It's not hard to learn ancient greek if you belong to the med master race. Nordcucks can't cope with it though. Have you ever listened to a German speak? Absolutely barbaric.
Nathan Sanders
That's because Kek is a MED
Daniel Martinez
Literal caveman filth, same as Nords
Noah Myers
shittiest thread on pol
Luis Robinson
Germans are still forrest niggers. disguised as urban niggers
Kayden Turner
Eat shit you filthy Nigerian
Lincoln Thompson
As are Jews, I can live with not being a med desu
David Garcia
said the jew
Brandon Gray
>t.swedecuck talking shit while sucking abdul's cock
Ian Cruz
>reading about the Peloponnesian wars >talks about what happened after the persian wars >Themistocles immediately betrays athens and hellas to the Persians, the very people they fought to kick out >Pausanias the spartan general nephew of Leonidas while fighting in Ionia becomes infatuated with persian customs and seeks to ally with the persians to put himself in control >becomes known for being cruel and heavy handed driving the greeks there to ally with athens which ultimailty fuck sparta over in the Peloponnesian wars >greeks routinely invite persia to get involved in the war >fight so much they ignore the rising Macedonians ultimately most of hellas comes under their control AHHHHHH WHY WERE GREEKS SUCH NIGGERS EVEN IN THEIR GOLDEN AGE
Most scientific words are greek though. Ancient greek is very similar to modern greek.
James Hughes
come on jack. Ancient greeks were warlike people, their biggest mistake was that they fought each other instead of conquering the snow niggers. But nobody ever gave a shit about the Nordcucks, really...
Connor Parker
Most based general in the history of Jow Forums.
Ethan Turner
Can I join your club if I'm an Egyptian?
Aiden Anderson
No. Only Europeans here. Sorry
Zachary Gonzalez
>But nobody ever gave a shit about the Nordcucks Yep, that's the source of today's problem. If only the Greeks and Romans would've conquered those niggers..... our world would be so fucking awesome instead of that shit it is today
David Roberts
They didn't pose a problem back then. They were literally hanging from trees and eating bananas and whatnot, so it's kinda logical they didn't care for the nordcucks.
there was only like 10k people here because it's almost impossible to farm here. that's why people lived more of a hunter-gatherer lifestyle here all the way up until the middle ages
Adam Smith
>a bunch of crypto arabs complain about racemixing aryans
Romans btfo'ed some germanic subhumans but unfortunately they didn't keep up the good work. They preferred to make rape babies with the Britons so that we can have the British fags today
It kind of is and it isn't. The linguisting basis within the med languages is there, so you could start about it. If we're talking the Koine with the current Nea Hellenic language, you could think about it, how Italian or even Spanish have Latin as their ancient language, but much more close.
We support them in their cause to not give you krauts any money
Thomas Collins
You still owe us reparations kraut. Didn't mama Merkel tell you that?
Noah Collins
Arab, lmao
Jaxson Campbell
Arab, rofl
Nathan Thomas
>"great Germanic warriors" >Get ROFLstomped by Rome >Trick them into an ambush ONCE, the Romans decide to not grace them with civilization anymore >Behave like borderhopping rapefugees crying crocodile tears about "muh huns" while refusing to adopt the local religion, learn the local language and adjust to local customs and outbreeding the natives >Eventually everything collapses into the Germanic cesspool of anti-civilization we call the Dark Ages >Latin Italians elevate Europe out of the dark ages with the Renaissance >The "Holy" "Roman" "Empire" spends centuries being useless and being France's punchingbag until Napoleon gives it the Ol' Yeller treatment >Spend another century faffing about >Everyone else in Europe spends this time making great inventions, discoveries and colonizing the world >Finally unify and win ONE victory against a major power, and only because of Bismarck(the only non-autistic German in history) >Start and lose two world wars >"W-We great warriors now!"
I'm sick of the "Germans are good at war" meme Germanics are just a bunch of animals, and the Anglo-Latin establishment only spared them because they believe in the ethical treatment of all living creatures.