So which French cities are still white?

So which French cities are still white?

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Other urls found in this thread:,_Pyrénées-Atlantiquesé_d'agglomération_du_Pays_Basque



Frogs were never white

Many unlike blackedmerica

The big cities are full of niggers but the country side is still white and people are mostly racist vote for far right party.

3/4 of blacks are concentrated in Paris

Attached: Varane-Pavard-Griezmannhometown.png (1200x2600, 1.58M)

Probably the ones in the Basque country and Normandy

Fick off tricky, fucken baguettes


>Basque country
That is in Spain moron

there is a part of the basque country in france you moron.

A small part is in france Jose

>The big cities are full of niggers

I live in Lille, there are Arabs but I saw more niggers in 1 week in New York than here in all my life.


Attached: download (7).jpg (800x600, 76K)


Attached: 1D499120-B2C3-4D33-81DF-4C62561C925D.jpg (600x600, 40K)

Maybe this region.,_Pyrénées-Atlantiques

Still more than 56% you mutt.

Some of it is in France muchachoé_d'agglomération_du_Pays_Basque

yeah i live in Poitiers in a district were white people are a minority and the language you ear the most isn't french.

Wtf I never knew this shit , Im in shock

The Pays Basque used to be the Kingdom of Navarre, it extended across the Pyrénées and Spain and France fought over it for generations. Eventually we both got tired of crossing fucking mountains for a speck of territory and said fuck it.

Thanks for the info Alain

Watched some of the Tour de France. The racers, the fans, the officials, even the cops. Everybody's white!

Attached: tdf.jpg (1024x450, 121K)

Only the flags are white in France.


Renne is 99% white

>murican doesn't know about the time soldiers under the royal white flag of France came and created his country for him

Attached: 1200px-Surrender_of_Lord_Cornwallis.jpg (1200x791, 213K)

Were not 56% moron thats a dumbass Jow Forums meme. Also you are country white people are fucking FROM and your letting in shitskins with enthusiasm. Piss off.

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Is that muttspeak or are you having a stroke?

>Also you are country white people are fucking FROM and your letting in shitskins with enthusiasm
this is an american board, please speak american or get out, sir.

*sniffs in your general direction*

Attached: Pachón Navarro.jpg (500x377, 40K)

All the niggers are mostly in paris, marseilie and lyon. Some niggers in NICE ( i go there every year pretty much ) but not that bad .

Ameritards get angry so easily

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une fois la france a été une nation blanche. aujourd'hui c'est une colonie africaine. de pire les françaises qui y vivent sont fécondes pour les bites noires grandes. quel dommage

most, except for Paris and Marseilles

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How close to submission are you, frogs?

Attached: Michel Houellebecq.jpg (299x179, 13K)

this is Birmingham this year

Attached: eid.jpg (962x532, 183K)

>implying fr*nce was ever white

All of them are whiter than your cities Paco.

>ChicANO tries to speak English

Is that why the white flag is for surrender? I never knew this.

Allez Les Bleus

Congrats on the victory, France.

white is the color of the french monarchy. It's why the current flag of France is this way : it's the royal white flanked by the red and blue of Paris.

Attached: Grandes_Armes_de_Paris.svg.png (200x238, 64K)

we french aren't wh*te but proud black muslims, dont insult us