Lets just admit it: this country couldn’t give a shit less about the poor. Have medicaid? You could take for fucking YEARS until you finally find a doctor or a dentist who will accept you as a patient. And when you do find a doctor/dentist for yourself or for your kid or whoever, they turn out to be like this guy
Name me one reason why we shouldn’t have socialized healthcare. Just one. If you get in a car accident you’re gonna face medical bills that you can’t pay that’ll leave you bankrupt for life. I even remember hearing about a woman who badly broke her leg in a car accident and told a bystander that she wasn’t going to the hospital because she couldn’t afford it. We shouldn’t have this in a first world country. But yet here it is.
People stay poor if people keep pouring in from all corners of the border
Michael Mitchell
who is this jizz whiz?
Carter Young
tax fat people, remove niggers and spics, remove jews, institute socialized white medicine it's unpopular because white people don't want to pay shlomo to give prenatal drugs to la'quisha to have fatherless baby #8 while pedro jr gets a free ER stay to treat a knee scrape he got from climbing a border fence
I live in spain and the healthcare and medical attention here are awesome but the thing is some doctor don't give a shit sometimes because they are getting paid regardless
cucks you will never get to fuck her why do you care so much
Nathan Martin
If she sits on my DICC
Landon Powell
it's overwhelmingly-likely that this is a female i dont know why people are so bad at recognizing the basic skeletal structure if that's a man it's hormones from a very very young age. look at the hips, clavicles, and forearms/wrists/upper arms ratio
Jeremiah White
Cameron Howard
here you go op >gives poor people who cant afford medicine medicine >they start having more kids >these kids are also poor just like their parents >who go on to have more kids >cost of healthcare exponentially increases >systematic collapse followed by communism I'm all for universal free health care. just make it a condition that you have to be rendered infertile to benefit.
Get rid of all non whites and keep them out and we can have government controlled healthcare.
Evan Campbell
socialized medicine does not work because it forces everyone to pay a ridiculous bill. The true way to fix healthcare is to bring down the overall cost through a variety of mechanisms such as insurance reform / malpractice reform / and an investigation into how hospitals charge patients for supplies.
Seriously a saline drip does not cost $1,219.35 to administer. That's your root problem.
Camden Myers
>>gives poor people who cant afford medicine medicine >>they start having more kids
Why the fuck would people start having more kids after getting universal healthcare? How does exactly that logic works?
Do you realize that europe has universal healthcare and almost every european country has birth rates lower than USA?
Caleb Turner
>I'll never get to leave light bruises all over her pale body
I don't know, man. She should sit on my cocc though.
Angel Perez
You forgot jews. Isn’t it funny how the welfare state known as Israel has socialized healthcare but America doesn’t? It’s because our tax money is being sent to Israel by the billions every single year while Congress forgives the money, and they keep robbing us every single year.
Benjamin Bell
Yea and now your social support networks are cracking under the weight of the third world you are importing into your countries. Soon you will see first hand why we dont adopt government ran healthcare. Especially you Spain, since you have become the new #1 import location for Soros's horde.
Grayson Peterson
she is a top tier degenerate, would definitely doing degenerating acts on
Jose Clark
Muh dick
Luis Bell
Spain doesn't have an immigration problem friendo, a lot of foreigners here and yes they do get the chance to have medical attention but we don't have problems lile USA does I can't quite explain it but people that come here arent as retarded as the musling in UK and so on
Cameron Bell
Please I wanna know if it has a dick!
Bentley Bennett
cuz me freedums to go bankrupt for jew owned bigpharma
Gabriel Collins
>What can we do to fix US healthcare? 1) Deport all illegal aliens. 2) Replace the tax break for employer-funded healthcare with a tax cut. 3) Make price discrimination illegal: all customers get charged the same whether they're insured or uninsured and regardless of who their insurer is. 4) End the gatekeeper role of physicians: let people buy whatever drugs they like, no matter who wrote their prescription. 5) End the gatekeeper role of medical boards: let people buy medical services from whoever they want, board-certified or not, according to their own judgement. 6) Criminalize abuse of emergency rooms for routine care.
Doctors conspired to undersupply qualified workers, ensuring total employment and high salaries for themselves. Their advantageous position therefore needs to be taken away. A profession must manage itself for the good of society, not work as a conspiracy to bilk the layman.
Besides, they haven't kept up with technology. Nearly all of their work can be done better by people with far less training, but better tools, especially computerized diagnosis. Soon surgical robots will be better than surgeons (who, despite their self-glorification, are generally clumsy, sloppy, and cause a tremendous amount of suffering and death).
Kayden James
Lmao my gf has those same panties wtf
Austin Long
>Lets just admit it: this country couldn’t give a shit less about the poor. Uh, sweetie, the trillions in gibs for lazy do-nothings sort of proves your point to be false. Stop being poor, by the way, it's disgusting.
I pride myself in being a man of dignity and restraint, but this image makes me realize that under certain circumstances I would absolutely do terrible, terrible things..
I want to padlock her nose rings together too, user.
Lucas Cox
She smells like hot dogs and microwaved fish sticks. Which is also the only thing she knows how to cook. Go get her bois
Austin Allen
I have this weird urge to choke and slap her while fucking her. I guess now I know how biggest feel about most women.
Samuel White
>Socialist thread with a half naked woman image
The kike social science is getting real here.
Thomas Phillips
how *niggers* feel, I mean
Adam Williams
didn't read, but to fix healthcare you need to fix the government. fixing only healthcare is killing one rat to stop the plague
Joseph Lee
>Lets just admit it: this country couldn’t give a shit less about the poor. You can't have extreme diversity AND social good-will at the same time. To want to pay for your fellow country-men's health cares requires feeling at least some kinship to him.
Societies as diverse as America are places where people who hate each other's guts reluctantly tolerate one another.
>Societies as diverse as America are places where people who hate each other's guts reluctantly tolerate one another.
Or more realistically, we function despite the diversity, and me give a smile to the niggers around me is the depths of the good will left here.
Hunter Taylor
Hnng I bet she’d wear horns and role play as a succubus.
Michael Diaz
Eh... a lot of girls like to be choked and slapped a little. It reinforces that they're in bed with a big, strong man. It's not unhealthy to want to give them what they like, and I'd say the majority like being dominated with a certain amount of roughness in the heat of the moment.
They pretty much all fantasize about rape, and a lot of them fantasize about being murdered. Women are just as dark in their sex fantasies as men are, if not more, and just as eager to roleplay them in bed.
Just be careful to start light, build up gradually, and pay attention to signs that she's not actually enjoying it.
>Eh... a lot of girls like to be choked and slapped a little.
Isn't that comment enough to arrest you for rape in Canada?
Wyatt Reed
I found her instagram. WOW
Jaxson Long
dick says berry
Ryder Jenkins
Who is this baby batter smatter?
James Davis
My new waifu
Jonathan Mitchell
well what is it fag
Jayden Myers
socialized health care is retarded it takes 10x longer at canadian clinics and hospitals
Matthew Morgan
Medicare for all would save us more money. Sick people are expensive. The sooner we treat them the better.
David Nguyen
wide hips wide shoulder is the redpill for optimal offspring
John Butler
The problem with socialised healthcare is that people in the US live rather unhealthy and there is no incentive to stop that. (pic related) You could make this work, however the left will claim it would be inhumane: >costs are proportional to bodyfat% over 10 (15 for women) + base rate >proof of abstinence from drugs reduces costs >proof of physical activity 3x/week reduces costs >educate children about nutrition >sanction schools for unhealthy food in cafeteria
All you fucking yards have to so is learn a little bit about insurance products, get one at age 16 - 20, and then pay only a thousand or so a year for the best health care on Earth.
Fucking burgers who can't do that are even worse than Canadians who think nationalized healthcare works.
Ayden Anderson
Thanks Plato
Jordan Russell
My god, her face looks EXACTLY like my girlfriend! I know it's not her, though, cause my girl got some big ol' titties and some tats that would be visible in that getup.
Andrew Nguyen
She can succ my bus if you know what I mean.
Samuel Cruz
Anybody got the original pic?
Caleb Wright
Justin Cooper
Post big-titted gf, you goddamn whore.
Brayden Thompson
Tell Democrats to stop opposing healthcare reform..
Jose Perez
This country couldn't give a shit about your mere existence for you're just a pawn to those who take control of the tools which America gives you. So, we blame the ones who do in fact understand how to use such tools. Thought escaping my troubles through the military so I could die a brutal death in the Rangers for my country for fun because I wanted to run from said cycle. Now that I am out, I can only find peace in the fact that my death will eventually come for me. All of my other buddies killed themselves. We're all fucked, user.
Universal healthcare would give nogs better access and pregnant nigresses wouldn't need birth control so much which means more niglets.
Juan Baker
The horror stories of socialized medicine, with long wait lines, with doing the BARE MINIMUM of scans and check ups in order to keep cost DOWN, then when you do find a tumor or cancer, "oh well, off to America with you or die here in the UK!"
And if you have a kid who might survive in the US when 100% of the socialist doctors cant treat the kid?
They literally tell you you MUST let the kid die on UK soil in order to not disprove how fucked up socialist medicine is.
Are jew doctors the best or the best or the worst ?
Leo Richardson
Not even that. Many Americans get health insurance provided by their jobs. You don't even have to buy your own plan.
Nicholas Edwards
while i agree with the navel shit and also fuck nose rings, i think milky white skin is hot af
Christian Diaz
Connect costs to patients with middle men who distort the marker
Normalize the medical marketplace so that liscencing does not limit ever medical procedure
Ryder Bell
>What can we do to fix US healthcare? Kill all the sick. Next question.
Evan Wright
no niggers
Justin Anderson
I only found the thing is called ultraviolet_darling. I sleuthed it through know your meme.
Grayson Hill
Stop making the white man pay for shitskins.
Ian Powell
Charles Collins
LOL ok, incel. She's my side roasty, no less.
Owen Allen
My state health insurance is great.
Oliver Clark
>nationalize medical education to prevent undue influence of school "benefactors" maintain unbaised research >nationalize all hospitals. administrators are burecrats anyways, get them focusd more on national interests rather than corporate interests >roll medical budget into military budget >research carried out only in universities and military hospitals >medical research must be published an open to public >independant claims cannot be verified by gov't i.e. buyer beware
Tyler Foster
None of what you said is true. You cant go bankrupt from medical Bill's if you are too stupid to find a doctor then just kys. Keep watching racheal maddow
Samuel Reed
Why does he bellybutton look like a cats asshole?
Jaxon Price
>first world country lmao
daily reminder that we here in russia have free public clinics yes doctors are sometimes grumpy and bitchy, there might be long queues to the doctor, you might have to wait a couple days before doctor receives you
still, we are treated for F R E E F R E E
get fucked, enjoy your 12 aircraft carriers or whatever, MURICA
Cameron James
I knew a Danish girl who was the spitting image of this girl in college. She liked me and I was too much of a pussy to make a move. Should I KMS lads?
Benjamin Hill
I knew a Danish girl who was the spitting image of this qt in college. She liked me and I was too much of a pussy to make a move. Should I kill myself lads?
Oliver Gomez
Anyone have more of these kinds of memes?I was only aware of the George Washington one.