Texan pride world wide

I may be english on the outside, but in my heart i'm texan

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then you should be wearing this hat with pride


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If you like Texas so much why don't you just move here? Also I heard you fags drop dead when it gets above 70 degrees so good look dealing with 100+ degree summers.

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We need more white people in Texas. BAD!

You sound like some 70 year old lady who came here from facebook

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This state sucks dick.
Everything that was TEXAS died 100 years ago.
Now its a bunch of spics who hate real Texas culture and are turning it into Cali 2.0
Its anti-white af.
Cant wait to move back to Dixieland.

Fuck Texas!

Go Huskers!

I've lived in Texas my entire life and above 70 degrees kills me. Almost everyone here has central air. If you have a certain complexion, going outside without sunblock is begging for cancer and frequent sunburns. Winter and spring are pretty comfy though.

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It's fucking brutal outside today. Thankfully I'm comfy.

I never thought I'd miss Beaumont.

But California does that to you.