>Left pic it literally the descendant of the demonic asiatic horsemen from Mulan
>Right pic is a descendant of glorious European warriors who put kebabs on spikes
Is there any justice in the world?
>Left pic it literally the descendant of the demonic asiatic horsemen from Mulan
>Right pic is a descendant of glorious European warriors who put kebabs on spikes
Is there any justice in the world?
Every nation and people has its uggos mate. Stop cherrypicking.
He's an Amerikike Jew. Sedition and divide and conquer is his life.
Impale the muslim scum.
Romanians let gypsies infiltrate their bloodlines.
It's quite sad actually.
Romanian chicks are the hottest women around though. Man.. they're super hot
And it's because of their gypsy bloodlines. It gives them distinct features
>Distinct features
That's more likely a gypsie women on the right but you might have an interesting point tho
Reality is the left one is probably obese now
Color correction and blonde hair dye.
Both ethnicities are mixed race garbage
Romanians are white
Alina Vacariu
Stop this meme please, gypsy women are disgusting and smell
Andreea Diaconu
I wouldn't know..
I do not see them around here.
Catrinel Menghia
Catrinel Menghia... again (==8
Kek, I can cherry-pick too.
didn’t stop you and Serbs from mixing with them
>What went wrong?
It's called cherry picking.
It's when you find and compare opposite extremes rather than averages.
I don't know why the fuck you'd think this is the truth.
Hungarians are, on average, a bunch of prickly assholes with the sense of empathy of your average chinaman. The only thing they have going for them is the sense of order that the Austrians made them adopt throughout history.
Romanians are friendly, quick to befriend others and generally inventive. Their problem is the horrid social pessimism instilled into them by years of communism.
Is that fucking Dumi?
Let me tell you which country is white the thread
Keep telling yourself that... Maybe it will help cope the fact that you live in just as big of a shithole as ours
I don’t have to tell myself genetically proven facts. Were I living in shithole like yours, I wouldn’t have to see so many your orthodox gypsy nigger Serbian fuckbuddies every day of my life
The dumbasses from villages were making rape groups in the past and going for gypsie sluts. One of my elderly neighbours told me about how drunk young idiots were chassing them down.Those gypsie mutts must be the outcome of those.
that girl is at least half-white, no way she's pure romanian
there are pure Romanians but they are probably less than 40% of Romanian population today