Hi Jow Forums I'm an ex JBP devotee. He is he best thing that happend to me and the best thing that could happen for us...

Hi Jow Forums I'm an ex JBP devotee. He is he best thing that happend to me and the best thing that could happen for us. hear me out:

>Jordan values western civilisation and makes a case for it to be saved. That's exactly the goal we have, it steers young white men on the exact right track.

>He values christianity, he makes a case for it, gets people to re-think it, re-connecting young white man to the most central part of their culture and heritage

>JBP legitimises IQ tests ("it's the most well grounded measure in all of psychology") that's essential for accepting race-realism later on

>He legitimises opposing views "assume your enemy knows something you don't, listen carefully" That's literally the best thing that can happen and is ultimately the reason I went further

>He literally gets on stage and tells young white men to "read Soljenizin man". That's just lighting the fuse and should cause deep concern in every Kike...

>He brings up the JQ but makes an incredible weak argument (literally only good for us)

>he claims to "tell the better story" but doesn't adress even the most surface-level criticism we make of him

my conclusion: it's almsot like he's actively working for us. JBP is one of the best things that happend to us. We should continue to ridicule him to get the attention of his devotees but if you have heir attention be nice, tell them what they don't know, it's fertile ground.

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Death to traitors and slaves of Zion

>Hi Jow Forums I'm an ex JBP devotee
stopped reading


are you retarded? if he was the tiniest bit antisemitic he would never receive major traction. at least he doesn't outright shill for israel

Unironically if Peterson criticised the Jews and supported White peoples right to work in their own interests Jow Forums would love him and put him at the top of the pile of all e celebs. But Jow Forums has to consider is that he has 1.3 million subscribers and got 3 million views this last month, he’d never achieve that if he had the same rep as Richard Spencer. He’s a great entry level redpill and a positive force on the world.

He was a step along the path for me as well.

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Except he does outright shill for Israel and lauds them for preserving their Jewish identity, which exposes him as a massive hypocrite since, according to him, whites who collectively try to preserve their identities are ebil Nazis.

That might be true, but he can only be an entry level red pill if he is hated and has his ideology ripped to shreds on Jow Forums

>implying that Jow Forums is redpilled