hide your kids, hide your wives, Patton's raping errbody out here.. previous thread >

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Other urls found in this thread:

There is nothing wrong with a few jokes folks

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As mentioned earlier, this is a former Gawker writer. They will never get over Gamergate. it cost them 6 figures in missed ad revenue bc of Sam Biddle's "Bring Back Bullying" tweet & adviterser fallout. it's their Vietnam

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I just found out about this shit, can someone please give me a link to the archived tweets or to the first thread?

Sure thing bucko
funny eh?

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not quite salt but GOLD he missed the search bar! he had no idea what was hahaha

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It's a good thing Ben Shapiro is so principled. He's such a rational, level-headed voice for the right.

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Oh wait.

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There's value in being self-employed

"POLITICALLY INCORRECT TWEETS" I've seen it all, Jow Forums. Burn it all down. media, hollywood, expose all these rat fucks

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what goes around comes around

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He's not wrong, and neither is what James gunn said, intercourse at such a young age is not exactly serious

t.actual jew

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I hate this fucking kike.

>unironically approving of pedophilia enablers
>even when they're fired by a private company PEDO ALERT! guy who does the voice of Rick in "Rick and Morty" thinks the jokes are funny and hashtags #hugehardcocks WHAT THE FUCK?! yo spread this shit we got another one to tweetmine

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To think I used to call myself a (((Libertarian))) and I used to read (((Reason))) and listen to (((Ben Shapiro))).

He deserves the death penalty.

I hope he has been reported to the FBI. They need to look through his hard drive.

>vile old joke tweets
I read through those tweets. A normal person who makes jokes does not joke in that manner. He is probably an actual pedophile and kikes like Ben are covering for him.

>exposing old tweets with pedo stuff in them
>you know just like gamergate


also why are these 5' beta manlets so obsessed with a 4 year old twitter hashtag?

you anons doing any research into that lloyd guy? he looks like henry winkler sorta.

>Thernovich got James Gunn fired

Quick rundown.

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(((Shapiro))) is a crypto-leftist. No way around it. False opposition.

This is why people dislike Jews and middle easterners. You outlook on life is not compatible with the West. You and your kind belong (and frankly, should be quarantined) in the sweltering desert.

yeah, it's not even jokes. it's more like a pedo trying to see how much he can get away with

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Sharpoopie gets the rope first

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>wah conservatives stop playing by the rules that we created!!

I've never seen the sÖys so mad about anything

Capeshit is their critical hit spot

Yes, nobody makes that many jokes about fucking young boys if they're not often thinking about fucking young boys. Comedy is topical and contextual. Fucking young boys is neither, unless you are a pedo.

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Thoughts on the Star Wars story group? They have the biggest SJW outreach of them all.

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>pedophilia is politically related
>this has nothing to do with sick individuals who belong in an institution or prison, its all politics
So the LGBTQ shit failed, is this their next attempt to normalize pedophilia? Make people think its a political issue and not a moral/common decency/not being a demonic acolyte issue? Do they really think the line drawn in the sand is up for discussion?

hear, hear
gas the kikes
Cernovich gets a temporary reprieve for bringing lulz

It's crazy how all the other e-celeb shows like are now copying his tactics aswell, they'll discuss something in a good light one day, the next day they'll throw it in the trash, then bring it up again later like its the holy grail. That's exactly what Shapiro does with Trump now. That is 'principled conservatism' for you folks

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>these comments

holy fuck, someone unironically murder this fat piece of shit. just kidding, his pathetic existence is much more entertaining

This is minecraft-tier mining



Oswald is the Racoon of the Guardians of Pedophilia

> Patton covers for a seriously top-tier Dracula pedo
> he catches a brick or two, tentatively gets set on fire

Gg maybe he shouldn't have played such a soft defense or better yet, should have kept his fucking mouth shut, because that tweet certainly wasnt worth being hospitalized over


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"operating in good faith" you're going to see that a lot. their way of saying "you're not doing this for the right reasons, only we can." irony twitter faggotry

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was there ever a same reaction for vidya or was it immediately shut down by sweeties?

Shapiro is just another Jew. It’s not even relevant, but I hate his high-voice and his fast-talking. Very annoying

I fucking hate that spineless slithering rate snake Hybrid that is Shapiro. Absolutely triggered.

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Geez. At least Mike Cernovich didn't murder his wife.

Patton Oswalt is a literal shit smear. It wouldn't surprise me if he was found playing dominoes on cheese or dominoes on pasta.


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>we force the media to go right by attacking their freinds and forcing them to defend them

Imagine being a libertarian.

You must have sex with a guilotine

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>this kills the soi

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one of many soon to come

>just some of that old fashioned jew humor.
No wonder they always getting kicked out of everywhere

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This, we got us CHAPTER 2 folks

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imagine going on Jow Forums and still falling for propaganda that smears whole movements.

>threads about this here,/tv,/co/,/b and /x

so this is the power of trump tower shills

I agree completely. This was a long time ago, back before I knew of the JQ.
I take solace in the fact that you can go from left, libertarian or center to right, but there's no going back once you ponder the JQ. It may not look like it, but every day the number of people asking the JQ grows and it never shrinks.

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Oh, no. Mike Cernovich might get fired from Disney...oh, wait.

This Gunn shit is great because so many celebs are outing themselves in public. Just like the dems defending strzok in the hearing. Everyone knows who they are now.

shapiro 2020

No, the funny and/or right-wing Jews go first. They’re very subversive and no one knows where they really stand. The maniacal left wing Jews are at least very predictable.

Their mistresses fee fee were hurt so they see themselves obligated for all eternity to white knight and protect the INNOCENT WAMEN.

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Those movies are shitty anyway...fuck james gunn, fuck roseanne, fuck whoopie, fuck the judge, fuck trump, and fuck you

>Liberals with Papa John and Roseanne: Haha freedom of speech not freedom from the consequences conservatards

this. pedos are so out in the open in Hollyweimar that they were just testing the water to see how normies would react to their degeneracy.


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So joking about pedophelia is now considered as politically incorrect


Oswalt is such a shill for the establishment it's amazing. Funny because his early standup was all about how he was a gatekeeping manchild like the ones he now antagonizes on Twitter.

Also the most hilarious part about this to me is the fact that I heard about it from elsewhere and had no idea Cernovich was connected before the bluechecks started using him as a smokescreen. The diversion tactic is so obvious that they're going to end up red-pilling more people then they have in past desperate damage control situations.

Don't forget to thank SJW faggots for turning people away from Hillary. Trump wouldn't be president without them.

He probably jacks off to pictures of his dead wife. Like, he took pictures after he killed her, and jacks off to them.

Remember what they did to MDE: World Peace
Payback is a motherfucker.

Can we have a separation between business and private life yet? No? Okay.

also updated SIPS to gas (((monster)))

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You'd have a point if Roseanna had actually made a bunch of blog posts about how she actually hated black people and thought them getting jizzed on by monkeys made her happy.

Kek do they really believe this bullshit

This, none of those jokes are even double entendres like for instance
>What's the best thing about 20 year old girlfriends
>There's 20 of them


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It's their way. Adolf knew.

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Major bread

Kill all the club penguin pedophiles. And I mean that in a rescuers down under, all dogs go to heaven, judith marie ritual suicide kinda way. The pedo satanist luciferian nwo must fall and that includes the hollywood ayylmao kid diddling kike funded marvel directors.

another "bad faith" sighting from ((Schwartz)) we should have a drinking game when a blue check spews this shit phrase. yeah i dont think Trump blogged about a link from a PROVEN pedophile that read "pubescent girls touch themselves" and talked about "cumming all over my face", but sure, go on

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This. No matter what your leaning, these jokes are objectively unfunny.

You reap what you sow media

maybe don't tweet pro-pedophile (((jokes))) to the point of people thinking you have an obsession on a public platform, you fucking dunce. this isn't comparable to someone being deplatformed over politics which is what you're trying to say to make people look like hypocrites. I would sock you in the teeth if you said this dumb shit around me

Patton Oswalt murdered his wife.

you mad nobody cares about your russia bait tonight

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honestly this could escalate into a full blown civil war between the basedboys and the hardcore feminists. the latter aren't going to join in and defend a privileged white male who made hundreds of "jokes" about child rape

It's cute they think we have any good faith for them

patton just kills his wives. not sure about kids.

They'd only do so if there was some vague connection to Trump or a Trump associate.

Possibly, actually, yeah, James Gunn will be given immunity on this so he can testify in Mueller's investigation. Never know, he might know something.

>but every day the number of people asking the JQ grows and it never shrinks.
I contribute some of that to the internet. People now have the ability to circumvent the propaganda (MSM) and get info elsewhere. We couldn’t do that 25+ years ago. There’s a reason why (((they))) want to control to web.

It gives me great pleasure to watch these communist jew hollywood ass clowns turn on each other.

Cernovich is an opportunist, sure, but he did the right thing by exposing Gunn to the public.

Yeah. They all are a bumch of fag artists. What you thought innocent saints and angels drew your cartoon smut morty. *belch* get real... shove that opinion way up your asshole and be a good gary the snail to spongebob. Dont be a douche richard.

He sat on her and she died. Because he's fat.