Porfiriato, when quasi-capitalism and large landowners and foreign investors made the mexican economy modernize rapidly.
However beaners are inherently dumb commies, so they overthrew Diaz. The Mexican Revolution was a quasi-communist revolution that resulted in a centralized government which controlled numerous state monopolies such as Telmex and Pemex which controlled all the resources in the country for the greater good. However abortion and birth control was illegal, so the population grew completely out of control and the government had no way for providing for it.
Fast forward to now and "privatization" has resulted in many of the same problems, masked by a thin veneer of capitalism- Telmex is now owned by Carlos Slim instead of the government, so instead of total government control they have the government, the cartels (which are involved with the government) and the oligarchs (also involved with the government) and the Mexican economy still grows at a sluggish pace and is missing 1-4 trillion dollars in terms of GDP it would otherwise have.
Ultimately the mexican elite will never relinquish the control they gained in the Mexican revolution, and mexico will always suck because there will never be a popular revolution. (inb4 muh obrador, socialism isn't going to fix your problems you dumb fucks)
Probably the only way mexico gets unfucked is if Trump deports all the beans living here, which will end the mexican government's tradition of encouraging the excess population to go elsewhere and possibly destabilize the country enough to force the elites to give up power. But since Slim is a critic of Trump and so are all their other government officials and oligarchs the mexicans will probably just eat that up and cry for mexico to align with china. Too bad for them of course that China's economy is in a deep recession, made worse by American tariffs, and is in no position to play at being a superpower.
Hola chicanos asquerosos. Que pex?
>compared to CO, BR AND VZ
The "taconiggers" in that post are heavily indio-blooded mestizos. The "beautiful south american women" are always from the >40% of the population of that continent which is predominantly European by descent. I guess we'd call them "white Hispanics". If you posted someone like Thalia in her prime, or young Selena Gomez then Mexico would fare better. Alternately you'd have to post some ugly nigger-mestizo mix to get the ugly slum-dwelling majority of the population in countries like Brazil and Venezuela.
It is unfair to compare Mexico's slum dwellers to Brazilian models from Santa Catarina.
I'm talking about the south-americans mutts with dark skin, not the ones with a lot of white dna.
Red Sox probably lost a game
And I continue to assert that the mulatto slum-dwellers of sudacaland are just as ugly as mexico's indios.
Memes aside, how white is Chile?
At the time Jim Crow was in effect in 1930, Mexican was considered a separate race. This racial category was abolished in 1933 when FDR took office. After that point, for the purposes of Jim Crow's racial statistics, the Mexicans were considered white. However in Texas all voting was conducted in English, which had the purpose of disenfranchising Hispanics who could not speak English. This effectively perpetuated Jim Crow style laws despite those laws not applying to "white Mexicans".
Also DNA testing did not exist at the time of Jim Crow, which has been pointed out in literally every single thread you've made about jim crow with your wild bullshit like "portuguese would not be white, afrikaners would not be white, greeks would not be white" and so on, all the ridiculous claims you keep making which are factually incorrect in the context of Jim Crow laws which were based on known ancestry rather than DNA testing.
There has never been a racialistic system based on DNA testing and there never will be, since that only appeals to autistic people who are eager to scream "this chart says you're 5% nigger, that means you get on the boat to africa!", and no one listens to autists.
Theyre just anal pained that everybody who isnt central or south american thinks hispanics are from mexico and never even think about their completely irrelevant and culturally overshadowed backwater crap lands.
I only argue that Mexicans (and actually almost every other Latin American group) and South Africans would be black under Jim Crow.
I never once have posted anything about Portugese and Greeks.
Ugly people exist everywhere.
80% of the world population is ugly as fuck
I'm ashamed that I ever had to learn this tranny's name.
The only thing wrong with Mexico is Mexicans
What a beautiful and resource filled land, wasted by a bunch of dumb indio retards……
Only if you are black. Puerto ricans are so ghetto and basically blacks who can sometimes speak Spanish.
Mexicans are manlets who are passively aggressive obedient. Puerto ricans will just chimp out.
>whoa, the native population of a country that has been stolen from them is backwards and lazy
are you implying that the native populace is the problem? or the ones who uprooted them?
Puerto Ricans and Dominicans are the 2 worst spic groups. I don't know which is worse.
>even the Venezuelan is ugly to show her face
stop blaming indios, blame wh*Tes
dominicans have the lowest iq in america followed by haiti for the lead
>dominicans have the lowest iq in america followed by haiti for the lead
I know its anecdotal but have you ever met a Dominican? I went to H.S. with several and even back then i could tell somethings was off with them.
Nicaragua, Barbados, El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras all rank lower than the Dominican Republic on that chart.
While I don't want Dominicans, there are countries in the Americas (other than Haiti) that are dumber according to Richard Lynn.
Well you're wrong because that isn't how Jim Crow worked.
>mexicans are uprooted
>but still live in mexico
>95% of niggers live in africa
>but still suck dog balls
>the people aren't the problem, it's because they were bullied 100 years ago
>Acts like not American on Jow Forums.
> Begs god king trump for money after storm
Mexico literally had back to back 8.0 earthquakes and recovered decently well. Puerto Rico had some wind and rain and are still recovering almost a year later. They're too fucking dumb. Same with all Island spics.
Let me be the first Mexican here that posts an argument.
>All the other latinos feel contempt for Mexicans, I always listen to South-America latinos or Cubans talking about how dumb, ugly, manlet and dicklet the Mexicans are.
Probably mad because they needed to pass through Mexico to get to the U.S, and the border is way mre protected than the American border, hence, Mexican patrol treats them like the shit they are. Not to mention that they may feel tired of getting tagged as Mexicans in the U.S despite being from other country.
>Hack Kahlo
She's garbage, I agree, Cuarón, del Toro, and Iñárritu are too.
They just don't want to be associated with Mexicans because they know Mexicans have already put a bad taste in Americans mouths with abusing our border and the sort of people that cross. Mexicans often poke fun of people that are South of them as well.
People North and South of you don't like you.
How do you have internet didn’t the entire power grid in your shithole get BTFO from that hurricane and still is not fixed ?
Hey at least we Mexicans aren't niggers like the Cubans
>caring about what a bunch of carribean niggers have to say about the one of greatest latino countries in the world.
Keep starving and lighting candles to light your house you filthy puerto niggers. and out of every one, the cubans are talking shit? Give me a break, no one here even knows yall exist.
what a crock of shit
There weren't very many Mexicans in America during Jim Crow. And most of them were migrant workers.
Anyway you probably are correct that the one drop rule was not applied to beaners as it should have been.
mexico is the greatest yo
its not the best but I wouldn't live anywhere else.
the best latino country? it is
Y'all just jelly of our superior bean genetics
Kek, the girl in your pic isn't Mexican
I'm cuban and I am absolutely disgusted by mexicans unequivocally.
I said one of the best, can you not fucking read??
Shes the asmr girl.. Heres a mexican qt though
dont worry we think the same about you.. If anyone is the real wetbacks its the cubans. Even the white people have to leave that shit hole
yeah I know, but the original quote was "greatest latino" and I corrected you because it is objectively the greatest
Mexicans in Mexico are generally nice and respectful people. Mexicans in America (legal and illegal) are literal subhumans with a superiority complex. Deporting them to Mexico would be too good for them. Sending them to a warzone like Central America would be much more fitting.
0 artists terrible banda music thats sounds like flies flying over a dog turd and food that is awful
Your superior bean genetics?
Including your nog genetics?
The mexicans in the USA are mostly from Michoacan and Jalisco. It's like a bunch of niggers from inner city chicago and milwaukee coming to your country. The mexicans in a lot of other regions in the country are alright.
>Mexicans in America (legal and illegal) are literal subhumans with a superiority complex
True, only the shittiest tier of Mexicans flee their country, they're such cowards to fix it
>Deporting them to Mexico would be too good for them.
No, please, we don't want them, just kill them and use their bodies to feed the plants
>Sending them to a warzone like Central America would be much more fitting.
>Watching both subhumans fight to death
Would be fun as fuck to be honest
>She's garbage, I agree, Cuarón, del Toro, and Iñárritu are too.
Exactly user, you are getting a hang of that good old self hatred mexican we all love.
>a warzone like Central America would be much more fitting.
This guy is still trapped in the 80's. There is no war here lmao lol roflmao.
What's wrong with pointing out the hacks of the country?
I would probably never leave the house if I got a sapient VR waifu.
Mexico and Central America is worse.
South America (Chile, Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil) are pretty much European. At least on par with today's USA.
The rest of Central America had more European influence and the castes were more rigid. Mexico became very liberal much earlier than the rest of Latin America.
This, after big disasters Mexicans recover pretty fast, in just months, compared to niggers which only make worse the situation doing nothing more than loot (see niggers in US after the last Hurricane and Haitians which still haven't recovered from the 2010 earthquake) however Mexico is still a 3rd world hellhole.
Mexicans call South America sudacas, even though a lot of them are better than Mexicans, they're all beaner trash though, save a few Italian and German immigrants in Argentina, Brazil, and Chile.
i dont know man, they just are
>It is unfair to compare Mexico's slum dwellers to Brazilian models from Santa Catarina.
Even the shittiest parts of Brazil have regularly white-ish lower (or middle) class people with European features comparable only to the average of the upper middle class of most of Mexico.
Lula da Silva (as other ex Presidents) originated from the poor Northeastern state of Pernambuco;
Even in the Amazon states there are poor people who are more than 75% European genetically - although they are not the majority of course.
Bahia, the most nigger and less white state of Brazil gave birth to the Victoria Secret's super model Adriana Lima.
In Mexico, you can't find a 50% white person in the Southern third of the country outside resort towns.
He's projecting his inferiority onto you considering there are literally no notable Costa Ricans currently living... anywhere in the world.