Which country has the best women?
Which country has the best women?
east germany
Whichever one I can get a gf in
probably east asia because their women are most submissive/feminine
but it'd be the west if most women in the west weren't complete roasties
Romania. Sexiest and womanliest and also funnest.
my fucking sides
Shes too white to live in France.
and japan
Japan seems like a good option.
Whichever one has the highest ratio of Gcup+ women.
Slavic grills because they all have giant tits
honorary mention polska
this is a /b/ tier thread
S&H slideshit
and they should stay there!
>when you're so fat you have to bend over to look like you have tits
America. Best of the best white women mixed with all different Euro ethnicity. They also know how to eat, thicc thighs, less skinny thigh gap nasty women with bodies of 12 year old boys like you find in Europe and other white countries.
israel. milkers
sweden/norway for real holy shit
>tfw will never ever have a Norwegian qt
american girls thanks to diversity.
french natives and japanese
Britain obviously.
Prove me wrong
Which country has the most women that want to fuck you?
Looks wise I heard good things about Colombia and Ukraine but thats it.
Mexicans are a really good fuck, a conservative and awkward Cuban girl had the nastiest pussy I've ever tasted in my life, I actually almost threw up, Chinagirl squirmed the entire fucking time, Filipino girl gave me the clap and a black girl gave me. Chlymidia and had a smelly ass, Peruvian girl was the ugliest thing I've fucked, her body was Shrek tier, another South American girl I fucked was great, she was a legit shortstack I could control and she let me nut inside, Columbian girl was a good fuck but she was too fat for my tastes. Right now I'm fucking a Japanese girl and she's great but too shy. Rarely lets me eat her pussy and won't shove her ass in my face. I've licked her cute little hole and there's nothing wrong with it.
>but it'd be the west if most women in the west weren't complete roasties
It'd be the west but they're almost all feminist skanks now
You need Jesus.
I'm trying to keep the current Japanese girl and hopefully raise a good Christian family in Japan.
define "best"
Spain has unironically some of the hottest women ever, but they're massive unbearable bitches
maybe I'd go with Russia, or slav women in general, good looking but not brainwashed by feminism
Britain has the most butterfaced bitches I've ever seen. Bongs have nothing
So nowhere then
>Most people in the world hate niggers
>The South American countries people say have the most beautiful women always have the highest mulatto population
>Most of the the examples are always women with obvious mixed nigger blood