Damn, how can people still support circuses?

Damn, how can people still support circuses?

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Cuz i liek seeing animals do tricks

Who even goes to circuses anymore, that was back in the 19 century

Fuck Hawaii

>No tranquilizer darts, just shoot to kill.
So American.
They don't even aim for the legs any more, just rapid bursts to the chest.

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this shit was back in the 90s wtf how is this even relevant lol

I think in most countries, once any animal try to kill somebody (with any chance of success I mean, not an enraged marmot), it is killed.
In France in the middle ages, if a pig had killed a villager, he was given a trial. He was dressed with human clothes and judged.
But really, I don't think we should go to circuses, or zoos except those with farm animals comfortable around humans.

So that's how biggie smalls really died. Who knew.

Looks like it came straight out of Resident Evil or something. Either way I can't see any reason to abuse animals, no matter how edgy you want to be

R.I.P. Biggie1492

>In France in the middle ages, if a pig had killed a villager, he was given a trial. He was dressed with human clothes and judged.

you do that with apes now

R.I.P. Boogie1488

>In France in the middle ages, if a pig had killed a villager, he was given a trial. He was dressed with human clothes and judged.

brilliant , i need source for this

>I don't think we should go to circuses
Some EU countries (Croatia, Austria, Holland, Slovenia, etc) already banned circuses

>or zoos except those
Some zoos work on conservation projects, that is ok. To keep elephants in small enclosures and stuff like that isn't

Then again, Belgians had blacks in zoos up until the 60s

>The look on its eyes tells a thousand stories
I'm pretty sure the look on it's eyes is from BEING FUCKING SHOT YOU STUPID LIBSHITS.

RIP Harmabe

We had that, too, and even Alsatian girls in traditional dress.
Actually after the Word Cup win in '98, it transpired than one of the players' grandfather (who was from New Caledonia, he was a Pacific Islander) had been shown in a zoo.
Karambeu was the name, if memory serves.

I'm old and was a kid before the Internet so I either read or heard that a long time ago.
Your favorite search engine should help though.
Perhaps it was a myth, later debunked, but it was a well-known story.


gets me everytime

Trigger happy police. Elephant lives matter.

That's what they do to animals from africa

I don't really like Zoos either but at least they have somewhat trained people working there with varying degrees, etc;

Circus is just 3rd world tier

Why do you think the term carnies exists

Should of used an RPG

In the same time period Hartlepool in Britain literally did that with a Monkey that escaped ship and washed ashore. Villagers thought it was a French spy and executed it when it wouldn't answer the courts questions.

The story is fucking fake and the pic is a shop

Why does this place suck so much these days

When the fuck was that picture taken, like 1990? Why the fuck are you spamming Jow Forums with this stupid shit

>On August 20, 1994, during a performance at Circus International in Honolulu, Hawaii, Tyke trampled and critically injured her groomer, Dallas Beckwith, throwing him around numerous times in the process, before killing her trainer, Allen Campbell, who was knocked to the ground, dragged and crushed to death under Tyke's massive trunk after he attempted to save Beckwith from being trampled to death during the attack. She then charged out of the arena and onto the streets outside. She additionally attacked and nearly crushed publicist Steve Hirano, who tried to stop her from escaping from the circus' parking lot. A nearby police officer seeing the attack fired multiple shots in the direction of the elephant, distracting her and causing her to flee away from Hirano. After a half-hour of chasing Tyke down, local police officers fired more than 86 shots at the 8,000 pounds (3,600 kg) elephant. Tyke finally collapsed from the numerous wounds and died.
Whose a good baby who can eat from the spoon? Is it you?

elephants have emotions too

They don't which is why circuses are going out of business.

she died free. a true rebel
i love her. rip tyke

>In France in the middle ages, if a pig had killed a villager, he was given a trial.

you froggers are rlly funny

Those eyes are so fuckin photoshopped

Most likely, in 2-3 centuries this will become common practice, then we'll remind we've always been more advanced than you ^^
and the Americans will pretend they invented the stuff...

killing an elephant without an elephant gun must be horrible business. Elephant hunting requires rifles from a shortlist.
Poor elephant and policemen.

based and redpilled post

I saw the video of it, then read about him. It truly broke my heart, I even cried a little.

George Orwell did an article on this subject.

And today these progressive "lock that nigger in a cage" Europeans are telling us we're racist because we don't want to be Europe's asylum centre...

>Poor elephant and policemen.
American cops prolly enjoyed it, the retarded fucks they are

Rip Dumbo

I like elephants because they're smart like me

Our country banned circuses?
Do you have any source for that claim?

as a child I have gone to circus or zoo and owned a pet but as an adult I boycot these behaviours/ animals have animal souls and need to be left be

But I dont know why God decreed that animals need to be eaten or man becomes physically weak, same with carnivorous animals


Because they're fun!
And, like my dad says, the animals love what they do. Prove him wrong, veganfag.

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Circuses are Jew shit and go against nature

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Theres not a whole lot of options at that point. Once an elephant decides it's going to kill people, that's it. Youd have to keep him isolated for the rest of his life. It's best to put him out of his misery that the circus created for him.

The industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

>According to Johannis Gross in Kurze Basler Chronik (1624), in 1474 a rooster was put on trial in the city of Basel for "the heinous and unnatural crime of laying an egg", which the townspeople were concerned was spawned by Satan and contained a cockatrice

Animals are here to keep us from getti g bored. The circus is fun and they get to eat lots of peanuts. Would you rather leave them in Africa with all the niggers?

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>Monkey that escaped ship
The Atlantic slave trade was truly a travesty

fucking kek

Plot twist: it was a French spy.

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>"lock that nigger in a cage"

No, no, they recreated the scenery and all.
Also Alsatians are Germans not niggers.
Here's an ad for a zoo with Finns

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Carnies and Circus folk are two different things

> 12 years of torture...

Right, yeah, everyday they stuck a pineapple up Tyke's ass there in Hawaii, and yanked it out for the lulz. That makes sense.

Or, after 12 years of being treated like a performing animal, that could kill someone in an instant, someone lapsed in their treatment and handling of 12,000lb of guaranteed death, and shit got real.

How fucking stupid are people? They really think, with how much that fucking elephant cost to feed, train, and shelter all those years, along with regular check ups from vets, that it was allowed to be abused?

> Circus owner: 'How is Tyke doing?'
> Idiot: "Great, we got two pineapples up his ass to keep him in line.'
> Circus owner: 'You're fired.'

This can actually happen. I don't remember exactly how; I think with damaged ovaries (or whatever the chicken equivalent is) hens can turn into roosters.

Članak. 53., stavak 1. Zakona o zaštiti životinja glasi: 'Zabranjeno je držanje divljih životinja u cirkusima te njihovo korištenje u cirkuskim i drugim predstavama sa životinjama.'

Kako bi se u potpunosti izbjegle manipulacije Zakonom, u članku 3., stavku 26. cirkusi se izuzimaju iz pravnih i fizičkih osoba kojima je dozvoljeno izlaganje životinja.

We also banned fur farms

>Germans not niggers

>They really think, with how much that fucking elephant cost to feed, train, and shelter all those years, along with regular check ups from vets, that it was allowed to be abused?
Of course. You are mentally retarded if you think it isn't so. Just being part of a circus is abuse in normal parts of the world

>How fucking stupid are people?
The fucking irony here

You know lefties, animal cruelty is bad enough that you don't need to gloss it up and photoshop it to make it look worse just to push your shit, and it actually just works against you because people don't like being tricked and being tricked and getting caught is the number one way for people to disregard what you have to say.
Elephants are wonderful, intelligent creatures and you do them a disservice by being deceptive to stir people into action. It's ops like these that confirm to me most of you haven't grown up enough yet.


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elephant BTFO

Well good for us, because those were our biggest issues, elephants going rampage and animals losing their skin. We are now an utopia.

>aim for the legs

Good bait, 6/10

I don't

>implying liberals would harm animals
>implying liberals would ever touch a gun


Elephants dont belong on islands. Stupid humans and their ark.

You are right, the first thing people do when they get a multi year investment is to fuck it up.

Why whenever I buy a new car, I immediately kick in the fender. And we are talking in the U.S., not the rest of the normal, i.e., shit tier world of 'not from heres' and eurotrash..

Fucking americunts


Bread and circuses are the only thing keeping the western world afloat.

It was probably an asian elephant ya dingus.

I literally went to a Zoo in Zagreb last year. Lol I love how Croats and Slovenians try and deluded themselves that they’re so “Western” and “Progressive”.

Why would the cops use deer rifles and handguns on an elephant when the Hawaiian National Guard have heavy armament? A .50 cal machine gun would have dispatched that animal real quick.

that's the same look I have anytime I see the west doing shit to destroy itself

Was the pig given a trial because he is equal to a frenchman?

Yeah I don't go to circus with animals anymore, fuck that shit

Fuck off

The fact those aren't our biggest problems doesn't mean we don't have to tackle them. If you think Western countries are an utopia, I have some bad news for you...

>And we are talking in the U.S.
Especially in the US

>I literally went to a Zoo in Zagreb last year
Good for you. Most people don't. Croatia and Slovenia have some of the most progressive animal rights laws

Really, Mexicunt? You suddenly care about injuring and torturing animals? How are your bullfighting events going?

I've never gone to a circus.

Zoos that treat their animals well server an important function though.



i usually resign when a fucking pig kills a villager. It's better to research loom before luring them.

You are right, the first thing people do is assume handlers are fucking saints.

People who abuse or poach pachyderms should be boiled in their own feces after being gang raped by HIV-positive gay niggers for days on end.

Who was in the wrong here?

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>Who was in the wrong here?
the Chinks, of course

This picture literally implies elephants are as intelligent as humans and this particular one was planning his escape after being tortured for 12 years by people in whose best financial interest is the perfect well-being of their animals.

I didnt know Chinks cared about their children

I swear I can function normally in social situations, but I really do wonder if I'm autistic, since I find sad animal stories so much more heart-wrenching than sad human stories.

It's not a crime for animals to kill other animals

Why not, animals are funny.

i wonder if it was because of the broomstick

>Damn, how can people still support circuses?

The same reason I pay for membership for my local zoo. These organizations make donations to zoological organizations and research, but more importantly they raise public awareness. If it weren't for my local zoo being the one genuinely nice places in my city, and being able to see endangered animals up close and in person, I wouldn't give a FUCK about some dumb cat in niggerland and whether it goes extinct or not. Being able to see these animals in person brings a greater appreciation for them. Obviously the entertainment factor is the highest priority, but developing an appreciation for biodiversity is definitely a welcome secondary benefit.

>Damn, how can people still support circuses?


uuhh, that's problematic, They're called Pride parades today

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Poor thing. Too bad he grew up around non-white savages.