This time they went for the beloved Teen Titans Series, made it MATURE with lines like "Fuck Batman" and made an Orange Alien Starefire into a "We Wuz Tamaranean"
>Muh children's cartoons.
Why do numales care so much about entertainment for children? Are they that infantile?
So starfire was the same race as cyborg along?
Also that hair.
That's cool, they saved me $60.00
Are you so blind that you can't see the problems start from infancy? The entertainment in which consumed? The products bought that fill the room? The characters in who they relate? Laughing now will seal your fate.
who gives a shit? Honestly it kind of works, it all depends on how she plays the character. If she acts like a negress, then it'll suck. If she acts like the clueless and innocent starfire, then whats the problem?
That nigger looks old as fuck
>who gives a shit? Honestly it kind of works, it all depends on how she plays the character. If she acts like a negress, then it'll suck. If she acts like the clueless and innocent starfire, then whats the problem?
She looks like a fat, black corner prostitute who sucks dick for $5. This is what a cosplayer looks like in comparison.
okay, I concede, this is pretty bad, maybe if they ditched that fur coat and hired a more slender actress