False Flag Faggotry

It's time the U.S. issued a public apology for the bombings of Syrian and Russian soldiers in "retaliation" for a chemical attack that was even to a knee-jerk reaction *OBVIOUSLY* a false flag. All they found was chlorine gas.

A FUCKING CHILD can make chlorine bombs. Any fucking CIA spook nigger's Mohammed apprentice could have been responsible. Any fucking ISIS or other "moderate" EXTREMIST ISLAMIC TERRORIST fighting Assad could have been responsible.


I'm a fucking mid-twenties druggie who only casually follows global events but THE VERY DAY the alleged attacks happened I called them out for utter bullshit. It doesn't take a strategist, political scientist or fucking genius to understand that you don't RANDOMLY ATTACK CITIZENS OF ZERO STRATEGIC VALUE WHEN YOU'VE ALMOST WON YOUR WAR AND THE *ENTIRE WORLD* IS SCRUTINIZING YOU.

As an American I'm fucking SICK of having MY MONEY stolen to pay for CIA MURDERS of foreigners, some honest Syrian and Russian soldiers who genuinely believed they were doing the right thing, that pose NO THREAT to my person or economic prospects, and I'm fucking SICK TO DEATH of being expected to be stupid enough to believe it.


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The most fucked up thing is that the Mossad, CIA and their footsoldiers in the islamic state KEEP doing the false flags and keep expecting the USA to invade Syria based on false flag bullshit the ((intelligence community)) did. Is it simple bloodthirsty insanity, or every time the jewish spooks do it they actually believe the goyim will fall for it THIS TIME?

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Remember when coulter said anything worth listening to? Me niether.

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>56 yo childless tradthot boomer

wait, what!?

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I often wonder how gullible some of the higher up in our IC are

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It's time fags from /sg/ fuck off because no one cares about Syria anymore when countries like South Africa (which has actual white people), Italy, Hungary, America and so on are actually doing stuff.

The only reason Jow Forums ever cared about fucking Syria way back in 2011 is because everywhere else (((they))) had absolute domination and were flooding every countries with pooskin people and no one seemed to care. Well that's different, so take your "based muslims" and fuck off.

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Based Robert Fisk was first journalist there and called out the BS. MSM turned a blind eye to one of the most recognized war journalists in history

I had pub owner warn me for calling out Israel when it happened... Normies don't care and believe the "but 7 countries said" msm bs


They think we're fucking stupid. They are right. Enough of us are stupid enough to not $$$notice$$$ or to not question or decry.

Tell me a single thing incorrect or irrelevant about the statement in question you slobbering retard.

Hey retard they're stealing YOUR money and getting YOUR friends and families killed in FALSE FLAG attacks from Vegas to Syria.

Get your shit together you fucking pathetic "huwite people only" slob.

Israel is but a pawn in the Anglo Empire globalist deep state.

The British Empire via the freemasons control every major world power's politics.

Not believing in gas attacks is racist and anti-semitic you filthy goyim!

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>Ann Coulter
No one cares, Lady Skeletor.

oy vey that IS problematic af isn't it?

He bombed an empty airstrip. He took the political pressure off and didn't do any damage.

This is worth a bump

I'm awash in waves of utter retards discounting the information and implications because Ann Coulter presented it.

Congratulations, now you know what it is to think and act like fucking leftards.

I'm not big on apologies

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Jow Forums is always right
unless it's Q, then disregard

I was telling you niggers this was ISIS months ago.

How many were killed in this empty airstrip, and in the continuance of the war caused by renewed US opposition to Syria?

Tunnel vision ass nigger, or shill. Get the fuck out.

Chlorine gas.....is gas.....

Nobody was killed at the empty airstrip.

Everyone with a fucking brain knew this was globalist CIA/MOSSAD/SIS --- or Syrian rebels/ISIS (in which case, see: globalist GIA/MOSSAD/SIS

does it even fucking matter, they are just a bunch of sand niggers anway...ya i mean im sorry but this is war

I guess you're too fucking stupid to read and correctly interpret the "nerve" in front of "gas" in that post.

Bad intelligence resulted in some dead shitkins? I'm not apologizing for shit and duck you meme flag faggot.

chlorine like for fucking swimming pools?

Boomer: the post

Your defense of Israel's servant (((Trump))) is duly noted, rabbi.

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Jow Forums is literally mentally retarded.

Everyone with a brain doesn't believe your conspiracy theory bullshit

Chlorine is a very toxic gas.

That's why they use it in small, concentrated amounts to KILL contaminants in swimming pools

A fucking child could accidentally mix bleach and ammonia to produce a chlorine bomb potent enough to kill his entire family in a poorly circulated living space.

that is one angry coal-burning tranny

You made a funny, faggot!

Okay $$$shill$$$ it was *totally* Assad because why not make a huge disaster for yourself with literally no reason to do so?

Fuck out of here you absolute retard.

Not only are you too fucking retarded to see how this affects you beyond "some dead non-huwites" but you're too fucking stupid to correctly use the meme flag meme.

Chlorine like WWI trench warfare

Nobody is going to overthrow Assad, so what the fuck does he have to lose? Do something then lie about it. Taken right from Putin's playbook.

You can't be that retarded can you? You really are though.

Ann Coulter is the Lauren Southern for boomers. Shame on you for listening to the political opinions of women.

I live in the comfy Midwest...Please enlighten me on how this affects me. (Tax dollars getting spent on bombs) fucking good

Right, because a dictator with EVERYTHING to lose wants to provoke the ire of the international community, by using literally the cheapest and most retard-proof chemical weapon to fabricate in a STRATEGICALLY WORTHLESS attack on random civilians when he could have just killed all of them with normal bombs and blamed faulty avionics, or the pilot himself?

You sure are $$$trying$$$ very hard to protect the narrative, shill.... even to the point of utterly abandoning any semblance of critical thinking.

Fuck out of here, neo-CTR

Hey retard the Midwest is the number one repository for the shitskin nigger refugees you Jow Forumstards seem to hate so badly.

Are you too fucking dumb to connect THESE dots or should I explain how further bombing of the middle east, false flag or otherwise, is the reason moronic Midwest slobs like you can't stretch your arms without bumping into a Mohammed?

He either got suckered (doubtful), or after warning Syria, he had to fire off a few missiles for appearance sake for the Deep State.

Or he can use this to show the public why he distrusts the IC.

Your points are valid but would be better if you STOPPED posting like a fucking BOOMER the ENTIRE time

No apologies for the lies of the past, only new lies and new wars to look forward to in the future. If the people will beleive Sandy Hoax was real, they will believe anything.

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welcome to 2014 dumbass

Except he didn't bomb Syria, he tossed a couple missiles at an empty airfield that the U.S. military pre warned Syria about. Fucking Ann is so retarded

Jow Forums is fucking retarded because niggers like you can't fucking understand or properly respond to posts because you don't like their format or poster.

Keep your leftard "disregard facts I don't like from people I don't like" attitude.

You know they released casualty numbers in that precision strike last year. The only person got hurt was some dumbass that was trying to film the missiles being deflected by Syrias counter measures, shrapnel hit the dumbass, but didn't kill them.

Remember when trump bombed literally nothing to appease the rest of the world and show force because he knew the gas attack was bullshit?

yeah no shit, it's what we said all along

Did Trump really bomb anything? It was basically a fireworks display with no casualties. Last year he bombed an empty airfield that was already resuming use the next day. These were just theatrics

>syrian air defense stopped 77~ of the 100+ missile
>being so deluded you think trump prevented the destruction
yea bro, thank god trump took over and took ISIS out of the picture right??? MAGA

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>Estimates of deaths in the Syrian Civil War, per opposition activist groups, vary between 321,358 and 470,000
15/400,000 = 0

Anyone remember operation FishyGas? Everyone on Jow Forums knew it was a false flag from the start. One of the few things Trump fucked up on.

>implying ISIS is anything other than an CIA/Mossad front